Equity Advisory Committee


The EAC works to support the continued exploration of issues of equity and diversity, help the city attract and retain an increasingly diverse and well-qualified staff, and research ways to increase equity in regard to housing, land use, hiring, policing, mental health, transportation, accessibility, systemic poverty, aging populations, racial and non-racial cultural divisions, and more to implement policy-based solutions throughout day-to-day and long-range planning.

Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of even months (February, April, June, August, October, December) at 5 p.m. at City Hall and remotely over Microsoft Teams. The public is welcome to attend and participate.

The EAC shall serve in an advisory capacity to the City of Ferndale and the City Council. All recommendations of the EAC shall be presented to the full Council.

Members shall be appointed upon the basis of demonstrated interest in, and knowledge and support of equity and diversity. Members of the public who have resided in Ferndale School District for at least one year are eligible to serve on the Committee.

Members are appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council.

Members of the public wishing to serve can fill out an application and send it to City Clerk Susan Duncan. You can find the application here.

Equity Advisory Committee Term Expires
Pos. 1: Brian Knight Dec. 31, 2026
Pos. 2: Sarah Gearhart Dec. 31, 2026
Pos. 3: Angelica Garcia Dec. 31, 2026
Pos. 4: Stacy Miller Dec. 31, 2028
Pos. 5: Stephanie Fox Dec. 31, 2028
Pos. 6: Bryer Barmore (Chair) Dec. 31, 2028
Pos. 7: Alyssa Fitz Dec. 31, 2028

Equity Advisory Committee Staff LiaisonJori Burnett