Report an Issue
Is there a pothole in your road, a downed power line, a code enforcement issue or a health violation? If you need to reach a City official, here’s a good place to start. Check out the options below to find the best person or agency to contact.

Water Leak?
If during work hours, please call the Public Works Department at (360) 384-4006. If after hours, please call 911, inform them it is not an emergency and give them the details. They will contact our public works team.

Power Outage?
Please contact Puget Sound Energy for information on power outages. Click here to see their Outage Map and report a power outage.

Citizen Complaint Form
If you wish to report a city code violation or potential issue of concern, please click here to use our Citizen Complaint form.

Need an officer? Call 9-1-1
If you need a Ferndale police officer for any reason, call 9-1-1. Yes, we know this goes against everything you’ve been taught, but in Whatcom County our dispatch center has asked that we do it this way. They just request that you let the call receiver know right away if your call is a non-emergency or emergency call, so that they can prioritize their calls.