Ferndale Rate Study Project
With rising costs and scheduled expansions to the city’s infrastructure, the City is conducting a rate study project. This study determines the adjustments in rates needed to pay for forecasted changes in expenses in a fair and equitable way.
Below you will find information on our utility system and how you can best be involved in this process.
Proposed Rate Structure
Oct. 13th, 2019 – Recommended Rate Structure and Supporting Materials
Oct. 28th, 2019 – Final Recommended Rate Structure
Dec. 16th, 2019 – City Council meeting – New Rate Structure Passes (5-2)
A utility rate study examines the total cost of upcoming infrastructure and maintenance needs for the foreseeable future and then analyzes utility usage (how much water is used each day), consumer groups (residential, multi-family, commercial) and fees (flat fee, usage fee, connection fees, impact fees) to find the most equitable way to fund the city’s utility system.