Purchase a Tile in the New Star Park Picnic Shelter

UPDATE – Purchase Deadline May 14th, 2021
In summer 2021, the City will be constructing a Picnic Shelter adjacent to Star Park. This facility will include picnic tables, a large countertop and sink area with running water and artistic features that match the unique character of Star Park.
The base of the sink area will be covered with 4 x 8 ceramic tiles (picture above, equal to about the size of an average brick). These tiles are now available for purchase.
- These tiles will be sold on a first come, first serve basis. If we receive your order after the tiles have been sold, we will return your funds.
- Cost will be $50 per tile.
- Other opportunities, including sponsorship of picnic tables, will be available at a later time for local businesses.
To purchase a tile, please print and complete this form (one form per tile) with check or money order made out to “City of Ferndale.” Printed forms are also available at the front door of City Hall.
Mail form and payment to City of Ferndale, PO Box 936, Ferndale, WA 98248.
For more information, please contact Communication Officer Riley Sweeney at rileysweeney@cityofferndale.org or (360) 685-2353.