Phase II Municipal Stormwater Permit Information

Stormwater Comprehensive Plan

The Stormwater Comprehensive Plan update characterizes the Stormwater Management Program and Stormwater Utility and identifies projects to improve the stormwater system and levee.

The City selected Northwest Hydraulic Consultants (NHC) with Reichhardt & Ebe Engineering to update the 2005 Stormwater Comprehensive Management Plan. Additions and revisions include current regulatory requirements, stormwater system information including identified deficiencies, CIP project information, stormwater system maintenance information, and stormwater program administration and staffing review.

Stormwater Management Action Planning

The City completed a Receiving Water Assessment and Prioritization and developed a Stormwater Management Action Plan (SMAP) for the Schell Creek planning unit to meet the requirements of the 2019-2024 Western Washington Phase II Municipal Stormwater Permit.