Pioneer Pavilion Community Center

Located at 2007 Cherry Street, just outside of rustic Pioneer Park in beautiful downtown Ferndale

January 1, 2024
New rental rules and requirements are in place. Please review, even if you’ve previously rented the Pioneer Pavilion

This facility is available for rent for celebrations and community events! With nearly 6,000 square feet, this space is perfect for your next wedding and/or reception, quinceañera, convention hall or company event. The hall comes complete with a caterer’s kitchen, bathrooms, tables and chairs for up to 300 guests.

Check the availability calendar here

Online Rental Application
Submit the online form and it will send directly to parks reservations

Standard Rental Application
Fill out the standard form and email to
or print out and bring the completed form to Ferndale City Hall

Rental applications are processed in the order they are received.

The City of Ferndale reserves the right to refuse any and all applications. Upon signing the Application, Renter shall pay the City of Ferndale the appropriate fees as stated below. The Security and Alcohol Deposits are for the purpose of securing Renter’s obligations to return the Pioneer Pavilion Event Center in an undamaged and clean condition and to compensate the City, in whole or in part, for any additional charges owed under this agreement.

Pioneer Pavilion Facility Use Information

Rental hours are from 6:00 AM to 1:00 AM.  All amplified sound including music, live band, DJ or speaking voice and announcements must be off by 10:00 PM. (absolutely no exception). Clean up and putting away tables and chairs must be completed; all decorations and materials must be removed and you must be out of the facility no later than 1:00 AM.

A 25% deposit of the rental fee is due to reserve the facility prior to 30 days from the event.  Payment in full, including the damage and alcohol deposit is due at the time of booking, if the reservation is less than 30 days from the event.  A Reservation Deposit is not an actual contract for rental approval but a “hold the date.” The application must be approved by the city prior to the event. The Facility Rental Manager will notify the renter if there are any questions or concerns. The remaining rental fee must be paid no later than 30 days before the date of the Event. Any event not paid in full by that date will be deemed cancelled by the city and will not be permitted to occur. All deposit refunds will be forfeited.

All reservations for functions are made upon and subject to the rules and regulations of the City of Ferndale and are subject to the terms and conditions described herein.  It shall be the sole responsibility of the Renter to completely inform their agents, employees, vendors/contractors, and guests concerning their obligations under this Agreement.  Renter may have access to the Pioneer Pavilion Event Center general room, kitchen, the storage area for tables and chairs, the parking lot, and the restroom facilities on premises.

All damage and cleaning deposits are partially refundable, less the non-refundable cleaning fee if the facility is returned to its original condition.

Full Day or Half Day rental cleaning fee is $150, Hourly cleaning fee is $50 (this will be retained from the deposit).

This refundable deposit is due for any event serving alcohol in addition to all other deposits and rental fees. This deposit will be refunded if the facility is returned to its original condition and there are no incidences reported to the City or Ferndale Police in or around the facility during the rental period, this includes the parking lot around the facility.

Any party that is serving alcohol is required to obtain an alcohol permit from Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board here: This permit will need to be submitted to the city 30 days prior to the event.

An alcohol deposit of an additional $500 will be required and due to the city 30 days prior to the event.

Any party with 150 or more patrons, serving alcohol will be required to hire a Mandatory Alcohol Server (MAST) certified server to be responsible for all alcohol services. Proof of this will need to be submitted to the city 30 days prior to the event.

Any party with 150 or more patrons, serving alcohol will be required to hire third party security to be present for the duration of the event while alcohol is present. Proof of this will need to be submitted to the city 30 days prior to the event.

Renter agrees to obtain and maintain throughout the term of the event, at Renter’s sole cost and expense, Liability Insurance.  Such insurance must provide limits of not less than $1,000,000 for each occurrence.  The insurer must be acceptable to the city and must be licensed to do business in the State of Washington.  Any deductible or self-insured retention must be disclosed and is subject to approval by the City.  The City shall be named as an “Additional Insured” and Renter shall provide with the signed Agreement, copies of the insurance “Certificate of Evidence of Insurance” showing the City as Additional Insured, and shall not be allowed to be canceled, materially changed or allowed to expire before Event date(s) or termination of this contract.

To obtain event insurance please to

Cancellations less than 60 days from the event will result in forfeiture of the 25% deposit to hold the facility. Less than 30 days will result in a forfeiture of 50% of the rental fee.

Early entry to the facility for set up will require an additional half day rental at the appropriate rate. (This will only be allowed if there are no other rentals previously scheduled for the prior day).

What’s Included in the Rental

  • Nearly 6000 square feet of open floor area to set up anyway you would like
  • Full use of large caterer’s kitchen including a roll up serving window
  • A large rolling bar
  • 38 – 6 top round tables (seats 228)
  • 16 – 4 top round tables (seats 64)
  • 3 – 8’ long rectangular tables (good for buffets)
  • 300 folding chairs
  • Catering kitchen includes commercial refrigerator, freezer, two-200 cup coffee makers, 3-basin, commercial sink and 2 stainless steel, rolling counters.
  • Audio/Visual: wireless mics, sound system, projector, and screen. Please bring electronic device that you are intending to use for the event to the pre-event walk through to receive training on the system. Additional training after the pre-event walk through hourly rate will be charged against the deposit.
  • Rolling podium
  • American and Washington State flags

Pioneer Pavilion Rental Rates

MONDAY – THURSDAY:          4 HOURS OR LESS:       $400    PLUS $1000 DEPOSIT
MONDAY – THURSDAY:          ALL DAY EVENT:       $900    PLUS $1000 DEPOSIT
FRI, SAT, SUNDAY:                    4 HOURS OR LESS:       $500    PLUS $1000 DEPOSIT
FRI, SAT, SUNDAY:                    ALL DAY EVENT:           $1000 PLUS $1000 DEPOSIT
**ALCOHOL SERVICE DEPOSIT: (refundable)               $500

MONDAY – THURSDAY:          4 HOURS OR LESS:    $200    PLUS $500 DEPOSIT
MONDAY – THURSDAY:          ALL DAY EVENT:           $750    PLUS $1000 DEPOSIT
FRI, SAT, SUNDAY:                    4 HOURS OR LESS:    $300    PLUS $500 DEPOSIT
FRI, SAT, SUNDAY:                    ALL DAY EVENT:           $850    PLUS $1000 DEPOSIT

MONDAY – THURSDAY:          4 HOURS OR LESS:    $100    PLUS $500 DEPOSIT
MONDAY – THURSDAY:          ALL DAY EVENT:           $250    PLUS $500 DEPOSIT
FRI, SAT, SUNDAY:                    4 HOURS OR LESS:    $200    PLUS $500 DEPOSIT
FRI, SAT, SUNDAY:                    ALL DAY EVENT:           $350    PLUS $500 DEPOSIT

*Non-Profit as defined by the IRS and must be in original name, proof of non-profit status must be provided with application submittal.


Intended for non-profit small youth group rental. If large rental is scheduled, groups may need to move dates addressed on an individual basis.
MONDAY – THURSDAY            2 HOURS OR LESS:        $50/MONTH @1X/WEEK        PLUS $200 DEPOSIT
$100/MONTH @2X/WEEK      PLUS $200 DEPOSIT

Next Steps

  1. Schedule a walk through
  2. Event Insurance
  3. Banquet Permit FAQs

For questions, please call the Facility Manager at the Ferndale Chamber of Commerce (360) 384-3042 or The City of Ferndale Facilities Rental Manager at 360-685-2369 or email at