Shop Well #2 – Wellhouse Project
The Shop Well #2 – Wellhouse Project, to be completed in 2020, is intended to provide the City with an additional 300 to 800 gpm water supply source. This project includes construction of a new CMU block wellhouse building (12’-8” x 22’ x 12’ tall) with metal roof, similar to City’s existing Shop Well #1 Wellhouse Building. Project also includes completion of well base structure, piping, valves, 30-HP submersible well pump, electrical, controls, instrumentation, programming, and configuration for a future permanent 200-HP submersible well pump. In addition, work will include a concrete retaining wall structure, site grading/drainage improvements, asphalt pavement surfacing, fence/gate improvements, new backup generator, new primary power feed and transformer on east side of Shop site, and other miscellaneous work items.
News & Information
Bid Information
Note to bidders: Bids will only be accepted from Bidders who are listed on the plan holder list. If you download plans and specifications from this website, please email info@wilsonengineering.com to be added to the plan holder list. Please call Wilson Engineering at (360) 733-6100 with questions regarding plan downloads.
- Engineer’s Estimate Range — $800,000 to $1,2000,000
- Pre-Bid Meeting — 1:00PM, Monday, January 23rd, 2020
- Invitation to Bid
- Bid Opening Scheduled for Thursday, January 30th, 2020 at 11:00am at Ferndale City Hall.
- Certified Bid Tabulation
- Plan Holder List
- ADDENDA (failure to acknowledge receipt of addenda at time of bid may result in bid rejection)
- Project Specifications
- Project Plans (11×17)