Pete and Nita Harksell Receive the Mayor’s Award for Outstanding Citizenship
In recognition for their years of devotion to the Ferndale community, Pete and Nita Harksell were awarded the 2019 Mayor’s Award for Outstanding Citizenship at last night’s council meeting. Lifelong residents of Ferndale, the Harksells own and operate Pete’s Auto Repair which has been in business for fifty years.
But their devotion to Ferndale extends beyond their business. Pete and Nita can be found volunteering with the local Kiwanis chapter, the Old Settlers Association, the Heritage Society and serving three terms on the board of the Ferndale Chamber of Commerce. Currently, Pete shares his wealth of experience with our community as a member of the Parks, Recreation and Trails Advisory Board.
“Always kind, generous and willing to jump in and get their hands dirty to help, the Harksells exemplify what is best about Ferndale,” said Mayor Jon Mutchler.
The Mayor’s Award for Outstanding Citizenship, also called the “Fernies”, is an annual tradition from the City to recognize members of the community for their extraordinary commitment to the betterment of our city.