City Extends All Permit Expiration Dates

City Extends All Permit Expiration Dates

To account for lost time due to the Governor’s Stay Home, Stay Healthy order, the City of Ferndale is extending all permits expiration dates to allow for projects to move forward.

Applicants with a permit that was in active status and had been issued prior to Friday April 24, 2020 will be reset to the maximum 180 days as allowed by the Ferndale Municipal Code.

“We understand the impacts that are being felt with our construction industry and we want to give people the time they need to complete their projects,” said Mayor Greg Hansen. “We can’t turn back the clock but this is the next best thing.”

For more information or questions about a specific project, please contact Community Development Director Haylie Miller at or 360-685-2367.

Wednesday, April 29, 2020 Council Committees Remote Meeting Notice

The regularly scheduled Council Committee meetings on Wednesday, April 29, 2020 will be held remotely via Microsoft Teams, with staff and Councilmembers accessing the meeting from individual locations. This complies with Governor Jay Inslee’s Stay at Home Order, which states, in part, that people should refrain from all public gatherings, including civic activities.

These are still open public meetings as defined by the Open Public Meetings Act. The City will be using Microsoft Teams to livestream the meeting. Members of the public do not need to download anything to view the proceedings. To join the live events, click on the following links:

The Public Works & Utilities meeting begins at 8:00 a.m. Public Works & Utilities Committee Meeting

The Finance & Administration Committee meeting begins at 9:00 a.m.  Finance & Administration Committee Meeting

The Planning & Land Use Committee meeting begins at 10:00 a.m. Planning & Land Use Committee Meeting

Notice Traffic Revisions and Possible Delays: Monday, April 27, 2020, 7am to 7pm

Notice Traffic Revisions and Possible Delays: Monday, April 27, 2020, 7am to 7pm

Rural Avenue, between Slater Road and Wynn Road

Drivers should expect delays as traffic is reduced to single lane traffic on Rural Avenue, between Slater Road and Wynn Road on Monday, April 27, 2020 between the hours of 7:00 AM and 7:00 PM. This work is to complete road improvements associated with a private development project. Flaggers will be onsite to direct traffic. Road will remain open during nonworking hours.

If you have questions regarding this notice, please contact Ferndale Public Works Department at (360) 384-4006.

Construction to Resume with Additional Safety Precautions

Today, Governor Jay Inslee lifted most restrictions on residential and commercial construction, allowing low risk construction projects to resume with additional safety precautions.

Mayor Greg Hansen is grateful that the Governor has listened to our repeated requests to restart construction in a safe and responsible way and this is a good start. For full details of the safety requirements, please see the guidelines available here. For questions about individual projects, please see Community Development Director Haylie Miller at or 360-685-2367.

Mayor Greg Hansen Speaks about Intalco, Old Settlers and Getting Back to Work


Hello Ferndale,

First, let me thank you and the thousands of other residents for all you’ve done to keep us safe and healthy this last month. Whether you are a grocery store clerk working at Haggens or Grocery Outlet, a Ferndale school teacher trying to keep your students engaged through a computer or just sheltering at home with your family, you are doing your part to protect our community. Thank you.

I wanted to take a few moments to talk to everyone in the City about what our future looks like. I’ve been in almost daily contact with the Governor’s office fighting to get Ferndale back to business in a safe and responsible way. I want to see our projects restarted and our businesses open but we have to do it right. The last thing anyone wants is for Ferndale to be ground zero for the next outbreak. A second wave would cause an even more brutal round of shut downs and we cannot afford that in either lives or dollars. That’s why I am so relieved to see most Ferndale residents doing what they can to stay home and stay healthy.

In another couple of weeks, we will see the restrictions from the Governor’s Stay Home, Stay Healthy order begin to be lifted but it will not be like flipping a switch. We will still need to maintain social distancing for much of our day-to-day operations and we cannot allow large gatherings. Last week, the Old Settlers Association, the Chamber of Commerce and the City jointly agreed to suspend their large public events this summer in an effort to prevent another outbreak. Believe me, I was looking forward to Old Settlers Weekend, especially since this year would have been their 125 anniversary. Make no mistake, we will still celebrate our history – we will just have to do it without a big parade or festival in the park.

Even more troubling, this week we received news that the Intalco facility was closing. The smelter is part of the lifeblood of our community, and they have been putting food on the tables of Ferndale families for almost three generations. This closure will be a critical blow to our local economy in the midst of a difficult time. But we are Ferndale, we look after each other especially when things look the most grim. I know that I will do everything in my power to breathe life back into this facility and fight like hell for all of our Ferndale families that find themselves out of work.

These are difficult and troubling times but we are a resilient community. We’ve survived floods, economic disasters, tragedies and more. We will survive this – together.

Thank you

Mayor Greg Hansen Statement on Intalco Facility Closure

Mayor Greg Hansen Statement on Intalco Facility Closure:

“This news is simply heartbreaking. The smelter is part of the lifeblood of our community, and they have been putting food on the tables of Ferndale families for almost three generations. This closure will be a critical blow to our local economy in the midst of a difficult time.

We are Ferndale, we look after each other especially when things look the most grim.

I know that I will do everything in my power to breathe life back into this facility and fight like hell for all of our Ferndale families that find themselves out of work.”

Invitation to Bid For Nordic to Scout Water Main Extension

City of Ferndale Project No. WA2018-01

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by CITY OF FERNDALE that electronic .pdf copies of bid proposals will be received by the City of Ferndale via email to until May 14, 2020 at 2:00 pm. The opening and reading of the bids will then be live-streamed via Microsoft Teams for the Nordic to Scout Water Main Extension. Live stream information can be found on the City of Ferndale’s project website at Hard copies matching the electronically delivered bid proposals must be received via US mail attn: Ferndale Public Works Department, Nordic to Scout Water Main Bid, PO Box 936, Ferndale, Washington, 98248, (360) 384-4006, no later than May 21, 2020 at 5:00 pm.

PROJECT DESCRIPTION: This contact provides for the construction of approximately 600 linear feet of 12-inch diameter water main. Work will include trench excavation, boring under BNSF Railroad Right-Of-Way, and other work in accordance with the Contract Plans, Special Provisions, the Standard Specifications, including the amendments thereto, and Standard Plans.

Bid Guaranty

All bid proposals shall be accompanied by a bid proposal deposit in cash, certified check, cashier’s check, or surety bond in an amount equal to five percent (5%) of the amount of such bid proposal.  Should the successful bidder fail to enter into such contract and furnish satisfactory performance bond and payment bond both in an amount of 100 percent (100%) of the contract price within the time stated in the specifications, the bid proposal deposit shall be forfeited to the City of Ferndale.  All bidders and subcontractors shall have a contractor’s license to work in the State of Washington and a City of Ferndale Business License before starting work. All work performed on this project will be subject to prevailing state wage rates.

Project Documents 

Maps, plans, and specifications may be obtained electronically from the Ferndale Public Works Department, via download on the City of Ferndale website at  If you download the bid documents, you are required to contact the City via email at to be added to the plan holders’ list.

The City of Ferndale in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 78 Stat. 252, 42 USC 2000d to 2000d-4 and Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, Department of Transportation, Subtitle A, Office of the Secretary, Part 21, Nondiscrimination in Federally-Assisted Programs of the Department of Transportation issued pursuant to such Act, hereby notifies all bidders that it will affirmatively ensure that in any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, disadvantaged business enterprises as defined at 49 CFR Part 26 will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, national origin, or sex in consideration for an award.

The City of Ferndale is an Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action Employer.  Minority and Women-Owned firms are encouraged to submit bids.

Susan Duncan

City Clerk – City of Ferndale

Work to Proceed on the Thornton Street Overpass Project

The City is working with Strider Construction Co., Inc. to proceed with the Thornton Street Overpass Project.  Work could begin as early as this week. 

The Thornton Street Overpass, which will provide a vital transportation corridor for our community is determined to be an essential project and not subject to the Governor’s Stay Home, Stay Healthy order. The start of work was initially anticipated on April 6th, but was not begun so both the City and the Contractor could address how best to safely move forward with the project. 

“This project is a must-have for Ferndale,” said Mayor Greg Hansen. “I am relieved that we have a pathway to proceed with construction in a safe and responsible way.” The project will be utilizing appropriate social distancing, sanitation, and other life-safety practices. 

Initial construction will include utility improvements, and earthen wall embankments leading up to the overpass needed to clear BNSF’s tracks, ahead of the planned the bridge structure and road improvements.  Because of the pre-loading needed to stabilize and compress the soils beneath the embankments leading up to the bridge, the construction phase of the project will stretch across multiple construction seasons to allow sufficient time for the soils to settle and compact.  After the settlement period, construction on the bridge structure can begin.  The City is anticipating a 3-year construction period, with completion estimated in 2023. 

For more details on the Thornton Street Overpass, visit or follow the hashtag #ThorntonOverpass. For questions, please contact Capital Projects Manager Katy Radder at (360) 685-2377 or