Notice Traffic Revisions and Possible Delays: Friday, June 26, 2020, 8:30am to 7:30pm
Intersection at Grandview Road and Portal Way
Drivers should expect delays as the traffic signals located at the intersection of Grandview Road (SR 548) and Portal Way will be flashing on Friday, June 26, 2020, between the hours of 8:30 AM and 7:30 PM. Flaggers will be onsite to direct traffic. Road will remain open during nonworking hours.
If you have questions regarding this notice, please contact Ferndale Public Works Department at (360) 384-4006.
The City Council meeting at 5:00 p.m. (Note the time change from the regular starting time of 6:00 p.m.) on Monday, June 15, 2020 will be held remotely via Microsoft Teams, with staff and Councilmembers accessing the meeting from individual locations This complies with Governor Jay Inslee’s Stay at Home Order, which states, in part, that people should refrain from all public gatherings, including civic activities.
This is still an open public meeting as defined by the Open Public Meetings Act. The City will be using Microsoft Teams to livestream the council meeting. Members of the public do not need to download anything to view the proceedings. To join the meeting, click here.
Included in Monday’s meeting is a Public Hearing regarding the 6-Year Transportation Improvement Program. Members of the public may provide comment during the public hearing by one of the following methods:
Phone in when the Mayor announces the opening of the public hearing. 360-685-2385
In-person at 6594 Second Avenue. In-person attendance will be limited to 5 members of the public.
The meeting will begin at 5:00 p.m. on Monday, June 15.
The public comment session at the opening of the meeting has been cancelled until further notice. Members of the public are encouraged to submit written comments to City Clerk Susan Duncan by emailing Comments received prior to 4:00 p.m. Monday, June 15 will be included in the meeting record.
This Friday starting at 7:45pm, graduating Seniors will parade through downtown Ferndale on their way to the graduation celebration at Ferndale High School. This parade is organized by the Senior Class Parent group in consultation with the City of Ferndale, the Ferndale Police Department and the Ferndale School District.
Participants will line up in the Pioneer Parking lot, and overflowing to the Phillip 66 ballfields, at 7:30pm before making their way to Main Street and continuing on through to Ferndale High School.
All participants are advised to practice social distancing during this time and should remain in their vehicles. Practice 6’ separation from other families, and wear masks when such distancing is impractical. Volunteers will be there to help facilitate. Students may drive themselves, have a parent or other driver, and/or may ride together with no more than four people to a car, as per Washington State Phase II requirements.
All vehicles and occupants must follow existing traffic regulations, including observing traffic signals and lights, yielding to pedestrians, wearing seatbelts, observing posted speed limits, and avoiding stoppage during the parade route. Be aware that businesses will still be operating including pick up services for restaurants.
Family and community members are invited to come out and cheer our Seniors on along the parade route. Spectators will need to stay on the sidewalks, not enter the roadway to greet the participants, and should not stop traffic for photos.
Prior to the parade, graduates and their families are encouraged to grab a bite to eat from one of Ferndale’s great restaurants downtown, either dine in or take out.
For those traveling through the City during this time, please utilize alternative routes if possible and obey all traffic direction provided.
Notice Traffic Revisions and Possible Delays: Wednesday, June 10, 2020 and Thursday, June 11, 2020, 7am to 5pm
Intersection of Slater Road and Rural Avenue
Drivers should expect delays as the traffic signals located at the intersection of Slater Road and Rural Avenue will be temporarily disconnected on Wednesday, June 10, 2020, and Thursday, June 11, 2020 between the hours of 7:00 AM and 5:00 PM. Flaggers will be onsite to direct traffic. Road will remain open during nonworking hours. This work is to complete road improvements associated with a private development project.
If you have questions regarding this notice, please contact Ferndale Public Works Department at (360) 384-4006.
After the recent billing irregularities, there was a clear need for the City to follow up with more communication with our utility customers. To that end, utility customers received this “ALL WATER” mailer pictured above recently.
Usually utility mailers are inserted into a billing but the City felt it necessary to put it in the public’s hands as soon as possible so it has arrived on its own. The next utility billing is not until June 30th.
Whatcom Unified Command (WUC), the community’s multi-jurisdictional response to COVID-19 locally, has begun distribution of more than 100,000 single-use face masks to area businesses. The free, disposable masks, as well as some durable masks, are meant to help businesses meet state guidelines as they prepare for re-opening. WUC is partnering with local Chambers of Commerce, Downtown Bellingham Partnership and other organizations to distribute masks to businesses opening in Phase 2.
Whatcom County has moved into Phase 2 of the State’s Safe Start plan. In Phase 1, essential businesses such as grocery stores and pharmacies remained open; Phase 2 allows additional businesses to reopen. The masks provided by WUC are intended to serve as an initial supply for businesses, for staff and customers without masks, while businesses establish their own purchasing process for future supplies. These single-use masks will help businesses comply with both the State requirement and the Whatcom County directive.
According to information released by the Governor’s office: “Beginning June 8, all employees will be required to wear a cloth facial covering, except when working alone in an office, vehicle, or at a job site, or when the job has no in-person interaction. Employers must provide cloth facial coverings to employees, unless their exposure dictates a higher level of protection under the Department of Labor and Industries’ safety and health rules and guidance. Refer to Coronavirus Facial Covering and Mask Requirements for additional details. Employees may choose to wear their own facial coverings at work, provided it meets the minimum requirements.”
Whatcom Unified Command is also providing 20,000 KN95 masks to medical and dental offices within Whatcom County, as well as 80,000 procedural masks. This is in response to the donation of masks to WUC by many dental and medical offices at the onset of COVID-19. Providing the offices with this initial supply of masks allows them to open in Phase 2, while then establishing their own supply chain.
Two of WUC’s objectives are to mitigate and prevent the spread of COVID-19 and to support the most vulnerable members of our community. To that end, WUC has also purchased 10,000 durable cloth face coverings for vulnerable populations locally. These masks are being distributed via direct service providers, such as SeaMar Community Health Centers, the Opportunity Council and others.
In Phase 2 of Safe Start Washington, people may gather in groups of five or less. Physical distancing and use of masks, as well as hand washing, sanitizing, and remaining home while ill, are still recommended by the Whatcom County Health Department (WCHD). For more information on resources for businesses and other community groups, visit the state website on resources and recommendations.
WUC continues to accept homemade cloth masks donated via designated ballot boxes. Donated masks are sanitized and distributed to essential businesses. To find out more or to donate, contact WUC Logistics, via
The regularly scheduled Council Committee meetings on Wednesday, June 10, 2020 will be held remotely via Microsoft Teams, with staff and Councilmembers accessing the meeting from individual locations. This complies with Governor Jay Inslee’s Stay at Home Order, which states, in part, that people should refrain from all public gatherings, including civic activities.
These are still open public meetings as defined by the Open Public Meetings Act. The City will be using Microsoft Teams to livestream the meeting. Members of the public do not need to download anything to view the proceedings. To join the live events, click on the following links: