Potential Scam Alert

The City has been informed of a potential phone scam related to City utility bills where the caller purports to represent the City of Ferndale and requests additional personal information in order to initiate a refund for a water deposit. The City of Ferndale does not make contact with individuals in this manner. Please do not provide any personal information if you receive such a phone call.

Announcing the 2021 Summer of Fun Parks Activities

The City of Ferndale is proud to announce a full slate of summer parks activities this year.  With careful consideration and consultation with our health experts, the city is moving forward with our “2021 Summer of Fun.”

These events will be held outdoors in Ferndale parks and require that all attendees practice social distancing and wear a face covering to ensure everyone can have a safe experience.

“We know everyone is excited to get out of the house and do something fun this summer.  We believe we have a way to come together as a community in a safe and responsible way,” said Mayor Greg Hansen.

Here is the full list of activities:

Food Truck Fridays will be held on the first Friday of each month (June 4th, July 2nd and August 6th) at Star Park.  Food Trucks from around Whatcom County will be selling hot meals starting at 5:30 pm. Participating vendors include the Mobile Mouth Hole, Cicchitti’s Pizza, Outlaws BBW, Simmering Tava, Pete’s Poutine and BareBones BBQ.

Music in the Park will be held on Friday June 18th, and Saturdays July 17th and August 14th on the stage in the historic Pioneer Village. Seattle area rock cover band “3 Trick Pony” will be playing June 18th, and Bellingham R&B/Hip-hop sensation “SpaceBand” will be playing July 17th and “Vaudeville Etiquette” an energetic, psychedelic folk band will be playing August 14th. Gates open at 5:30pm, music starts at 6pm.

WECU presents Flicks in the Park held Friday nights on June 25th, July 9th and July 16th at dusk in the historic Pioneer Village. We will be showing “Coco” “Labyrinth” and “Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade”. gates open at 9:00pm, movie begins at dusk.

The Great Ferndale Frontier Folly, a citywide scavenger hunt with riddles and prizes. This event will be held throughout the month of July.

Stargazing with the Perseids Meteor Shower will be held on Friday, August 13th after dark at VanderYacht Park. Identify constellations with glow-in-the-dark star charts, observe the moon and other celestial objects through larger telescopes provided by amateur astronomers or just relax and enjoy the peak of the Perseids Meteor Shower.

More food trucks, bands and films will all be announced later this Spring via the City of Ferndale’s social media channels. More information is available at www.cityofferndale.org/parks or by contacting Recreation Coordinator Riley Sweeney at rileysweeney@cityofferndale.org or (360) 685-2353.

Monday, March 15, 2021 City Council Remote Meeting Notice

The City Council meeting at 5:00 p.m. on Monday,  March 15, 2021  (note the time change from the regular start time of 6:00 p.m.) will be held remotely via Microsoft Teams, with staff and Councilmembers accessing the meeting from individual locations. This complies with Governor Jay Inslee’s Proclamation 20-28, as extended until further notice.

This is still an open public meeting as defined by the Open Public Meetings Act. The City will be using Microsoft Teams to livestream the council meeting. Members of the public do not need to download anything to view the proceedings. To join the meeting, click here.

Included in Monday’s meeting is a Public Hearing regarding amendments to FMC 18.88 – Shipping Containers. Members of the public who wish to provide comment on the Shipping Containers item or other agenda items may provide comment by one of the following methods:

  1. Shipping Containers: Email Community Development Director Haylie Miller prior to the meeting. (hayliemiller@cityofferndale.org)
  2. Other Agenda Items: Email City Clerk Susan Duncan prior to the meeting. (susanduncan@cityofferndale.org)
  3. Phone in when the Mayor announces the opening of the public hearing. 360-685-2373
  4. In-person at the City Hall Main Conference Room, 2095 Main Street. There is limited capacity for in-person attendance. Those wishing to offer a comment in person will be required to wear a face mask and observe social distancing requirements.

 Members of the public who wish to submit comments on items not on the agenda are encouraged to submit written comments to City Clerk Susan Duncan by emailing susanduncan@cityofferndale.org. Comments received prior to 4:30 p.m. Monday, March 15, 2021 will be read during the public comment period of the meeting and included in the meeting record. For more details on submitting public comments for a remote meeting click here.

Wednesday, March 10, 2021 Council Committees & Committee of the Whole Remote Meeting Notice

The regularly scheduled Council Committee meetings as well as the Committee of the  Whole Special Meeting on Wednesday, March 10, 2021 will be held remotely via Microsoft Teams, with staff and Councilmembers accessing the meeting from individual locations. This complies with Governor Jay Inslee’s Proclamation 20-28, as extended until further notice.

These are still open public meetings as defined by the Open Public Meetings Act. The City will be using Microsoft Teams to livestream the meeting. Members of the public do not need to download anything to view the proceedings. To join the live events, click on the following links:

The Public Works & Utilities Committee meeting begins at 8:00 a.m.

The Finance & Administration Committee meeting has been cancelled.

The Planning & Land Use Committee meeting begins at 10:00 a.m.

The Committee of the Whole meeting begins at 11:00 a.m.

Ferndale City Clerk Susan Duncan Elected as President of Washington Municipal Clerks Association

Incoming WMCA President Susan Duncan (right) with outgoing President Debbie Jermann (left)

Ferndale City Clerk Susan Duncan Elected as President of Washington Municipal Clerks Association

Ferndale City Clerk Susan Duncan was recently elected President of the Washington Municipal Clerks Association (WMCA). Founded in 1969, the WMCA is the statewide professional organization for municipal clerks,  facilitating development, support and professional excellence from those who manage the administrative services of our local governments.

Duncan has been the City Clerk of Ferndale since 2015 and is responsible for management of all public records, assembly of council packets, and all human resources responsibilities for the City. In 2016 she received her certification as a Certified Municipal Clerk and in 2020 she received her certification as a Master Municipal Clerk.

“We are so proud of Mrs. Duncan – and we are grateful to have her expertise recognized on a statewide level. It is no secret that we have incredible staff working for the City of Ferndale,” said Mayor Greg Hansen.

Duncan will be sworn in later this month at the Annual Business Meeting of the WMCA.