Ferndale Police Department is seeking assistance in identifying the subjects in the video above.
At approximately midnight on 5/23/2021, a male subject and his female companion were recorded on surveillance cameras in the 1900 block of Main Street and 5600 block of 3rd Ave. The male subject is recorded damaging a tree in one video and taking a chair which was later found damaged in another.
Ferndale Police has probable cause for the unidentified male and would like to contact the female about her involvement.
Please contact Corporal Scott (jscott@ferndalepd.org) or call (360) 676-6911 if you can assist in identifying this subject.
City Hall is reopening to the public! We will be open from 10:00AM-2:00PM on Tuesdays and Thursdays going forward, with the goal of being fully reopen for business hours by the end of June.
If you haven’t been fully vaccinated, please wear a face mask for your safety and the safety of our employees. Thank you!
The new utility billing portal is now active. You can create your account and access your utility bill here:
The regularly scheduled Council Committee meetings on Wednesday, June 2, 2021 will be held remotely via Microsoft Teams, with staff and Councilmembers accessing the meeting from individual locations. This complies with Governor Jay Inslee’s Proclamation 20-28, as extended until further notice.
These are still open public meetings as defined by the Open Public Meetings Act. The City will be using Microsoft Teams to livestream the meeting. Members of the public do not need to download anything to view the proceedings. To join the live events, click on the following links:
The Public Works & Utilities Committee meeting begins at 8:00 a.m.
The Finance & Administration Committee meeting begins at 9:00 a.m.
The Planning & Land Use Committee meeting begins at 10:00 a.m.
For the Staff Report and Exhibits click here
To attend the meeting click here
Drivers should expect delays as Barrett Road at St. Helens Lane will be reduced to one lane on Tuesday, June 1st, from 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM. Traffic will alternate using one lane as directed by flaggers. This traffic impact is associated with a private project.
See attached for map of traffic impact area.
If you have questions regarding this notice, please contact Ferndale Public Works Department at (360) 384-4006.