Thornton Overpass Girder Delivery
Drivers should expect delays from Friday, November 4th through Friday, November 11th, as girders for the Thornton Overpass bridge will be delivered to the project site. Maneuvering the massive girders and other equipment through Ferndale city streets to the overpass work zone will cause intermittent traffic delays at various pinch points on Thornton Street and at the I-5 Exit 263 and Portal Way roundabouts.
Parking will be restricted around the intersections of Vista/Thornton and Malloy/Thornton on some days. Flaggers will be onsite to direct traffic when girders are moving through. Road will remain open during nonworking hours.
If you have questions regarding this notice, please contact Ferndale Public Works Department at 360-384-4006.
Planned schedule:
Friday, November 4th 7am-1pm
Potential impacts to traffic near the Portal Way Roundabout as cranes and equipment mobilize to the worksite.
Monday, November 7th 7am-5pm
Intermittent impacts to traffic near the intersections of Vista/Thornton and Malloy/Thornton as girders are delivered to the worksite. No parking in the vicinity of these intersections. No parking signage will be posted.
Tuesday, November 8th 7am-5pm
Intermittent impacts to traffic near the intersections of Vista/Thornton and Malloy/Thornton as girders are delivered to the worksite. No parking in the vicinity of these intersections. No parking signage will be posted.
Wednesday, November 9th 7am-5pm
Intermittent impacts to traffic near the intersection of Vista/Thornton as girders are delivered to the worksite. No parking in the vicinity of this intersection. No parking signage will be posted.
Thursday, November 10th 7am-5pm
Potential impacts to traffic near the Portal Way Roundabout as cranes and equipment mobilize to the worksite.
Friday, November 11th 7am-5pm
Intermittent impacts to traffic near the I-5 Exit 263 Roundabout and the Portal Way Roundabout as girders are delivered to the worksite.
Main Street between Barrett Rd. and Old Settler Dr.
Drivers should expect delays as traffic is reduced to single lane alternating traffic on Main Street between Barrett Rd. and Old Settler Dr. on Tuesday, November 1st. The traffic revision is in effect from 7:30 AM to 6:00 PM. Work will take place at one work area at a time and the traffic revision will shift locations throughout the day. Flaggers will be onsite to direct traffic. Road will remain open during nonworking hours.
This closure is for preliminary work associated with the Main Street: Barret Rd. to Old Settler Dr. Improvement Project.
If you have questions regarding this notice, please contact Ferndale Public Works Department at 360-384-4006
The Ferndale Police Department is looking for assistance identifying any people responsible for the damage done to the Star Park restroom and shelter over the weekend. Sometime between Saturday evening and Sunday afternoon, the soap dispenser and towel dispenser were both destroyed, two trash cans were damaged and will need to be replaced, along with other miscellaneous damage. Ferndale Public Works has estimated the repairs and cleanup will cost around $3,000. If you have any information regarding this incident, we are asking you contact the Ferndale Police Department at
Have you lost or misplaced an item recently? If one of these items fits the general description of your lost property, contact Michelle with the Ferndale Police Department at 360-483-5745 to describe and claim your lost property. Items turned into the Ferndale Police Department: cell phone, store card, keys, paintball gun, ring, bicycle, backpack, gem, knife, WA Quest card.
Last week, the City of Ferndale received the 2022 Whatcom Housing Alliance Luminary Award for our work on Inspiring Innovation for affordable housing. Check out the video above to learn more.