Notice of Traffic Revision and Possible Delays: Monday, August 21st – Friday September 1st

Douglas Road CLOSED to through traffic, between Angelina Street and Lamplighter Mobile Park

Drivers should expect delays as Douglas Road, between Angelina Street and Lamplighter Mobile Park CLOSED to through traffic on weekdays from Monday, August 21st – Friday September 1st. The closure is in effect weekdays between the hours of 7:00 AM and 7:00 PM. Motorists will detour around the closure via Imhoff, Ulrich, and S Church Roads. Local residents will have access to homes inside the closure area. Flaggers will be­­ stationed at the closure barricades if further direction is needed.

Douglas Road will be open (use caution) after work hours on weekdays and on Saturdays and Sundays.

This closure is for work is associated with a private development project.

Notice of Traffic Revision: Monday, August 21st – Friday, August 25th 2023.

Shuksan Ave. and Golden Eagle Dr. Closed to through Traffic

Drivers should expect delays as Shuksan Ave. and Golden Eagle Dr. will be closed to through traffic starting Monday, August 21st. Residents living on Shuksan Ave., Cottage Pl, and Golden Eagle Dr. will have local access. All traffic on Shuksan Ave. and Golden Eagle Dr. will have access to a single lane moving in a clockwise direction only. This traffic revision is scheduled for Monday, August 21st – Friday, August 25th, 2023. The traffic revision is in effect daily from 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM. The road closure and traffic revision are in effect during working hours until project competition.

This closure is to complete work associated with frontage improvements at Ferndale High School.

Notice of Traffic Revision: Beginning Thursday, August 17th, 2023

Intersection of Vista Drive and Thornton Street

In addition to the standing closure of Thornton Street between Vista Drive and Malloy Ave., drivers should expect further delays as traffic is reduced to single lane alternating traffic at the intersection of Vista Drive and Thornton Street. Work begins Thursday, August 17th and is expected to last several weeks. The traffic revision is in effect weekdays from 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM. Flaggers will be onsite to direct traffic during working hours.

This work is for stormwater upgrades and road improvements and is part of the City of Ferndale’s Thornton: Vista to Malloy improvement project.

If you have questions regarding this notice, please contact the Ferndale Public Works Department at 360-384-4006.

Press Release – August 15, 2023 Incident at Ferndale Haggen

Robbery 1st Degree

Case # 23F6446

On 08/15/2023, at about 8:25 a.m., Ferndale Police were dispatched to an armed robbery at Haggen Grocery.  Employees advised that after confronting a male who was suspected of stealing alcohol and tools, he displayed a knife before fleeing.

With the assistance of the Whatcom County Sheriff’s Office and the Bellingham Police Department, officers searched the area for the suspect with a K-9 and a drone.  After a search that lasted approximately 2 hours, Officers were able to locate items left behind by the suspect as he fled but were unsuccessful in locating him.

The suspect is described as a Hispanic or Native American male, approximately 5’-8” tall, wearing a camouflage / black shirt, black pants and black sneakers.  He was carrying a backpack with him at the time of the robbery and has several tattoos on his arms.

Law enforcement is clear of the area. The Ferndale Police Department does not believe the suspect to be an imminent threat to the general public at this time.  Surveillance photographs / video of the suspect will be released as they become available.

Officers are continuing to investigate and have established probable cause for Robbery in the 1st Degree.  Anyone with information regarding this case should contact Officer Foeung at 360-483-5723 or at

Ferndale Streets to be Painted Sat. Aug 26th and Sept. 9th

City of Ferndale will be painting traffic lanes in the Ferndale area Saturday, August 26th and Saturday, Sept 9th weather permitting. Signs and cones will be utilized to keep drivers out of the wet paint and No Parking signs will be going up in various locations in order to maintain access to paint areas. Please follow directions and do not park in places identified for painting by the signage.

The fresh coats of paint that crews apply during spring, summer and fall months will make it easier for drivers to see the road when the winter rains return.

What can drivers do to avoid the wet paint?

Drivers can protect their car from damage by keeping an eye out for striping crews and avoiding lane changes on freshly painted lines.

  • Watch for “wet paint” warning signs and warning trucks, and avoid following too closely.
  • Avoid crossing or driving on freshly painted lines.
  • Do not go around cones or weave in and out of your lane of travel.

What can I do if I get striping paint on my vehicle?

The paint is engineered to last however, it is water-based, drivers may have about one hour to wash it off with soap, water and a high-pressure hose. The sooner it is scrubbed, the easier it will be to remove.

For more information, call Ferndale Public Works at 360-384-4006.

Lost or Missing Your Purse or a Bicycle?

Have you lost or misplaced an item recently? If one of these items fits the general description of your lost property, contact Michelle with the Ferndale Police Department at 360-483-5745 to describe and claim your lost property. Items turned into the Ferndale Police Department: purse and bicycle