Notice Traffic Revisions and Possible Delays: Friday, August 17, 2018 from 7:00am – 7:00pm.
Seamount, between Vista Drive and Malloy Avenue
Drivers should expect delays as traffic is reduced to single lane traffic on Seamount Drive between Vista Drive and Malloy Avenue from 7:00am to 7:00pm. Flaggers will be on-site directing traffic. This work is to complete improvements associated with a private development project.
If you have questions regarding this notice, please contact Ferndale Public Works Department at (360) 384-4006.
The Ferndale Arts Commission added a new piece of public art to downtown this weekend with the installation of a mural on the side of the City Annex building (5694 Second Avenue). Designed by local artist Todd Bruce, from Bellingham’s Chameleon Ink, this mural was painted with the help of volunteers and spearheaded by Councilmember Rebecca Xczar.
“Murals are a great way to add beauty to our downtown, brightening our community and drawing new business and interest to our city core,” said Xczar. She hopes that this mural is the first of several. Currently the Arts Commission is reaching out to private property owners to gauge interest for future public art projects downtown.
The City Annex is used for City Council meetings and Ferndale Court, the installation of the mural was done in sections over the last week. For more information about the Ferndale Arts Commission, check out their page and contact information by clicking here.
Artist Todd Bruce and Kyle Deming assemble the design layout
Volunteers begin painting the starburst sections
Councilmembers Greg Hansen, Cathy Watson and Rebecca Xczar assist with the installation
Councilmember Rebecca Xczar, Kyle Deming and Artist Todd Bruce with the completed mural
City Council Agenda Follow-Up
August 6, 2018 |
** By general consensus, the Multifamily Tax Exemption Ordinance was removed from the agenda and sent back to the August 15, 2018 Planning & Land Use Committee for further discussion. ** |
Councilmember Olson moved, and Councilmember K. Hansen seconded, to approve the consent agenda. MOTION CARRIED 7-0. |
PROCLAMATION: Community Health Center Week August 12 – 18
Mayor Mutchler proclaimed August 12 – 18 to be Community Health Center Week. |
Public Works Project Manager Katy Radder presented updates on the following capital projects: · Washington Street – Water line installation is nearly complete. Hydrants are being installed, a new storm system from Main Street to Hamlin and new sewer lines from Vista Drive to Sterling are being installed. · Portal Way Compact Roundabout – Storm drainage work is ongoing. The next step will be road widening. The exit will be closed from Monday, August 13 to Friday, August 17. · Cherry Street & Pioneer Park Sidewalks – Underground work (trenching for natural gas lines) is complete. Sidewalk installation on Cherry street will begin Tuesday, August 7, and the Pioneer Park sidewalks will begin after Cherry Street is complete. |
The East Gate Planned Unit Development (PUD) consists of two lots located at 6170 Portal Way, to be used for two commercial mixed-use buildings and 20 residential lots designed for duplex and fourplex townhome buildings, totaling 64 residential units. The project includes sidewalks, trails, open space, landscaping, private roadways, parking, infrastructure, storm facilities, and frontage improvements. Planned Unit Development applications follow the process as described in FMC 14.09.060. The application is heard by the City’s Hearing Examiner at a public hearing. The Hearing Examiner then issues a recommendation to the City Council to be considered at a Closed Record Public Meeting. Councilmember Watson moved, and Councilmember G. Hansen seconded, to approve the agenda bill. MOTION CARRIED 7-0. |
ORDINANCE: Water Restrictions Violations
Council passed Resolution #18-07-30-A at a special meeting on 7/30/2018, establishing mandatory water restrictions until October 31, 2018, due to concerns that during the peak summer months the level of withdrawal from the City’s well systems is in danger of exceeding capacity to supply water. This ordinance updates the penalty structure and fines, which have not been adjusted since 1981. Previously, the penalty for a first offense was $25 AND water shut-off. The proposed penalty structure was:
First offense: Written Warning Second offense: $100 Third and subsequent offense(s) $250 and water shut off
Councilmember K. Hansen moved, and Councilmember Kennedy seconded, to amend the fees to $50 for the second offense and $125 plus water shut off for the third offense.
Councilmember G. Hansen moved, and Councilmember Watson seconded, to amend the motion to remove the water shut-off for the third offense.
On the amendment: MOTION CARRIED 4-3, Councilmembers Watson, Taylor, & Olson opposed.
On the main, amended motion: MOTION CARRIED 4-3, Councilmembers Watson, Taylor & Olson opposed. |
DISCUSSION: 2018 Mid-Year Review & 2019 Projections
Finance Director Sirke Salminen presented information regarding the preparation of the 2019 budget. |
DISCUSSION: Disposition of 2076 Washington Street
The City recently purchased 2076 Washington Street. The two adjoining houses (one of which has been demolished) have previously been purchased to make room for a future roundabout at the Washington/Vista intersection. There are no immediate plans for construction of the roundabout, so staff sought direction from Council on what to do with the house in the meantime. The house next door is being utilized by Interfaith Coalition for transitional housing. Councilmember K. Hansen moved, and Councilmember Watson seconded, to designate the house for Interfaith transitional housing. MOTION CARRIED 6-1, Councilmember Kennedy opposed. |
Information only. COUNCIL REPORTS/COMMENTS Information only. |
ADJOURNMENT: Meeting was adjourned at 7:26 p.m. |
Section of Third Avenue and Cherry Street Closed Starting Tuesday, August 7th
To facilitate the installation of a new sidewalk, the above sections of Third Avenue and Cherry Street will be closed except for local access starting Tuesday, August 7th at 7am. This new sidewalk will provide increased pedestrian safety for residents traveling to or from the Central Elementary School, the Boys and Girls Clubhouse, the Ferndale Senior Activity Center and all the recreational opportunities available at Pioneer Park.
Construction work will also be done on the north side of Cherry Street, adjacent to Cascade Elementary although it will not impact traffic.
Work will continue through August, please obey all traffic signs and use caution when driving through the area. We appreciate your patience during this project.
If you have any questions about this project, please feel free to call Ferndale Public Works at (360) 384-4006 for more information.
As part of the construction of a compact roundabout at the intersection of Portal Way and the I-5 off ramp, the Northbound Exit 263 will be closed starting at 6am on August 13th, continuing through August 18th.
During the closure period, drivers will be detoured along Grandview road. Please obey all traffic signs and we appreciate your patience during this project.
If you have any questions about this project, please feel free to call Ferndale Public Works at (360) 384-4006 for more information.
Notice Traffic Revisions and Possible Delays: Wednesday, August 8, 2018 from 7:00am – 7:00pm.
Seamount, between Vista Drive and Malloy Avenue
Drivers should expect delays as traffic is reduced to single lane traffic on Seamount Drive between Vista Drive and Malloy Avenue. Flaggers will be on-site directing traffic. This work is to complete improvements associated with a private development project.
If you have questions regarding this notice, please contact Ferndale Public Works Department at (360) 384-4006.