Unexpectedly High Water Bill? Here’s Why

With utility statements going out at the end of August, the City has received plenty of questions about an unexpectedly high bill.

Part of this uptick in cost is that last year, the City Council voted to eliminate the summer use subsidy, where the City would absorb some of the cost of sewer during the summer. However with the need for a new sewer treatment facility, the City and the Council eliminated that subsidy last year so now everyone pays the same rate, year-round.

That said, there are some things residents can do to ease the burden of a high bill. If they qualify, our rate assistance program will take 25% off your bill. Click here to learn more about this program.

The City has also assembled a list of tips to conserve water. Saving water helps lower the utility bill, helps the City make sure there is enough water to go around during the hot months and helps the planet by easing our impact on the local ecosystem. Those tips can be found here.

If there are still questions about a specific utility bill, please call our utility clerk Danielle at (360) 384-4269 or email her by clicking here and she can provide the details needed.

Notice Traffic Revisions and Possible Delays: Thursday, August 30, 2018 to Wednesday, September 5, 2018 from 7am to 7pm

Notice Traffic Revisions and Possible Delays: Thursday, August 30, 2018 to Wednesday, September 5, 2018 from 7am to 7pm

Seamount, between Vista Drive and Malloy Avenue

Drivers should expect delays as traffic is reduced to single lane traffic on Seamount Drive between Vista Drive and Malloy Avenue from Thursday, August 30, 2018 to Wednesday, September 5, 2018 from 7:00am to 7:00pm. Flaggers will be on-site directing traffic. This work is to complete improvements associated with a private development project. Will remain open during nonworking hours.

If you have questions regarding this notice, please contact Ferndale Public Works Department at (360) 384-4006.

Notice Traffic Revisions and Possible Delays: Friday, August 24, 2018 from 7:00am – 7:00pm.

Notice Traffic Revisions and Possible Delays: Friday, August 24, 2018 from 7:00am – 7:00pm.

Seamount, between Vista Drive and Malloy Avenue

Drivers should expect delays as traffic is reduced to single lane traffic on Seamount Drive between Vista Drive and Malloy Avenue on Friday, August 24, 2018 from 7:00am to 7:00pm. Flaggers will be on-site directing traffic. This work is to complete improvements associated with a private development project.

If you have questions regarding this notice, please contact Ferndale Public Works Department at (360) 384-4006.


Notice Traffic Revisions and Possible Delays: Wednesday, August 22, 2018 to Thursday, August 23, 2018 from 7am to 7pm

Notice Traffic Revisions and Possible Delays: Wednesday, August 22, 2018 to Thursday, August 23, 2018 from 7am to 7pm

Alder Street between Fourth Avenue and Third Avenue

Drivers should expect potential delays and consider alternate routes as Alder Street between Fourth Avenue and Third Avenue will be closed to thru traffic on Wednesday,  August 22, 2018 to Thursday, August 23, 2018 from 7:00am to 7:00pm.  Westbound traffic will be detoured via Third Avenue to Main Street to Fourth Avenue. Eastbound traffic will be detoured via Fourth Avenue to Main Street to Third Avenue. This road closure is to complete utility improvements associated with a private development project. Alder Street will reopen during non-working hours.

If you have questions regarding this notice, please contact Ferndale Public Works Department at (360) 384-4006.


Summary of August 20, 2018 Council Meeting

You can find all the related Agenda Documents here

City Council Agenda Follow-Up

August 20, 2018

STUDY SESSION: Proposed Court/Council Chambers Project

The current Court/Council Chambers facility does not meet the physical facility standards and access control standards as established by the Board for Judicial Administration Court Security Committee’s Courthouse Public Safety Standards. In addition to safety issues, the building lacks a jury room, separate meeting rooms for attorneys to meet with clients, and often exceeds the recommended occupancy levels.  There are also issues in the building with flooding and mold. Architect David King presented the proposed plan for building a Municipal Court/Council Chambers facility at the current Police Station.


Councilmember Watson moved, and Councilmember G. Hansen seconded, to approve the consent agenda.     MOTION CARRIED 7-0.





Associate Planner Haylie Miller presented updates on the following private projects:

·         Main Street Village – located south of the Hendrickson and Main Street intersection, this project consists of 44 townhome-style units. There are 11 lots total, with each lot having 4 units. There is a trail dedication along the east side of the development that runs from Main Street to the townhomes. Construction is currently underway.

·         LaBounty Apartments – located on the east side of LaBounty, this project consists of 71 apartment units. Permits were submitted back in 2014. There are three buildings total, two of which have been completed and are fully occupied. A small recreation area will be added when the third building is complete. The developer removed blackberries, which are an invasive species, and replaced them with native tree species as part of their critical areas mitigation plan.

PUBLIC HEARING: Sign Code Revision Ordinance

The proposed changes to the existing City of Ferndale sign code address a US Supreme Court decision related to signs within the public right-of-way, removing “content based” regulations, limiting the size of signs, and adopting other restrictions in order to eliminate signs in close proximity to roundabouts and in maintained lawn areas of the right of way. The regulations would not go into effect until January 1, 2019 to allow sufficient time for public outreach.

 By general consensus, this item was sent back to the Planning & Land Use Committee for further discussion.

PUBLIC HEARING: Temporary Outdoor Homeless Encampments

Religious organizations have played a primary role in providing care and resources to the homeless community, often in the form of temporary outdoor homeless encampments. RCW 35A.21.360 prevents local jurisdictions from banning such encampments entirely and limits the conditions that can be placed on the encampments to those related to public health and safety. The RCW also allows a jurisdiction to identify a process for such land uses. The proposed amendments to the Ferndale Municipal Code makes outdoor homeless encampments hosted by religious organizations a separate conditional use, and clarifies the specific requirements for the encampments.

 By general consensus, this item was sent back to the Planning & Land Use Committee for further discussion.

DISCUSSION: Council Rules of Procedure

The Finance & Administration Committee has spent several meetings reviewing and updating the current Council rules. This process is still ongoing at the Committee level. Staff recommended breaking the document into sections for discussions and approval over several meetings, rather than waiting to bring it in its entirety at one meeting.

Councilmember Kennedy moved, and Councilmember K. Hansen seconded, to recommend approval of Council Rules #1 – 11 with the following changes:

Item #3 – Change the third sentence to read “The Mayor or any three  four Councilmembers may call a special meeting giving 24-hour notice.”

Item #5 – Change the third paragraph to read “In the event of a protracted absence (defined as more than 30 days duration) by the Mayor, the Mayor Pro Tempore shall assume full  mayoral executive and administrative authority and responsibility until such time….”


Councilmember G. Hansen moved, and Councilmember Taylor seconded, to amend the motion to remove the third sentence in Item #5 entirely.


On the amendment: MOTION CARRIED 7-0.


On the main, amended motion: MOTION CARRIED 7-0.
















ADJOURNMENT: Meeting was adjourned at 7:25 p.m.


Notice Traffic Revisions and Possible Delays: Friday, August 17, 2018 and Monday, August 20, 2018 from 7am to 7pm

Notice Traffic Revisions and Possible Delays: Friday, August 17, 2018 and Monday, August 20, 2018 from 7am to 7pm

Alder Street between Fourth Avenue and Third Avenue

Drivers should expect potential delays and consider alternate routes as Alder Street between Fourth Avenue and Third Avenue will be closed to thru traffic on Friday August 17, 2018 from 7:00am to 7:00pm and Monday, August 20, 2018 from 7:00am to 7:00pm.  Westbound traffic will be detoured via Third Avenue to Main Street to Fourth Avenue. Eastbound traffic will be detoured via Fourth Avenue to Main Street to Third Avenue. This road closure is to complete utility improvements associated with a private development project. Alder Street will reopen during non-working hours.

If you have questions regarding this notice, please contact Ferndale Public Works Department at (360) 384-4006.