Pet Waste in our Parks

Stormwater Manager Paul Knippel, with a little help from a local husky Eska, shares the problems with pet waste in your parks. If you would like to pick up a doggie waste bag dispenser, they are available for free at City Hall (2095 Main Street) or at one of the waste bag dispensers on the map below. More information on ways to protect our local water system can be found in our stormwater section by clicking here.


Lock Your Vehicles and Check Your Mailbox

In light of a recent spate of vehicle prowls and mail thefts, the Ferndale Police Department would like to remind everyone to lock their car at night, and check their mailbox daily. Thieves take advantage of unlocked cars and stuffed mailboxes, especially with the sun setting earlier in the evening. Taking a few moments to secure your belongings can stop a crime.

Explosive Device Discovered at Mountainview Elementary Site

At 9:48am this morning, Ferndale Police responded to a report from school district personnel of a suspicious device found in the parking lot of Mountain View Elementary School. Officers secured the device and removed it to a safe location. Using a K9 unit and additional support from the Bellingham Police Department, the Ferndale Police swept the surrounding area for additional threats and found nothing.

The device appears to be a modified commercial fireworks mortar. At this time, the Ferndale Police believe that there is no specific danger to the school, students or personnel although the investigation is ongoing.

Starting this year, the Ferndale School District is leasing part of the facility to the Educational Service District for a program serving 38 students from across Whatcom County. Per Law Enforcement, students remain onsite and are safely continuing school activities in the gymnasium.

Ferndale Police Department will update the public as more information becomes publicly available. For more information, please call Communications Officer Riley Sweeney at (360) 685-2353.

Arts Commission Installs New Mural on City Water Tank

Over the last two weeks, the Ferndale Arts Commission completed its second mural this summer on the City water tank and pump house at 5900 Church Road. The design and layout was done by Arts Commissioner Guyan Cool, Ferndale High School senior, and is called “Dainty Houses”.

“Working with a team of neighbors to create public art is about having fun, making people smile, and building strong community relationships,” said Colleen Harper, who helped organize the project. “I am so grateful to be a Ferndale Art Commissioner, and proud of the FHS students who spent their last few weekends of the summer painting with us.”

Earlier this summer, the Arts Commission installed a mural on the side of the City Annex on Second Avenue, and they are currently exploring other opportunities for public art.

Guyan Cool poses with his design

Notice Traffic Revisions and Possible Delays: Thursday, September 6, 2018 from 9am to 4pm

Alder Street between Fourth Avenue and Third Avenue

Drivers should expect potential delays and consider alternate routes as Alder Street between Fourth Avenue and Third Avenue will be closed to thru traffic Thursday, September 6, 2018 from 9:00am to 4:00pm.  Westbound traffic will be detoured via Third Avenue to Main Street to Fourth Avenue. Eastbound traffic will be detoured via Fourth Avenue to Main Street to Third Avenue. This road closure is to complete utility improvements associated with a private development project. Alder Street will reopen during non-working hours.

If you have questions regarding this notice, please contact Ferndale Public Works Department at (360) 384-4006.