City Hall will be operating on a two hour delay today due to snow. Doors open for the public at 11am. Thank you to our public works crew who continues to work around the clock to clear the streets and keep the priority snow routes ope
City Hall will be operating on a two hour delay today due to snow. Doors open for the public at 11am. Thank you to our public works crew who continues to work around the clock to clear the streets and keep the priority snow routes ope
The Public Works and Planning committees are cancelled this morning, although at this point the Finance Committee meeting will still be held at 10:00 a.m.
The City Council meets on the Wednesday before each City Council meeting from 8am-11am in the City Hall conference room at 2095 Main Street. These meetings are to review materials and either forward items on to the full council or send them back to staff for further work. The public is welcome and invited to attend, please utilize the door to the conference room that faces the parking lot. The council committee agenda materials are posted online on the Monday before each meeting, you can find them here.
These committee meetings are an opportunity to explore issues in a less formal setting, however they are recorded and the minutes are taken. You can find recordings of all the committee meetings here.
8:55am UPDATE: City Hall will be CLOSED today, Feb. 12th due to worsening conditions. Essential services (Public Works, Police) will continue to work through the winter weather.
City Hall will be operating on a two hour delay today due to snow. Doors open for the public at 11am. Thank you to our public works crew who continues to work around the clock to clear the streets and keep the priority snow routes open.
City Hall will be open today during our normally scheduled business hours (9am-5pm) although customers should use caution when deciding whether to drive in this weather. Some city services may not be available due to personnel shortages. If you need a specific city service beyond utility payments, please call City Hall at (360) 384-4006 before making a trip in the snow. Safety first.
Meeting Materials can be found here
City Council Agenda Follow-Up February 4, 2019 | |
CALL TO ORDER/FLAG SALUTE/ROLL CALL Councilmember G. Hansen moved, and Councilmember Watson seconded, to excuse Councilmember Olson. MOTION CARRIED 6-0. | |
CONSENT AGENDA Councilmember Watson moved, and Councilmember G. Hansen seconded, to approve the consent agenda. MOTION CARRIED 6-0. | APPROVED |
DESIGN/ENGINEERING CONTRACT: Ferndale Terrace The City has received grand funding for this project from the Department of Ecology for eligible expenditures up to $250,000. At this time, the contract calls for DOE eligible expenditures of approximately $177,000. The remainder of the design work will be funded via the City’s Transportation Benefit District, stormwater, water, and sanitary sewer funds. The proposed contract amount for design for this project is $510,202. Work to acquire the necessary right-of-way will not occur until the City secures additional funding for the construction portion of this project. Councilmember Watson moved, and Councilmember Kennedy seconded, to approve the agenda bill. MOTION CARRIED 6-0. | APPROVED |
PRESENTATION OF 2019 WORK PLANS Chief of Police Kevin Turner presented information on 2018 statistics, and provided the police department goals for 2019, including: Department Accreditation City Emergency Plan Department Strategic Plan/Asset Management Crime Mapping Improve web page and social media presence Body Worn Cameras City Clerk Susan Duncan presented the 2019 work plan for the City Clerk’s office, including the following: Records Management and Human Resources items: Records Inventory/Records Destruction Scan & Toss Policy Development & Implementation Personnel Policy Updates Performance Evaluation Policy Development & Implementation Union Negotiations for 2020 Collective Bargaining Agreements Communications Officer Riley Sweeney presented the work plan for Communications/Recreation, including: Expand Communication Channels Utility Rates & Infrastructure Communication Recreation Events Coordination of Star Park Picnic Shelter Construction Certified Parks & Rec Professional Exam ADJOURNMENT: Meeting was adjourned at 7:05 p.m. | INFO ONLY |
Currently, the City is not doing any work on the water system so if you are experiencing disruptions in your water service, it is most likely the result of frozen pipes in your house and you need to call a plumber.