There are numerous ways residents of the City of Ferndale can participate to help enhance the community they live in. One such way is volunteering to serve on city advisory bodies that help form public policy and make Ferndale a prosperous place to be.
We currently have an opening on the Parks, Recreation and Trails Advisory Board (PRTAB), the Arts Commission and the Tree Board. If you are interested in serving on one of these bodies, please fill out the Boards and Commissions application and submit it to City Clerk Susan Duncan. You can find the application here.
All these meetings are open to the public. Appointments to these advisory bodies are made by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council.
For more information contact the City Clerk Susan Duncan
Phone: (360) 685-2354
Fax: (360) 384-1163
Notice Traffic Revisions and Possible Delays: Friday, August 2, 2019, 7am to 7pm
Fourth Avenue, between Main Street and Vista Drive
Drivers should expect delays as traffic is reduced to single lane traffic on Fourth Avenue, between Main Street and Vista Drive, on Friday, August 2, 2019 between 7:00am to 7:00pm. Flaggers will be on-site directing traffic. This work is to complete improvements associated with a private development project. Road will remain open during nonworking hours.
If you have questions regarding this notice, please contact Ferndale Public Works Department at (360) 384-4006.
It’s time for the 6th annual Father/Daughter dance at Pioneer Park, from 6-9pm on Weds. July 31st. Take this as an opportunity to bond with your loved ones, enjoy some free ice cream and dance the night away. Hosted in Pioneer Park, with ice cream donated by Grocery Outlet. All families welcome for this free event.
During a recent inspection of the Nooksack River levee that protects our town, Public Works staff identified locations that had been eroded by the river. In partnership with the federal and state permitting agencies and with traffic control support from Ferndale Public Works, the United States Army Corps of Engineers repaired and strengthened the eroded section of the levee structure.
The work, conducted in late June and early July, added almost 1,000 cubic yards of rock, stone and topsoil to the levee, restoring the barrier’s ability to repel the highest flood waters. This section of the levee protects the water and wastewater treatment facility that provides Ferndale’s drinking water, as well as the historic Pioneer Park, our downtown core and the Whatcom County Public Utilities District.
“The levee performs the vital function of protecting our community and it is our responsibility to maintain the levee structure,” said Public Works Supervisor Bo Westford.
REMINDER: Notice Traffic Revisions and Possible Delays: Friday, July 19, 2019 until further notice, 7am – 7pm
Vista Drive between Eastview Place and Ferndale Terrace
Drivers should expect delays as traffic is reduced to single lane traffic on Vista Drive, between Eastview Place and Ferndale Terrace, on Friday July 19, 2019 until further notice, between the hours of 7:00am to 7:00pm. Flaggers will be on-site directing traffic. This work is to complete improvements associated with a private development project. Road will remain open during nonworking hours.
If you have questions regarding this notice, please contact Ferndale Public Works Department at (360) 384-4006.
Hal Anchorman is back to share the winners of the Great Ferndale Alien Abduction. A big thank you to everyone who participated and all of our community partners (Ferndale Community Coalition, Ferndale Food Bank, Whatcom County Library System and the Ferndale Police Department). If did not turn in your scorecard by the deadline, don’t worry, you can still stop by City Hall through the end of the month, turn it in and pick up a prize.
Notice is hereby given that one or more members of the Ferndale City Council may attend the following meeting.
Tour of Old Main
Wednesday, July 24, 2019 at 7:30 a.m.
Ferndale High School
5830 Golden Eagle Dr., Ferndale, WA
The purpose of the meeting is to examine a potential City Hall location. This is an Open Public Meeting as outlined by the Open Public Meetings Act, and members of the public are invited to attend and observe.
Sherry DeJong
Deputy City Clerk
City of Ferndale
July 23, 2019
Here is the sixth and FINAL clue for the Great Ferndale Alien Abduction. Please turn in your scorecards at City Hall by Tuesday July 23rd to receive prizes! More details at