Residents Save Over 8.9 Million Gallons of Water this Summer

Residents Save Over 8.9 Million Gallons of Water this Summer

This summer, thanks to conservation efforts by the people of Ferndale, the city as a whole saved more than 8.9 million gallons of water from being used as compared to last year. Water usage for July and August was the lowest water usage in the last six years.

A combination of the mandatory watering restrictions, outreach to the community and individual conservation efforts resulted in easing the load on the local aquifer, saving wear and tear on the city’s utility system, helping to reduce or prolong some capitol improvements and lower water bills for residents.

“While we are working to secure our new well and expand our water treatment plant, we appreciate everyone doing their part to conserve this summer,” said Public Works Director Kevin Renz. “Letting your lawn mature to gold each year really does have a big impact.”

The mandatory watering restrictions expire on Sunday, Sept. 15th. With the temperatures dropping and the fall rainy weather arriving, residents are welcome to use water how they see fit; however conservation can have a big impact on an individual utility bill, and being attentive to water us helps further conserve this resource. For more ideas on how to conserve water, go to

Notice Traffic Revisions and Possible Delays (Weather Permitting): Monday, September 09, 2019 to Wednesday, September 11, 2019, 7am to 7pm

Riverside Drive, near the Main Street Intersection

Drivers should expect delays as traffic is reduced to single lane traffic on Riverside Drive, near the Main Street intersection from Monday, September 09, 2019 to Wednesday, September 11, 2019 from 7:00am to 7:00pm. This work is to complete road improvements associated with a private development project. Flaggers will be onsite to direct traffic. Road will remain open during nonworking hours.

If you have questions regarding this notice, please contact Ferndale Public Works Department at (360) 384-4006.

Council Meeting Summary for Sept. 4th, 2019

Council Meeting Summary for Sept. 4th, 2019

City Council Agenda Follow-Up September 3, 2019  
5:00 p.m. FINANCIAL WORKSHOP City Administrator Jori Burnett  and Finance Director Sirke Salminen presented a background and possible funding options for new or expanded City facilities. (City Hall, Municipal Court, Council Chambers.)   INFO ONLY
APPROVAL OF AGENDA Councilmember Hansen moved, and Councilmember Taylor seconded, to approve the agenda as presented. MOTION CARRIED 7-0. APPROVED
CONSENT AGENDA Councilmember Taylor moved, and Councilmember Bersch seconded, to approve the consent agenda.  MOTION CARRIED 7-0.    APPROVED
2019 PERMITS UPDATE Assistant Planner Jesse Ashbaugh presented updates on private development applications in 2019.   INFO ONLY  
RESOLUTION: Denouncing White Supremacy (Amended) On August 19th a resolution denouncing white supremacy was approved. This earlier resolution included a “hidden message” that implied a profanity. Council requested that the resolution be amended to remove this hidden message. Councilmember Bersch moved, and Councilmember Hansen seconded, to approve the resolution with modifications to the order of the “Whereas” statements. Councilmember Taylor moved, and Councilmember Bishop seconded, to amend the motion to add the following paragraph as Section 3 of the resolution: “The City of Ferndale calls upon our neighbors, businesses, religious leaders, government officials, and local law enforcement to develop strategies and actions to stop the rise of threats of violence and symbols of hate speech in our community, and to take further steps to ensure that the City of Ferndale is a place where citizens experience inclusion, acceptance, and love.” ON THE AMENDMENT: MOTION CARRIED 7-0 ON THE MAIN, AMENDED MOTION: MOTION CARRIED 7-0.             APPROVED AS AMENDED  
RESOLUTION: Declaration of Admonishment In response to a grievance filed against Councilmember Olson by a City staff member, Council has determined that Councilmember Olson has engaged in conduct of a discriminatory and harassing nature. Council has asked that a declaration of admonishment be read into the record, and that any such acts must cease. Mayor Mutchler recused himself from the discussion and Mayor Pro Tem Kate Bishop presided over this item. Mayor Pro Tem Bishop read the declaration of admonishment into the record. Councilmember Taylor moved, and Councilmember Xczar seconded, to approve the agenda bill. MOTION CARRIED 5-2, Councilmembers Jensen and Olson opposed.           APPROVED
ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 6:50 p.m.  

Notice Traffic Revisions and Possible Delays: Tuesday, September 3, 2019 to Saturday, September 7, 2019, 7am to 7pm

Notice Traffic Revisions and Possible Delays: Tuesday, September 3, 2019 to Saturday, September 7, 2019, 7am to 7pm

Douglas Road, between Imhoff Road and S Church Road

Drivers should expect delays and consider alternative routes as Douglas Road between Imhoff Road and S Church Road will be closed to thru traffic from Tuesday, September 3, 2019 to Saturday, September 7, 2019, between the hours of 7:00am to 7:00pm. Southbound traffic will be detoured via Imhoff Road to Ulrich Road to Johnston Road to S Church Road to Douglas Road. Northbound traffic will be detoured via S Church Road to Johnston Road to Ulrich Road to Imhoff Road to Douglas Road. Flaggers will be on-site directing traffic. This work is to complete improvements associated with a private development project. Road will remain open during nonworking hours.

If you have questions regarding this notice, please contact Ferndale Public Works Department at (360) 384-4006.

Special Meeting Notice – Financial Workshop


          Notice is hereby given that the Ferndale City Council will hold a special meeting for the purpose of discussing potential funding options for new or expanded City facilities. (City Hall, Municipal Court, Council Chambers.) The meeting will take place on September 3, 2019 at the City of Ferndale Council Chambers, located at 5694 Second Avenue, beginning at 5:00 p.m. This is an Open Public Meeting as outlined by the Open Public Meetings Act, and members of the public are invited to attend and observe.