Work is scheduled to begin tomorrow today, Tuesday, August 27, 2019, at the intersection of First Avenue and Main Street, Ferndale. Work is being done as part of the City’s First Avenue Pedestrian project. This pedestrian safety project will include reconfiguration of the intersection to eliminate the crosswalk on Main Street east of First Avenue, removal of the traffic signal poles and cabinet, plus new striping at the intersection. Crews from Sail Electric, Inc. are scheduled to remove the signal poles Tuesday morning, starting at approximately 8am. The Ferndale Police Department will be on hand to stop traffic as necessary so the overhead cross arms can be removed safely. Drivers are encouraged to drive with care and caution or utilize alternate routes during this tomorrow’s work. After the initial signal pole removal, the contractor will shift traffic around the work zone, and no lane closures are currently expected.
It’s estimated that the project will have a duration of up to three weeks. The Contractor will be utilizing a 4-10 schedule and plans to work between the hours of 7am to 4:30pm Monday through Thursday.
Puget Sound Energy will supply and install a new pedestrian-activated flashing crosswalk beacon later at this intersection once the equipment is ready for installation. The City will provide additional information regarding the schedule for this work when it becomes available.
For more information on this project, please go to our website at https://www.cityofferndale.org/public-works-department/capital-projects/firstavepedestrianproject/ or contact the Public Works Department at (360) 384-4006.