2021 Budget

Currently, the 2021 budget is being developed by staff and elected officials. Explore the budget process and follow its development here.

Financial Workshops

In 2020, the City is offering a series of financial workshops exploring different topics relating to city finances. The presentations are available for you below:

2020 Monthly Budget Reports

Monthly budget reports are the latest and most accurate information about the 2020 budget and form the backbone of the 2021 budget process.

Front Row: Councilmembers Paul Shuey, Herb Porter, Kate Bishop and Ramon Llanos.
Back Row: Councilmembers Ryan O'Larey, Erin Gunter, Mayor Greg Hansen and Councilmember Ali Hawkinson

Public Process

The City of Ferndale budget is shaped by public input. Residents can share their ideas and recommendations with the City Council or Mayor or attend a City Council meeting and speak during public comment period.

Budget Calendar

2020 Deadlines and tasks to be completed for the 2021 budget.