Complete Streets Project
City Project No. ST2019-02
TIB Project No. C-W-985(001)-1
Project Description: This project provides for additional accessibility for Ferndale’s lower downtown core by constructing Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) enhancements at the intersections of; First Avenue/ Alder Street, Second Avenue/ Alder Street, and Third Avenue/ Alder Street.
The intersections of; Thornton Street/ Maureen Drive, and Vista Drive/ Seamount Drive were also upgraded with ADA improvements as well as installation of rectangular rapid flash beacons (RRFB). Additional work included removal of existing ramps, storm drain modifications, installation of ADA ramps, installation of RRFB, and other work.
The Ferndale City Council awarded this project to Larry Brown Construction, Inc. at their October 19, 2020, meeting. The project was completed in early 2021.
Funding: This important project is possible from grant funding provided by the Transportation Improvement Board (TIB) through their Complete Streets Program.
Bid Information:
Bid Opening:
Project Specifications and Plans:
The order for the RRFB systems planned at Thornton/Maureen and Vista/Seamount was placed on September 24, 2020. The City estimates materials will be delivered within approximately 4 weeks of the initial order date. A list of parts to be supplied for the project can be viewed here.