2025 Comprehensive Plan Update

The State of Washington requires cities, who plan under the Growth Management Act (GMA), to regularly update their comprehensive plans and development regulations. This process is called a “periodic update” process and each jurisdiction is required to complete these updates every ten (10) years. This process ensures that the City’s comprehensive plan is coordinated with state laws and that we are implementing the Growth Management Act consistent with other cities in the state. The City of Ferndale is currently within a periodic update process and is expected to adopt revisions to the comprehensive plan and development code by December of 2025.

Do you have a public comment, or want to be added to Comp Plan Update email list? Click here.

Public Engagement

Comp Plan Update Meeting: The City of Ferndale Community Development Department invites you to a discussion focused on updates to Site Plan Reviews (FMC 15.14)  and the Utilities Element of the Comprehensive Plan (Chapter 5). These changes are part of the City’s 2025 Comprehensive Plan Update and we want to engage with the public during each step in the process. The meeting will be held remotely on February 19th at 5:30pm via Microsoft Teams. Click here to join.

WWU Partnership: The City of Ferndale has partnered with Western Washington University’s Urban Planning Studio to engage with the community for the 2025 Comprehensive Plan Update. Check back for future events or other ways to engage.

Grandview Economic Opportunity Study: The City of Ferndale, in partnership with the Port of Bellingham, is conducting a study to assess the economic benefits to utility ratepayers for funding utility improvements in the Grandview Area. The goal of the City of Ferndale and the Port of Bellingham is to encourage development that will bring the greatest economic benefits to Ferndale and Whatcom County.

Continue to check back for future meetings and other ways to engage.

2025 Periodic Comprehensive Plan Update


Land Use

  • Land Capacity Analysis



  • Transportation Analysis

Utilities – DRAFT (February 12, 2024)

Capital Facilities

    • Parks, Recreation, and Trails Master Plan

Climate Change and Resiliency
This is a new required element for comprehensive plans and new goal of the Growth Management Act (HB 1181). Designed to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, plan for resiliency and support environmental justice. Climate elements must maximize economic, environmental and social co-benefits and prioritize environmental justice in order to avoid worsening environmental health disparities.

2025 Development Regulations Update

Find more information about the update on the Whatcom County website.

Continue to check back regularly for more information and updates.