This summer, the City of Ferndale is working with neighbors and businesses to clean up our streets and yards. Efforts will focus on abandoned and scrap vehicles in front yards that are visible to the public and overgrown underbrush that can be a hazard with the upcoming Fourth of July weekend.
“Take the time to move that broken down car into a garage and give that yard a mow,” said Mayor Greg Hansen. “These efforts make a big impact on the safety and feel of our community. With the weather turning nice, it is an ideal time to walk through your neighborhood and pick up any trash you find. Exercise and helping your neighbors, the perfect summer activity!”
During the initial outbreak of COVID-19, the City suspended all non-essential functions but as the state begins to reopen, City government is returning to normal operations, including following up on citizen complaints. More information about vehicles in disrepair, yard maintenance requirements and how to file a complaint can be found on the city website here: https://www.cityofferndale.org/commdev/code-enforcement-2/