The City is working with Strider Construction Co., Inc. to proceed with the Thornton Street Overpass Project. Work could begin as early as this week.
The Thornton Street Overpass, which will provide a vital transportation corridor for our community is determined to be an essential project and not subject to the Governor’s Stay Home, Stay Healthy order. The start of work was initially anticipated on April 6th, but was not begun so both the City and the Contractor could address how best to safely move forward with the project.
“This project is a must-have for Ferndale,” said Mayor Greg Hansen. “I am relieved that we have a pathway to proceed with construction in a safe and responsible way.” The project will be utilizing appropriate social distancing, sanitation, and other life-safety practices.
Initial construction will include utility improvements, and earthen wall embankments leading up to the overpass needed to clear BNSF’s tracks, ahead of the planned the bridge structure and road improvements. Because of the pre-loading needed to stabilize and compress the soils beneath the embankments leading up to the bridge, the construction phase of the project will stretch across multiple construction seasons to allow sufficient time for the soils to settle and compact. After the settlement period, construction on the bridge structure can begin. The City is anticipating a 3-year construction period, with completion estimated in 2023.
For more details on the Thornton Street Overpass, visit www.cityofferndale.org/thorntonoverpass or follow the hashtag #ThorntonOverpass. For questions, please contact Capital Projects Manager Katy Radder at (360) 685-2377 or KatyRadder@cityofferndale.org.