City Facilities are Mask Optional Starting March 12th

In accordance with updated guidelines from the state and the Center for Disease Control, visitors to Ferndale public facilities such as City Hall, the Police Station and the Pioneer Pavilion will no longer be required to wear masks as of March 12th. Visitors are still encouraged to wear a mask if they are at high risk for severe illness or living with medically fragile individuals.

Currently, the City is working towards holding their first hybrid city council meeting in April that will be both open to the public and streaming live over Microsoft Teams.

“We have learned a great deal over the last two years on how to use technology to connect with our residents,” said Mayor Greg Hansen, “As some of these restrictions lift, we are going to keep what works and restore physical access to these spaces.”

The indoor mask requirement is now contingent on local COVID-19 case numbers. Currently Whatcom County is on track to lift their mandate on March 12th but it may return if cases spike. For more information on local COVID-19 conditions, please see the Whatcom County Health Department COVID-19 page here.