Notice of Traffic Revision and Possible Delays: Thursday, June 14th from 7am-7pm

Notice of Traffic Revision and Possible Delays: Thursday, June 14th from 7am-7pm

Main Street and Washington Street Intersection. 


Drivers should expect delays and consider alternate routes for Thursday, June 14th from 7:00am to 7:00pm to allow crews to complete work in association with the Washington Street Improvement Project. Work will take place at the intersection of Main Street and Washington Street. Flaggers will be on-site directing traffic as needed.

If you have questions regarding this notice, please contact the Ferndale Public Works Department at (360) 384-4006. For more information on this project, please visit our website at:

Notice of Traffic Revision and Possible Delays: Monday, June 11th from 9am-2pm

Notice of Traffic Revision and Possible Delays: Monday, June 11th from 9am-2pm

Vista Drive and Washington Street Intersection.

Drivers should expect delays and consider alternate routes for Monday, June 11th from 9am to 2pm to allow crews to complete work in association with the Washington Street Improvement Project. Work will take place at the intersection of Vista Drive and the west side of Washington Street, while this section of Washington Street remains closed drivers traveling from the east side of Washington Street, turning right onto Vista Drive and Vista Drive traffic will be impacted as Vista Drive is reduced to one-lane alternating traffic. Flaggers will be on-site assisting traffic.

If you have questions regarding this notice, please contact the Ferndale Public Works Department at (360) 384-4006. For more information on this project, please visit our website at:

June 2nd is “Wear Orange for Gun Safety” Day in Ferndale

At their last meeting, the City Council passed a resolution declaring June 2nd to be “Wear Orange for Gun Safety Day”.

Guns can be a contentious issue but the City understands that there are lots of opportunities for residents of all viewpoints to work together to help keep people safe. Whether it is working to reduce gun violence by tackling the root causes, ensuring the safe storage and ownership of firearms or working with loved ones in times of need to reduce suicide, there is plenty of common ground.

The City has assembled information about gun safety on our website here. Please take a moment to peruse them, it may save a life.

Councilmember Cathy Watson Receives Advanced Certificate of Municipal Leadership

Councilmember Cathy Watson Receives Advanced Certificate of Municipal Leadership

This month, the Association of Washington Cities (AWC) awarded Councilmember Cathy Watson an Advanced Certificate of Municipal Leadership in recognition of her service, leadership and educational achievements. The program recognizes,  “Mayors and councilmembers who continue to strive for excellence by attending conferences and trainings, serving their community, and further developing leadership skills.”

Watson, who has been on the City Council since 2012, serves as the Chairperson of the Whatcom Transportation Authority (WTA) Board of Directors, is the council liaison to the Ferndale Arts Commission and Ferndale Senior Center, and volunteers with a number of community organizations including the Ferndale Auxillary Communication Service and teaching school children robotics at the Ferndale Library.

“Every member of Council works hard to ensure we keep up with latest rules, regulations, and best practices, and this AWC program has a been a wonderful way to set learning and leadership goals for myself,” said Watson.

City officials receive the Advanced Certificate of Municipal Leadership after earning 60 credits  AWC trainings and demonstrating community service.

Increased Maintenance Budget Pays Big Dividends in City Parks

Increased Maintenance Budget Pays Big Dividends in City Parks

Thanks to increased parks maintenance funding in the 2018 budget, a number of repair projects have been completed in City parks, preparing our public spaces for the recreation season. The additional parks maintenance funds were approved by the City Council in December of last year as part of their budget process.

New Fence at Oxford Park

A new fence was installed at Oxford Park (pictured above). The previous fence was decaying and becoming a safety concern. Volunteers made some temporary repairs last year that did not hold up in the winter weather. The new fence is sturdy and looks good.

Centennial Riverwalk Fountain

Thanks to the continued efforts of our Public Works crews, major repairs have been completed on the Centennial Riverwalk Fountain. The new filtration system will be able to better handle debris that gets caught in the fountain. Except for the occasional service interruption, it will be running all summer from 9am-7pm daily.

Finally, Public Works crews have restored the basketball backboards at several neighborhood parks around the city. This included cleaning and powder coating the board for increased durability.

More information about Ferndale Parks is available on our website here.

Ferndale Police Recognize Officers, Volunteers at 2018 Awards Banquet

Sgt. Kevin Davis, Det. Justin Pike, Officers Eric Grant and Josh Scott, Chief Kevin Turner

Ferndale Police Recognize Officers, Volunteers at 2018 Awards Banquet

Last Friday, officers, employees and their families, volunteers and local elected officials gathered at the Pioneer Pavilion to honor the accomplishments of the Ferndale Police Department over the last year. This new tradition allows the department the opportunity to spotlight outstanding examples of leadership and service.

“This is an opportunity for our officers to connect with each other, and reinforce the values of public service that make our department a great place to work.” said Police Chief Kevin Turner. “We have some great people working for us, and with us. I’m proud to have this opportunity to appreciate their dedication to our community.”

The following awards were presented:

  • Volunteer of the Year:                    SCOPE Don Hubbard
  • Patrol Partner of the Year:            Officer Eric Grant
  • Medal of Merit:                                Detective Justin Pike
  • Chief’s Award of Excellence in Teamwork:      Officer Josh Scott & Officer Eric Grant
  • Employee of the Year:                    Kim Martin, Support Specialist
  • Officer of the Year:                          Detective Melanie Campos

This event was made possible without expending any public funds thanks to Haggen Market Street Catering who donated their catering services for the event. Donations were also made by the Ferndale American Legion and the Ferndale Heritage Society who provided the table settings. Roger Quiggle provided the music and atmosphere for the event.

SCOPE Don Hubbard

Officer Larrick Winslow accepting Officer of the Year award on behalf of Det. Melanie Campos

Chief Turner with the Haggen Market Street Catering team (Blair, Sean, Lydia, Jamie, Kieran, Kaily and Victoria)

Two Free Concerts Scheduled for Pioneer Park this Summer

Two Free Concerts Scheduled for Pioneer Park this Summer

Fans of live music will have plenty to enjoy this summer as City of Ferndale’s 2018 “Summer of Fun” hosts two “Music in the Park” concerts in Pioneer Park. These family-oriented concerts are a great way to spend a summer evening and see some local bands take the stage at our historic Pioneer Park.

On Saturday June 30th at 6pm, come enjoy “Penny Stinkers”, a high-energy jam band mixing Americana and classic rock with a healthy mix of the unexpected. Whether craving danceable covers or boot stomping original music, the Penny Stinkers put on a great show. You can listen to their music on their site here.

On Saturday July 14th at 6pm, groove with “The Sky Colony”, a Cascadian folk revival band that brings a fresh mix of the 60s psychedelia era with modern Pacific Northwest songwriting. Their driving melodies are a perfect match for the heat of summer. You can listen to their music on their site here.

Food trucks will be on hand to sell concessions. More information about the City of Ferndale’s 2018 “Summer of Fun” can be found by clicking here.

Summary of May 21st, 2018 Council Meeting

You can find all the related Agenda Documents here

City Council Agenda Follow-Up

May 21, 2018

STUDY SESSION: Capital Project Funding INFO ONLY

Councilmember Taylor moved, and Councilmember G. Hansen seconded, to approve the consent agenda. MOTION CARRIED 7-0.




PUBLIC HEARING: Washington Street Condemnation Ordinance

The Washington Street Improvement Project (Main Street to Vista Drive) is part of the City’s 6-Year Transportation Improvement Program. Funding for this project has been secured, and a contract has been awarded for the work. Although the City has made a good faith effort to acquire the necessary right-of-way interests for the subject parcel, a final agreement has not been reached. In order to construct the project and meet the City’s financial and contractual obligation for completion of the project, it is necessary to obtain clear property rights. Time is of the essence, and the only alternative available for acquisition of clear property rights needed for the construction of the project may be by eminent domain.

Councilmember Watson moved, and Councilmember K. Hansen seconded, to approve the agenda bill. MOTION CARRIED 6-1, Councilmember Taylor opposed.







ORDINANCE: Overnight Housing in Religious Facilities

Washington State has recognized that religious institutions have played an important role in assisting the homeless or near-homeless. In 1992 the state adopted RCW 19.27.042 allowing local jurisdictions to opt in to allow certain exemptions from building codes for deficiencies that would not be a threat to human life, health, or safety, in order to allow churches to temporarily house homeless persons. This ordinance modifies FMC 15.04 to reference RCW 35A.21.360 and RWC 19.27, allowing the City to authorize religious institutions to temporarily house the homeless or near-homeless, and places restrictions and requirements on the institutions. This item was referred back to the Planning & Land Use Committee at the last meeting. Changes have been made to the original ordinance to clarify that the City’s proposed code change is based upon the language of the applicable RCW and is intended to provide additional clarity for the City and church groups, where the City retains its responsibility to identify reasonable life-safety measures for the temporary housing of homeless and near-homeless people. Additionally, the 10-day limitation was removed.

Councilmember Watson moved, and Councilmember G. Hansen seconded, to approve the agenda bill. MOTION CARRIED 6-0, Councilmember Kennedy abstaining.









RESOLUTION: Gun Safety Awareness Day

A proposal was brought to the Finance & Administration Committee by Councilmember Kate Hansen to promote gun & firearms awareness during the weekend of June 1 -3, and to declare June 2nd “Wear Orange for Gun Safety Day.”

Councilmember K. Hansen moved, and Councilmember Watson seconded, to approve the agenda bill.

Councilmember Taylor moved, and Councilmember G. Hansen seconded, to amend the motion to add language to the first “Whereas,” citing the source of the information. On the amendment: MOTION CARRIED 5-2, Councilmembers Olson & Kennedy opposed.

On the main, amended motion:  MOTION CARRIED 5-2, Councilmembers Olson & Kennedy opposed.







Information only.


Information only.



ADJOURNMENT: Meeting was adjourned at 7:20 p.m.