Section of Third Avenue and Cherry Street Closed Starting Tuesday, August 7th
To facilitate the installation of a new sidewalk, the above sections of Third Avenue and Cherry Street will be closed except for local access starting Tuesday, August 7th at 7am. This new sidewalk will provide increased pedestrian safety for residents traveling to or from the Central Elementary School, the Boys and Girls Clubhouse, the Ferndale Senior Activity Center and all the recreational opportunities available at Pioneer Park.
Construction work will also be done on the north side of Cherry Street, adjacent to Cascade Elementary although it will not impact traffic.
Work will continue through August, please obey all traffic signs and use caution when driving through the area. We appreciate your patience during this project.
If you have any questions about this project, please feel free to call Ferndale Public Works at (360) 384-4006 for more information.
As part of the construction of a compact roundabout at the intersection of Portal Way and the I-5 off ramp, the Northbound Exit 263 will be closed starting at 6am on August 13th, continuing through August 18th.
During the closure period, drivers will be detoured along Grandview road. Please obey all traffic signs and we appreciate your patience during this project.
If you have any questions about this project, please feel free to call Ferndale Public Works at (360) 384-4006 for more information.
City of Ferndale
Notice is hereby given that the Ferndale City Council will hold a special meeting on Monday, July 30th, beginning at 5 p.m. at the Ferndale City Hall located at 2095 Main St., Ferndale, Washington, to consider the following:
Please be advised that construction of a compact roundabout at Portal Way and I-5 Northbound Exit 263 will begin on Monday, July 30, 2018. During the first couple weeks of work, drivers should expect impacts on Portal Way as crews widen the intersection. Flaggers will be on hand to direct traffic through the construction zone.
Please choose alternate routes if possible. Thank you for your patience.
The final part of this project will require that both the Northbound on and off ramps to and from Interstate 5 be closed for a period of up to 5 days starting in mid-August. During the closure period, drivers will be detoured. More information will be released next week with those closure dates.
If you have questions regarding this notice, please contact the Ferndale Public Works Department at (360) 384-4006.
Congratulations to the winners of the Great Ferndale Midsummer Mystery:
1st Place – Mike, Joan, Michael, Tera and Audrey Contezac
2nd Place – Carol and Jerry Van Sambeek, Brie, Gigi and Amelie Ambler
3rd Place – Dean, Tayen, Nyla, Carolyn Withrow
4th Place – Casey Osman, Kara Helms, Karen Osman, Heyden Pinkston
5th Place – Kaden, Kathleen, Sarah and Hazel Morris
6th Place – Jon, Jamie, Jadyn and Jaclyn Denham
and of course a big thank you to all 168 participants who took the opportunity to explore our city and meet your neighbors. This adventure was made possible by the Whatcom Community Foundation as part of their #ProjectNeighborly initiative. Until next time, detectives! #FerndaleMystery
Here is the sixth and FINAL clue for the Great Ferndale Midsummer Mystery – running from July 1st -24th. Please turn in your scorecard by next Tuesday, July 24th. You can find all previous clues, the scorecards, rules and all the details on our cash prizes by clicking here. This project is supported by Project Neighborly, from the Whatcom Community Foundation and is part of our 2018 Summer of Fun from Ferndale Parks.
Sack races! Tug-o-war! Egg toss! Water balloon fights! The City is hosting an afternoon of Field Games for all ages at VanderYacht Park, so bring clothes you can get dirty and join us for some old fashioned fun. Snacks provided – all ages and abilities welcome.
This event is part of our 2018 “Summer of Fun”. You can find out about more free recreational events by clicking here.
For questions about Field Games, please contact Recreation Coordinator Riley Sweeney at (360) 685-2353 or email him by clicking here.
Traffic impacts continue at the intersection of Vista Drive and Washington Street. Starting July 18th from 7am-5pm, dump trucks will be making trips through that intersection, blocking traffic intermittently over the next several days. This will facilitate the installation of a new sewerline. Please follow all direction provided by traffic flaggers.
Please choose alternate routes if possible. Thank you for your patience.
If you have questions regarding this notice, please contact the Ferndale Public Works Department at (360) 384-4006.
There will be traffic impacts on Vista Drive this Tuesday, July 17th from 7:00am to Noon between Fourth Avenue and the Vista Drive roundabout.
To facilitate work on a waterline in the area, traffic will be reduced down to two lanes, with one lane of traffic shifting into the middle lane. Flaggers will be on hand to direct traffic, drivers are advised to use caution and obey all traffic directions.
Please choose alternate routes if possible. Thank you for your patience.
If you have questions regarding this notice, please contact the Ferndale Public Works Department at (360) 384-4006.