Notice is hereby given that the Council Committee meetings for Wednesday, January 15, 2020 are cancelled.
Notice is hereby given that the Ferndale City Council will hold two special meetings for the purpose of a Council Retreat. The first meeting will be on January 15, 2020 at the Ferndale Library Large Conference Room, located at 2125 Main Street. The second meeting will be on January 22, 2020 at the Ferndale Police Station Emergency Operations Center, located at 2220 Main Street. Both meetings will begin at 8:30 a.m. These are open public meetings as outlined by the Open Public Meetings Act, and members of the public are invited to attend and observe.
City offices will be closed Dec. 24th and 25th for the holidays. We will reopen during normal business hours on Dec. 26th. In the event of an emergency, please call 911.
The City has a number of Boards and Commissions that work to advise the council on a broad array of subjects. These are volunteer positions but absolutely essential to providing quality input to the city decision making process.
There is currently a vacancy on the Planning Commission, as well as several vacancies on the Arts Commission. To apply for one of these positions, please fill out this application and email it to City Clerk Susan Duncan at
Ferndale Receives Clean Audit for 15th Year Running
Each year, the Washington State Auditor takes a close look at the City finances, and once again, the City of Ferndale received a clean bill of financial health. The audit looked at the City’s financial statements for 2018, reviewed compliance with state law and best practices and gave the City top marks.
“The City has shown great integrity with their openness with the audit team and implementation of prior audit recommendations,” said Kelly Collins, Director of Local Audit with the State Auditor’s office.
“We take our responsibilities to the public very seriously and track every penny that crosses our door,” said Ferndale Finance Director Sirke Salminen. “Beyond that, we open up our books to the public. Anyone who is interested can check out our website and explore the City budget on a monthly basis so you can see how your tax dollars are working for you.”
The full audit is accessible on the Washington State Auditor’s website or the City of Ferndale website on the Finance Department page.
FERNDALE –A Ferndale Police Lieutenant has been charged by the Whatcom County Prosecuting Attorney as a result of an investigation that began in April. Lt. William “Bill” Hatchett is on administrative leave as he awaits due process by the courts.
The April 11th vehicle accident was investigated by the Washington State Patrol and Ferndale Police have had no direct involvement in the accident investigation or subsequent criminal investigation.
“We place a high value on the community’s trust, and we will continue to work every day to earn and maintain that trust,” said Chief Kevin Turner. “Our staff are dedicated to the welfare and safety of our community and perform their duties every day with distinction and professionalism. We thank Washington State Patrol Chief Batiste and his staff for their assistance in conducting the accident investigation.”
Ferndale is conducting an internal, administrative investigation to determine if rules of conduct, policies or procedures were violated. It is standard procedure to initiate an internal investigation pending the completion of a criminal investigation. The internal investigation is not, however, dependent on the criminal investigation or the outcome of any criminal charges. Rather, it is to examine whether the officer complied with the rules of conduct and professionalism established by the Ferndale PD to direct all employees in carrying out their duties and responsibilities.
Over the weekend, Star Park and Cedar Creek Park were both tagged with graffiti. The Ferndale Police Department is investigating and if you have any information about this incident, please reach out to Officer Steven Gamage at 360-384-3390 x5864 or
Thankfully, our Public Works crew was able to remove the damage however we do need your help making sure Star Park stays clean.
Star Park is an incredible facility. Over 2,000 volunteers and 300 organizations donated thousands of dollars and hours to bring it to life. It was designed by Ferndale children and built by this community.
We are small town and it is likely that whomever did this is local. Please talk to your children, neighbors and friends about how important Star Park is to our city – you never know whose mind you might change.
The City is planning a Star Park Renewal day in Spring of 2020 where we will conduct minor repairs, repaint the park and add some additional art to the equipment. If you are interested in volunteering for this, please email Recreation Coordinator Riley Sweeney at
City offices (City Hall, and the Ferndale Police Station) will be closed Nov. 28th and 29th for the Thanksgiving Holiday.
With Thanksgiving underway begins the big holiday shopping season and the City would like to urge you to shop local. There are hundreds of stores, vendors, service providers and merchants in Ferndale providing thousands of potential gifts. When you shop within the city limits, you are ensuring your dollars stay in your community.
Make sure to start your shopping right with your Ferndale Businesses. Here’s a great list to get you started:
Over 160 residents joined us for our Citywide Community Meeting on Tuesday, Nov. 19th to get an inside scoop on what is happening in Ferndale in 2020 and to meet their newly elected officials. You can find the video of the program below and pictures of the event on the City’s facebook page.