Ferndale Robbery Suspects Arrested

Ferndale Robbery Suspects Arrested

Ramadmi Rashid (04/29/1989) and Jeana Hall (08/07/1992) were arrested in the early hours of October 20, 2020 on charges of robbery in the first degree. A third, unknown suspect is still at large.  Ramadmi Rashid is also suspected to be involved in a separate robbery which occurred earlier on October 19, 2020 in the City of Bellingham. 

Witness accounts and video evidence show Ramandi Rashid and an unknown male suspect arrived at a commercial business located in the 6000 block of Portal Way at approximately 10 pm on October 19, 2020. The two suspects made small purchases, came in-and-out of the business several times, and stayed in the parking lot area until almost 11 pm. That is the normal closing time for the business.

The unknown suspect reentered the business and pointed a handgun at an employee. The employee gave the suspect the money from the cash drawer.  Witness accounts and video evidence show the unknown suspect and Ramadmi Rashid fleeing from the business on foot. 

A short time later, a Whatcom County Deputy Sheriff located a subject driving a vehicle in the area of this robbery. The driver of the vehicle matched the descriptions of the unknown suspect from this incident. That driver failed to yield when the Deputy tried to stop the car which led to a vehicle pursuit.  Deputies were able to get the vehicle stopped, at which time three subjects fled from the car.

Bellingham Police Department K-9 Officers assisted with tracking and apprehending Ramadmi Rashid and Jeana Hall.  When contacted Jenna Hall had a significant amount of money stuffed into her clothing and had dropped money as she fled from the suspect vehicle. 

Based on the fact that Ramadmi Rashid participated in the robbery by acting as a distraction and a lookout, as well as fleeing with the unknown suspect, probable cause existed to arrest him for robbery in the first degree. 

Based on the fact that Jeana Hall fled with the suspects of this incident that she attempted to flee from a vehicle stopped by law enforcement with large amounts of money hidden in her clothing, believed to be stolen from this incident, probable cause existed to arrest her for robbery in the first degree.

Both subjects were booked into Whatcom County Jail.  

City Council Passes Unanimous Resolution in favor of Ferndale School Levy

Front Row: Councilmembers Paul Shuey, Herb Porter, Kate Bishop and Ramon Llanos. Back Row: Councilmembers Ryan O’Larey, Erin Gunter, Mayor Greg Hansen and Councilmember Ali Hawkinson

City Council Passes Unanimous Resolution in favor of Ferndale School Levy

Last night, the Ferndale City Council passed a unanimous resolution in favor of the Ferndale School District Programs and Operations Levy.

The resolution, introduced by Councilmembers Ryan O’Larey and Erin Gunter, strongly endorses an “approved” vote for the Levy because, “Voting to approve the replacement levy will continue to provide funding for the much-needed support staff, counselors, paraeducators, extracurricular activities, and so much more. Ferndale students benefit intellectually,emotionally, and physically when these are funded.”

Ballots are due Nov. 3rd, 2020 by 8PM. Voters are encouraged to utilize the convenient ballot drop box located in the parking lot adjacent to Ferndale City Hall and the Ferndale Library.

Ferndale Playgrounds to Reopen Oct. 16th with COVID Restrictions

After consulting local public health experts and the neighboring municipalities, the City will reopen all Ferndale playgrounds, including Star Park, Cedar Creek, Flair, Oxford and Vista Ridge parks, with new COVID-related restrictions.

“For the playgrounds to safely reopen, we ask that all users observe social distancing as much as possible, wash their hands frequently and wear a mask,” said Mayor Greg Hansen. “The greatest danger is people gathering in groups with people outside their household. All users of the park who are five years or older are required to wear a mask while on the playground and those who are two to four are strongly recommended to wear a mask.” 

The playgrounds will not be sanitized or cleaned beyond their regularly scheduled maintenance so the public will be playing at their own risk. “To ensure that we are able to keep these facilities open to the public, please observe these guidelines.” said Mayor Hansen. “If there is an outbreak, we may need to revisit this decision.”

For more information on Ferndale parks, please visit www.cityofferndale.org/parks or contact Recreation Coordinator Riley Sweeney at rileysweeney@cityofferndale.org or 360-685-2353.

City of Ferndale Honors Indigenous Peoples Day

Today we honor our friends and neighbors, the Lummi Nation and the Nooksack Tribe as we celebrate Indigenous Peoples Day. We acknowledge the courage and resilience of those who have lived on this land since time immemorial and urge everyone to dig deep and explore history that has been ignored for far too long

Drug Take Back Day Scheduled with Ferndale Police Oct. 24th, 10am-2pm

Too often, unused prescription drugs find their way into the wrong hands. That’s dangerous and often tragic. That’s why the DEA and the Ferndale Police Department are asking residents to clean out their medicine cabinets and turn in – safely and anonymously – their unused prescription drugs.

Stop by the Ferndale Police Department (2220 Main Street) on Saturday Oct. 24th from 10am-2pm to dispose of any leftover prescription or over-the-counter medication.

COVID-19 safety protocols will be in place so please observe social distancing and wear a mask. Medication is welcome however we will not be accepting IV solutions, injectibles, syringes, inhalers, vape devices (with batteries that cannot be removed), or medical waste.

Please remove any identifying information from the label or use a permanent marker to black out that information prior to disposal.

Participation helps prevent a tragedy – for more information, please call the Ferndale Police Station at 360-384-3390.

Tune in for the First 2021 Budget Workshop

Tonight, at 5:00PM is the first 2021 Budget Workshop with the Ferndale City Council. Staff and council will be reviewing several of the city funds that have little volatility but are an essential part of the city budget.

The public is invited to tune in – the proceedings, like all council meetings, will be livestreamed through Microsoft Teams. No download is necessary to watch, simply click here and it will go live at 5pm.

Here are the documents provided to the council in advance of the meeting. They can also be found on the City’s 2021 Budget page:

Traffic Impacts on LaBounty Dr. Tues. Oct. 6th

Public Works will be paving the northbound/westbound lane of LaBounty Drive in front of Mt. Baker Lanes and the adjacent shopping center on Tuesday Oct. 7th starting at 7AM.

Flaggers will be in place to facilitate vehicles through the area and access to the shopping center will be maintained as much as possible throughout the day.

Please follow all traffic direction provided and utilize alternative routes if possible. For more information, call Ferndale Public Works at (360) 384-4006.

Invitation to Bid – Complete Streets Project



City of Ferndale Project No. ST2019-02

TIB Project No. C-W-985(001)-1

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by CITY OF FERNDALE that electronic .pdf copies of bid proposals will be received by the City of Ferndale via email to Public-Works@cityofferndale.org until October 8, 2020 at 1:00 pm. The opening and reading of the bids will then be live-streamed via Microsoft Teams for the Complete Streets Project. Live stream information can be found on the City of Ferndale’s project website at https://www.cityofferndale.org/completestreets.  Hard copies matching the electronically delivered bid proposals must be received at Ferndale City Hall by arranging to drop off via email at Public-Works@cityofferndale.org or via US mail attn: Ferndale Public Works Department, Complete Streets Project Bid, PO Box 936, Ferndale, Washington, 98248, (360) 384-4006, no later than October 14, 2020 at 5 pm.

PROJECT DESCRIPTION: This Contact provides for ADA improvements at the intersections of 1st Ave./Alder St.; 2nd Ave./Alder St.; 3rd Ave./Alder St.; ADA improvements and the installation of rectangular rapid flash beacons (RRFB) at the intersections of Thornton St./Maureen Dr.; and Vista Dr./Seamount Dr.  Work will include removal of existing ramps, storm drain modifications, installation of ADA ramps, installation of RRFB, and other work in accordance with the attached Contract Plans, these Contract Provisions, and the Standard Specifications.

Bid Guaranty

All bid proposals shall be accompanied by a bid proposal deposit in cash, certified check, cashier’s check, or surety bond in an amount equal to five percent (5%) of the amount of such bid proposal. Should the successful bidder fail to enter into such contract and furnish satisfactory performance bond and payment bond both in an amount of 100 percent (100%) of the contract price within the time stated in the specifications, the bid proposal deposit shall be forfeited to the City of Ferndale.  All bidders and subcontractors shall have a contractor’s license to work in the State of Washington and a City of Ferndale Business License before starting work. All work performed on this project will be subject to prevailing state wage rates.

Project Documents 

Maps, plans, and specifications may be obtained electronically from the Ferndale Public Works Department, via download on the City of Ferndale website at https://www.cityofferndale.org/completestreets.  If you download the bid documents, you are required to contact the City via email at Public-Works@cityofferndale.org to be added to the plan holders’ list.

Pre-Bid Conference

Due to the nature of the project, the Contracting Agency will hold one pre-bid conference for all proposal holders for this project.  Subcontractors or other plan holders are encouraged to attend.

Those prospective bidders may attend a pre-bid conference with the Project Engineer.  The meeting will start on October 1, 2020, at 10:00 am.  The meeting will be held via Microsoft Teams.  Live stream information can be found on the City of Ferndale’s project website at https://www.cityofferndale.org/completestreets.  Bidders wishing to attend shall request a meeting invite.  See City webpage for additional information.  Attendance at this Pre-Bid Conference is not mandatory

The City of Ferndale in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 78 Stat. 252, 42 USC 2000d to 2000d-4 and Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, Department of Transportation, Subtitle A, Office of the Secretary, Part 21, Nondiscrimination in Federally-Assisted Programs of the Department of Transportation issued pursuant to such Act, hereby notifies all bidders that it will affirmatively ensure that in any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, disadvantaged business enterprises as defined at 49 CFR Part 26 will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, national origin, or sex in consideration for an award.

The City of Ferndale is an Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action Employer.  Minority and Women-Owned firms are encouraged to submit bids.

Susan Duncan

City Clerk – City of Ferndale