Ferndale Staff Answer Questions about 2021 Budget

Finance Director Sirke Salminen and City Administrator Jori Burnett answer questions from social media about the 2021 budget. For more information on the 2021 budget, check out our 2021 budget page at cityofferndale.org/finance-department/budget-documents/2021-budget-2/.

For more information, please email Sirke Salminen at SirkeSalminen@cityofferndale.org.

To weigh in on the budget, please attend our Dec. 7th Council Meeting or email your city council members at CityCouncil@cityofferndale.org.

Note: We are aware of the issue with the sound recording and have done our best to mitigate it. Our apologies.

Mobile Grocery Delivery Truck Sparks Online Rumor Mill

Mobile Grocery Delivery Truck Sparks Online Rumor Mill

On 11/19/2020, Officers from the Ferndale Police Department responded to the 2300 block of Douglas Rd.  It was reported that a male and female in a white van had lured children into their van with candy. It was also reported that the subjects asked the children for money.  As you can imagine, this alarmed many parents in the area. Some have taken to Facebook and posted about this incident in an attempt to protect our community.

The Ferndale Police Department conducted an investigation and determined that the subjects are operating a mobile grocery store.  The vehicle was actually a repurposed delivery box truck. The owners admitted that they allowed children inside the box truck.  They also stated they allowed the children to look around and that they told the children to ask their parents for money to purchase candy. Ferndale officers confirmed the owners have a valid reseller permit from the Department of Revenue.

The Ferndale Police Department would like to remind everyone that what you read on the internet is not always what it seems.  During these hard times, people of our community are doing whatever they can to get through this crisis.  Yes, some of these ventures are legitimate and some not. If you see something suspicious, report it to the Police and allow them time to do a thorough investigation.  If you participate in something going viral on the internet, you may be harming someone in your community unnecessarily.

“The City of Ferndale is a wonderful place to live. In these hard times we need to do our best to have a positive outlook and project that on our neighbors.  If we talk to one another, ask the appropriate questions and have some compassion for those around us.  We really will have a ‘Stronger Community Together,’” said Police Chief Kevin Turner.

Free Zoom Painting Class with the Ferndale Arts Commission

UPDATE 11/19/2020: The class has filled up but if you still want to participate using your brushes and canvas, you are welcome to register and follow along.

WHAT:  The Ferndale Arts  Commission is hosting a Zoom Painting Class

WHO:  The class will be led by local artist Sandy Peppar

WHEN:  Saturday, November 28, from 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.

WHERE: This is a virtual event that you can attend from the comfort of your own home

TO REGISTER: Email Susan Duncan at susanduncan@cityofferndale.org with your name, phone number and email address. Supplies will be available to pick up at the City Hall parking lot. You will be provided a time for pick-up once you’ve registered. Registration is limited to 55 participants, so don’t delay, sign up today!

HOW MUCH:  It’s free!!! All of the supplies needed to complete the painting pictured above will be provided

Get your 2021 City Budget Questions Answered

We are finishing up the 2021 City of Ferndale budget and we want to hear from you! City budgets can be dense documents and we want to get all your questions answered before the City Council has their final public hearing on the budget at the Dec. 7th council meeting.

Post your questions about the budget on the City facebook page or send them in email to Communication Officer Riley Sweeney at rileysweeney@cityofferndale.org and next Monday, Finance Director Sirke Salminen and City Administrator Jori Burnett will answer them live the City’s facebook page.

Latest Downtown Mural Celebrates Local Flora and Fauna

The Ferndale Arts Commission has completed its latest downtown mural and the final one for 2020. The newest piece, titled “Tennant Lake” was painted by local artist Kelly Hoekema and is a celebration of local flora and fauna. It can be found on the side of FrinGe Brewing, facing Alder St.

“I love that I get to be part of a town that truly enjoys the arts.” said Hoekema. This is the fifth mural completed in 2020 and the twelfth mural completed as part of the Downtown Mural Project.

Artist Kelly Hoekema

Councilmember Llanos to Vacate Seat Creating Vacancy on City Council

Councilmember Ramon Llanos being sworn in to office November 2019

Councilmember Ramon Llanos to Vacate Seat Creating Vacancy on the City Council

Councilmember Ramon Llanos has informed the City that he will be moving outside the City limits at the end of November 2020 and will no longer be able to serve as a City Councilmember effective November 30th. This creates a vacancy on the Ferndale City Council that could be filled as early as Dec. 7th or decided at a later point.

When a vacancy occurs on the City Council, the Council solicits applications for interested members of the public willing to serve and then selects one of those applicants to serve. The appointed member would serve until the 2021 election results are certified at the end of November.  

The City Council will meet and discuss the timeline, process and application materials at their November 16th council meeting starting at 6pm. Application materials will be available on the City website the following day.

City Seeks Old Ferndale Photos, News Clippings for Historical Preservation

Do you have historical pictures or news clippings of Ferndale? Pictures of Ferndale landmarks that are gone, everyday photos from life in Ferndale or just a headline from when a big business came to town? The City would like to see them.

The City will pick up your treasured keepsakes and scan them, creating a digital image copy that we could use to educate the next generation about the history of our community. The City would then return original documents to you, along with a digital copy as a thank you.

The city is especially interested in pictures that show parts of the city, community events or significant news stories. Anything earlier than 1994 is welcomed. The holidays are the perfect time to dig out that old scrapbook so if you have something to share, please email Riley Sweeney at RileySweeney@cityofferndale.org to arrange a pick up and return of your documents.

Ferndale City Council Seeks Members for Equity Advisory Committee

Ferndale City Council Seeks Members for Equity Advisory Committee

At their last council meeting, the Ferndale City Council formed an advisory committee to make recommendations to elected officials and city staff relating to issues of equity. The seven-member board, called the Equity Advisory Committee, is seeking members from the public to serve.

The committee’s goals are to help the city attract diverse and well-qualified staff, facilitate trainings and educational opportunities around race and equity, and “research ways to increase equity in regard to housing, land use, hiring, policing, mental health, transportation, accessibility, systemic poverty, aging populations, racial and non-racial cultural divisions and more to find policy-based solutions.”

Councilmember Ali Hawkinson was the primary sponsor of the new advisory board. “We want this to be a committee of individuals that truly care about the well-being of their neighbors,” said Hawkinson. “We want to be a city that works to address the many inequities that exist in Ferndale, and that starts with accountability and transparency. This board is a great vehicle for that.”

Requirements to serve on the board include, “a demonstrated interest in, and knowledge and support of equity and diversity” and need to have lived in the Ferndale School District for at least one year. Interested members of the public should fill out an application and send it in to City Clerk Susan Duncan at susanduncan@cityofferndale.org.