Association of Washington Cities Scholarship Opportunity

City of Ferndale Seeks Applications for Association of Washington Cities Center for Quality Communities Scholarship

The City of Ferndale is now accepting applications for the Association of Washington Cities (AWC) Center for Quality Communities (CQC) scholarship. The scholarship is available through a statewide competitive process for high school seniors who are active in leadership in their city government, community, or school and plan to pursue post-secondary education in fall 2025.

The CQC is awarding up to three $3,000 scholarships in 2025. Scholarship recipients also receive a travel stipend to attend AWC’s Annual Conference in Kennewick, Washington, in June 2025.

To be eligible as a first-time applicant, a student must be:

  • A Washington resident;
  • Graduating from high school, completing homeschooling, or receiving a GED in spring/summer 2025;
  • Planning to continue their education at an accredited college or trade school in the 2025-2026 academic year on a half-time or more basis; and
  • Active in leadership in their city government, community, or school, either now or in the past.

Information and application materials can be found on the CQC website ( Completed applications are due to the City of Ferndale no later than Monday, January 13, 2025.

Applications may be dropped off in person to Ferndale City Hall at 2095 Main St., or by email with the subject line “CQC Scholarship” to Communications and Community Relations Officer Megan Juenemann, at

The AWC Center for Quality Communities is a 501(c)(3) partner with the nonprofit Association of Washington Cities. The Center’s goal is to help residents understand the important role cities and towns play in Washington and to grow leaders and healthy, resilient quality communities. The Center promotes municipal leadership development and civic engagement and works to support students who demonstrate community leadership and commitment to their city.

For questions or more information, please contact the City of Ferndale’s Communications and Community Relations Officer, Megan Juenemann at (360) 685-2353 or

Notice of Traffic Revision and Possible Delays: Monday, November 18th – Friday, December 6th

Byers Rd between Pacific Hwy and Ferndale City Limits

Drivers should expect delays as traffic is reduced to single lane alternating traffic near 1349 Byers Rd, between Pacific Hwy and Ferndale City limits. The traffic revision is in effect from Monday, November 18th – Friday, December 6th. The traffic revision is in effect Monday-Friday from 7:00 AM to 6:00 PM each day. Flaggers will be onsite to direct traffic

This work is associated with a private development project.

City Boards & Commissions Seek Volunteers

The City has a number of Boards and Commissions that work to advise the council on a broad array of subjects. These are volunteer positions but absolutely essential to providing quality input to the city decision-making process.

There is currently a position available on the Equity Advisory Committee. (EAC) This is a four-year term, beginning January 1, 2025. To apply, please fill out this application and email it to Administrative Services Director Susan Duncan at The application deadline is December 15, 2024. Click here to learn more about the EAC.


“The Ferndale Ferns” Art Installation

The Ferndale Ferns

The Ferndale Arts Commission is excited to announce the installation of The Ferndale Ferns, two fiddlehead fern sprig sculptures on the Thornton overpass. The sculptures were installed Friday, November 15, 2024 by the sculpture artist Don Anderson.

The sculpture bases were planned into the overpass road construction project in 2019. The sculpture designs were approved by the Mayor and shared with City Council last year.

Each fern is approx. 18’ tall, of powder coated steel. They are green at the bottom and transition to Blue on the North Fern, and Red on the South Fern.

Per the artist:
The South Fern is youthful, impetuous and daring – a young adult not yet fully formed, physically and emotionally – yet capable and formidable. The North Fern is more complex – a fully formed adult nearing full bloom, fully equipped and mature, with the wisdom, creativity and knowledge to be complete in the world, yet with still room to grow.
Don Anderson "The Ferndale Ferns" sculptures Photo credit: Don Anderson

2025 Comprehensive Plan Update – Envisioning Ferndale with the City and WWU

The City of Ferndale has partnered with Western Washington University’s Urban Planning Studio to engage with the community for the 2025 Comprehensive Plan Update. You’re invited to come share your ideas and insights for Ferndale’s future.  Join us on Thursday, November 21st from 5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. at Pioneer Pavilion Community Center (2007 Cherry Street) to learn about the project, enjoy free food, and stay for activities. All ages welcome and childcare is provided. For questions and disability accommodations, contact

2025 Comprehensive Plan Update – Critical Areas and Application Procedures – Virtual Meeting

The City of Ferndale Community Development Department invites you to a discussion focused on updates to the City’s Critical Areas (FMC 16.08) and Application procedures (FMC 14.07). These changes are part of the City’s 2025 Comprehensive Plan Update. The meeting will be held remotely on November 14th at 5:30pm via Microsoft Teams (invite below). If you have written comments you would like to provide prior, please email them to

Chapter 16.08 Critical Areas – Revisions – DRAFT
Chapter 14.07 Application procedures – Revisions – DRAFT

Microsoft Teams
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Meeting ID: 297 380 441 331
Passcode: KtAoFN
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Notice of Traffic Revision and Possible Delays: Friday, November 15th, 2024

Thornton Overpass

Drivers should expect delays as traffic is reduced to single lane alternating traffic on the east side of the Thornton Overpass. Contractor’s will be installing artwork first on the westbound side and then on the eastbound side of the roadway. The traffic revision is in effect Friday, November 15th, 2024, from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Flaggers will be onsite to direct traffic. This project is expected to be completed in one-day.

Notice of Traffic Revision and Possible Delays: Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Ferndale Terrace CLOSED between Shannon Ave and Sherry Pl

Drivers should plan to detour as a short section of Ferndale Terrace, between Shannon Ave and Sherry Pl, will be CLOSED for utility work. This traffic revision is in effect from Wednesday, November 13th. The closure hours are from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM. Residents in the work zone will have access in and out of their homes.

This traffic revision is for work associated with a private development project.

Water Shutoffs Happening on Tuesday, October 22

This is a final courtesy reminder that water shutoffs will be happening this month. Please make sure your payment is made by 4:30 p.m. on Monday, October 21st to avoid any interruptions in services. Water shutoffs will happen on Tuesday, October 22nd. If your balance is $100.00 or less, your service will not be interrupted. If you have any questions, please contact the City’s Utilities Department by emailing or calling (360) 384-4269 or (360) 685-2355.

final courtesy reminder that water shutoffs will happen on tuesday, october 22, 2024

October 8th – City Phones

Updated 10/8 at 3:25 p.m.: Phones are back up and working. Thank you for your patience.

The City is aware of a connectivity issue that is impacting all City phones. We are working diligently to resolve the issue and the City will post an update as soon as the problem is fixed. Emergency services are still available by dialing 9-1-1. Thank you for your patience.

thank you for your patience