Lost and Found Items

Have you lost or misplaced an item recently? If one of these items fits the general description of your lost property, contact Michelle with the Ferndale Police Department at 360-483-5745 to describe and claim your lost property.

Credit cards, helmet, drills, safe, cell phone, backpack

City Facilities are Mask Optional Starting March 12th

City Facilities are Mask Optional Starting March 12th

In accordance with updated guidelines from the state and the Center for Disease Control, visitors to Ferndale public facilities such as City Hall, the Police Station and the Pioneer Pavilion will no longer be required to wear masks as of March 12th. Visitors are still encouraged to wear a mask if they are at high risk for severe illness or living with medically fragile individuals.

Currently, the City is working towards holding their first hybrid city council meeting in April that will be both open to the public and streaming live over Microsoft Teams.

“We have learned a great deal over the last two years on how to use technology to connect with our residents,” said Mayor Greg Hansen, “As some of these restrictions lift, we are going to keep what works and restore physical access to these spaces.”

The indoor mask requirement is now contingent on local COVID-19 case numbers. Currently Whatcom County is on track to lift their mandate on March 12th but it may return if cases spike. For more information on local COVID-19 conditions, please see the Whatcom County Health Department COVID-19 page here.

Non-Threatening Device Located at Vista Middle School

Joint Statement from the Ferndale School District and Ferndale Police Department

This morning, March 7th, the administration at Vista Middle School reported a suspicious device to the Ferndale Police Department. Students and staff were removed to a safe distance as recommended by law officials.

Law enforcement, including the Hazardous Device Unit from the Bellingham Police Department, assessed the device, disassembled it, and found it to be non-threatening. Additionally, a comprehensive search of the building and surrounding perimeter was conducted, and students & staff returned to normal operations.

In every case, the safety of our community is our top priority and guiding principle. The Ferndale School District is grateful for the quick response by Ferndale Police Department as we worked diligently and collaboratively to ensure threats are fully investigated and resolved. Together, this partnership continues to keep our students, staff, and communities safe.

As always, we encourage you, parents, students, staff, and community members, to report any concerns or questionable behavior to Ferndale Schools administration and/or Ferndale Police Department. Please remember that Ferndale Schools also have an anonymous reporting tool Vector Alert, formally known as Safe Schools Alert. By working together, we can continue to ensure a safe learning and teaching environment for all students and staff.


Notice of Traffic Revision: Tuesday, March 8th from 7am-7pm

Bass Drive will be closed to through traffic on Tuesday, March 8th

Through traffic drivers should plan to detour as Bass Drive will be closed on Tuesday March 8th. Detour signs will be posted at 2nd Ave and Washington St. in the north and at Main St. and Vista Dr. in the south. Local residents will be able to access their homes. VanderYacht Park visitors can access the park via Washington St. This is a one-day traffic revision for Tuesday, March 8th, between the hours of 7:00 AM and 7:00 PM. This closure is to complete work associated with a private development project.

Ferndale To Hold Second Public Meeting to Refine Skate Park Design

Join New Line Skateparks  and the City of Ferndale on Thursday, March 17th at 6:00PM to review the latest concepts for Metalworks Skate Park. Attendees of this remote meeting will be able to check out the latest design concepts for Metalworks Skate Park and see how previous public input has been incorporated into the design. New Line Skateparks will also provide an update on the work done so far, summarize the feedback already received and provide more opportunities for the public to shape the construction of the park.

The remote meeting can be accessed on March 17th at www.tinyurl.com/MetalworksMeeting2. An online survey will be available after the meeting for additional opportunities to provide feedback. It will be live at www.tinyurl.com/MetalworksSurvey2

Metalworks Skate Park will be constructed in Pioneer Park in Ferndale, and will provide a fun space for people of all ages and abilities to ride, skate, rollerblade or scooter. Construction on Metalworks Skate Park is expected to begin in 2022. For more information, check out www.cityofferndale.org/skatepark or follow #sk8metalworks.

Notice of Traffic Revision: Thursday, March 3rd through Friday, March 11th, 2022, 7am–7pm

Portal Way between Kaas Road and Newkirk Road

Drivers should expect delays as traffic is reduced to single lane traffic on Portal Way between Kaas Road and Newkirk Road beginning Thursday, March 3rd and lasting through Friday, March 11th, between the hours of 7:00 AM and 7:00 PM. Flaggers will be onsite to direct traffic. Road will remain open during nonworking hours. This project is to complete utility work associated with a private development project. The project is anticipated to take 6 days.

Notice of Traffic Revision: Wednesday, February 23rd and Thursday, February 24th, 2022, 7am–7pm

Aquarius Ave will be closed at the intersection with Thornton St.

Drivers should expect delays as Aquarius Ave. will be closed at the intersection with Thornton St. and local traffic for Aquarius Ave. and Apollo Drive are detoured via Maureen Drive. There will also be a lane shift at the intersection of Thornton St. and Aquarius Ave. to allow access to a manhole on Thornton. This is a two-day traffic revision, Wednesday, February 23rd and Thursday, February 24th, between the hours of 7:00 AM and 7:00 PM. Flaggers will be onsite, as needed, to direct traffic and pedestrians around the work zone. Road will remain open during nonworking hours. This work is to complete utility work associated with a private development project.