Ferndale Police Seek Public’s Help Identifying Vandalism Suspects

Ferndale Police Seek Public’s Help Identifying Vandalism Suspects

The Ferndale Police Department is asking the public’s help to identify three suspects in a series of vandalism cases. The suspects were caught on camera vandalizing a Ferndale business and are connected to a rash of graffiti in the greater Ferndale area.

The three suspects are described as male, and in their twenties. Two of them have darker hair with facial hair while one has lighter hair and skin. Anyone with information about these three suspects should contact Detective Steve Gamage at 360-483-5720 or sgamage@ferndalepd.org.


EXTENDED: Notice of Traffic Revision: Tuesday, May 10th through Friday, May 20th

Vista Drive between Seamount Drive and Eastview Place AND Seamount Drive between Water Garden Street and Vista Drive

Drivers should expect delays as traffic is reduced to single lane traffic on Vista Drive between Seamount Drive and Eastview Place and also on Seamount Drive between Water Garden Street and Vista Drive beginning Tuesday, May 10th and lasting through Friday, May 20th. Work will take place at one work area at a time and the traffic revision will shift locations throughout the project. Flaggers will be onsite to direct traffic. Work will take place between the hours of 7:00 AM and 7:00 PM. Roads will remain open during nonworking hours. This project is to complete utility work associated with a private development project.

Notice of Traffic Revision: Monday, May 9th through Friday May 13th from 7am-7pm

Bass Drive will be closed to through traffic from Monday, May 9th through Friday, May 13th

Through traffic drivers should plan to detour as Bass Drive will be closed from Monday, May 9th through Friday, May 13th. Detour signs will be posted at 2nd Ave and Washington St. in the north and at 2nd and Main St. in the south. Local residents will be able to access their homes. Vanderyacht Park visitors can access the park via Washington St. This traffic revision is in effect between the hours of 7:00am and 7:00pm daily. This closure is to complete work associated with a private development project.

Call for Bids for Whiskey Creek Buried Structure Procurement




NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by CITY OF FERNDALE that sealed bid proposals will be received by the City of Ferndale at Ferndale City Hall, 2095 Main Street, Ferndale, Washington, 98248, (360) 384-4006, until Wednesday, May 25, 2022, at 2:00 p.m., and will then and there be opened and publicly read for the following construction work:

PROJECT DESCRIPTION: This contract calls for the purchase, supply and delivery of a precast reinforced concrete buried structure for Whiskey Creek.

To view the full bid packet, please go to: https://www.cityofferndale.org/public-works-department/capital-projects/malloy-avenue-whiskey-creek-culvert-replacement-project/

All bid and project related questions must be directed in writing; and other work in accordance with the Contract Documents issued for this bid, including the amendments and addenda thereto.  Additional information, copies of maps, plans, specifications, and addenda for this project will be sent via e-mail.  All technical questions regarding this project are to be submitted by e-mail to KatyRadder@cityofferndale.org and Kevin.Axt@tetratech.com“, with the subject line reading, “Whiskey Creek Buried Structure Procurement Bid”.

All bid envelopes must be plainly marked on the outside, “WHISKEY CREEK BURIED STRUCTURE PROCUREMENT SEALED BID”. Sealed bids shall be received by one of the following delivery methods before Wednesday, May 25, 2012, at 2:00 p.m.  Any bids received after the due date and time will not be considered.

  1. Hand delivered: Bids delivered in person shall be received only at the office of the City of Ferndale Public Works Department, Second Floor of City Hall, located at 2095 Main Street, Ferndale, WA 98248.
  2. Via mail: Bids shall be mailed to the City of Ferndale, Attn: Katy Radder, P.O. Box 936, Ferndale, WA 98248.

In addition, an electronic copy of your bid (in pdf format) shall be emailed to Public-Works@cityofferndale.org no later than the bid opening date and time designated as the bid opening.

The City reserves the right to reject any or all bids if such action is in the best interest of the City.  The City of Ferndale is an equal opportunity and affirmative action employer.

The City of Ferndale in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 78 Stat. 252, 42 USC 2000d to 2000d-4 and Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, Department of Transportation, Subtitle A, Office of the Secretary, Part 21, Nondiscrimination in Federally-Assisted Programs of the Department of Transportation issued pursuant to such Act, hereby notifies all bidders that it will affirmatively ensure that in any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, disadvantaged business enterprises as defined at 49 CFR Part 26 will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, national origin, or sex in consideration for an award. The City of Ferndale is an Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action Employer. Minority and Women-Owned firms are encouraged to submit bids.



Thornton Overpass Project Holds Groundbreaking Ceremony for Upcoming Work

Last Friday, Mayor Greg Hansen presided over a groundbreaking for the next steps of the Thornton Overpass project. This upcoming work will include the construction of the bridge over the railroad tracks, tying the City of Ferndale together and tying Ferndale in with I-5.
Since ground had already been broken on the project, to commemorate the occasion the Mayor (along with local elected officials, contractors for this project and community partners) tied two pieces of rope together representing the east and west sides of Ferndale.
For more information about the Thornton Overpass project and access to the live webcam of the construction site, go to www.cityofferndale.org/thornton. #ThorntonOverpass

Lost and Found Items

Have you lost or misplaced an item recently? If one of these items fits the general description of your lost property, contact Michelle with the Ferndale Police Department at 360-483-5745 to describe and claim your lost property. Items turned into the Ferndale Police Department: Purse, cell phone, cash and a toiletry bag.

Touch-A-Truck with Ferndale Public Works Scheduled for Thurs. May 19th, 1-5PM

Come celebrate National Public Works Week by exploring some of the equipment used by our Public Works crew. Join us for Touch-a-Truck Thursday, May 19th, 1pm-5pm at Pioneer Park (2004 Cherry St). Climb around in a dump truck, backhoe or street sweeper and learn more about the exciting world of public works. For more information, contact Communications Officer Riley Sweeney at (360) 685-2353 or email at rileysweeney@cityofferndale.org


Announcing Ferndale Parks 2022 Summer of Fun

Ferndale Announces 2022 Summer of Fun Parks Activities

The City of Ferndale is proud to announce a full slate of summer parks activities this year, including everything from acrobats to a Metallica cover band. Participants can enjoy movies, food, live music and activities in Ferndale’s parks almost every weekend throughout the summer.

“I know everyone is ready to cut loose and have fun in the parks this year,” said Mayor Greg Hansen. “Once again, Ferndale has an incredible line up of free, family-friendly activities ready to go.”

This year, Ferndale’s parks events are made possible in part by the generous support of WECU, a local credit union serving Whatcom County for over 80 years.

Here is the full slate of activities:

Food Truck Fridays will be held on the first Friday of each summer month (June 3rd, July 1st, August 5th and September 2nd) at Pioneer Village, next to Star Park. Food trucks from around Whatcom County will be selling hot meals starting at 5:30 p.m.

In addition, there will be interactive entertainment at each Food truck event. June’s event will include a performance by the Bellingham Circus Guild on the Pioneer Park stage. July’s event will include several croquet courses for play throughout the evening and August’s event will feature a performance by swamp rock and Americana band Pacific Twang.

Music in the Park. Are you ready to rock? Join Ferndale for three live concerts on the Pioneer Village stage this summer starting at 6 p.m. Food trucks will also be on site selling meals for concert attendees.

Saturday, June 11th – The Walrus. This Bellingham-based classic rock band brings the hits of the Beatles, Queen, Led Zepplin, Tom Petty, Heart and more to life with their lively vocals and rich musical arrangements. If you are looking for a classic fun pop band – don’t miss The Walrus!

Saturday, July 9th – Blistered Earth. We are proud to welcome the DEFINITIVE Metallica Tribute Band to the Pioneer Village Stage. Experience the raw energy and showmanship, as Blistered Earth pays its respects to the one of the greatest heavy metal bands of all time.

Friday, July 22nd – Baby Cakes. This Bellingham-based powerhouse band provides a luxurious joyride through the golden age of American Soul, Funk and R&B. Their unique mix of male and female lead vocals, as well as full horn and rhythm section, will have you dancing in your seats!

Flicks in the Park. Grab your blanket or comfortable camping chair and come on down to Pioneer Park when the sun goes down for a feature film. The movie starts a little after 9 p.m. when it gets dark enough to see the film.

June 17th – Encanto. Get swept away by the Pixar magic of this multi-generational tale of magical gifts, family and toe-tapping music that we guarantee will be stuck in your head forever. (Rated PG)

June 24th – Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure. Do you like time travel? How about Keanu Reeves? What about the power of epic rock music to heal the space-time continuum? Don’t take it from us, come on down and enjoy this classic comedy so that we all can be excellent to each other. (Rated PG)

July 8th – Spider-Man: No Way Home. Say you are your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man and you have accidentally released your secret identity to the world. What do you get? A wizard to fix it, obviously. When Dr. Strange’s spell goes awry, Spider-Man must enlist help to try and fix everything. Superhero thrills at their finest.  (Rated PG-13)

Field Games, July 16th at 1 p.m. at VanderYacht Park. Sack races, tug-o-war, toss the water balloon and more. All the classic field games from your favorite summer camp are alive and well at VanderYacht park. Run, jump and frolic with these great events and then get hosed down by a real fire truck at the end of the event, courtesy of Whatcom Fire District 7.

Yoga in the Park, Aug 13th at 10 a.m. in Pioneer Village. Stretch, reach and flex in the comfort of the beautiful Pioneer Village. Join our yoga instructor, courtesy of Flow Motion, for a relaxing morning in the park on a sunny Saturday. The perfect thing to help you Namaste healthy and flexible.

As always, Ferndale parks events are free and open to the public. More information is available at www.ferndaleparks.com or by contacting Recreation Coordinator Riley Sweeney at rileysweeney@cityofferndale.org or (360) 685-2353.