Ferndale Paper Airplane Derby Set for Feb. 4th, 10AM-1PM

Ferndale Paper Airplane Derby Set for Feb. 4th, 10AM-1PM

Join the City for the first parks event of 2023, a free paper airplane derby on Saturday, Feb. 4th from 10AM-1PM at the Pioneer Pavilion (2007 Cherry St).

There will be materials and instructions to make several different designs of paper airplanes (everything from the jumbo glider to a paper airplane TIE fighter) and then participants can compete for distance and accuracy or even fly their plane in our make-shift wind tunnel.

Come out for this perfect rainy Saturday activity. Snacks included, all ages and abilities welcome.

For more information, please contact Recreation Coordinator Riley Sweeney at rileysweeney@cityofferndale.org or (360) 685-2353.

Ferndale Police Seek Information on Bank Robbery Suspect

Ferndale Police Seek Information on Bank Robbery Suspect

On Tuesday, 01/24/2023, at about 4:35 pm, Ferndale Police were dispatched to Banner Bank, which is located within Haggen Grocery, for a bank robbery.  Officers responded and with the assistance of the Whatcom County Sheriff’s Office and the Bellingham Police Department, the area was searched. However, the suspect was not located.

The suspect is described as a white male, about 5’-9” tall with a regular build.  He was wearing a black hoodie with the hood pulled up, a black face covering, blue latex type gloves, faded baggie blue jeans and white shoes.

The suspect demanded money and fled the building on foot after obtaining cash.  The total financial loss is under investigation.  The suspect did not display or imply that he was armed with a weapon.  There is no cause to believe that there is a threat to public safety at this time.

The Ferndale Police Department is asking for public assistance in this case.  If you were near the entrance or checkout area or around the parking lot of Haggen Grocery during this time and saw the suspect entering or exiting the business, or if you have any additional information regarding this case, please contact Detective Grant at 360-483-5739 or egrant@ferndalepd.org.

Remembering and Honoring the Point Elliott Treaty

“On Jan. 22nd, 168 years ago, the United States and the Lummi Nation, two sovereign nations, wrote and signed an enduring document outlining how their respective peoples would share the land and resources of this region. That document was the Point Elliott Treaty.
You cannot understand the complexities of the present without an honest look at the past. We urge everyone to take a moment and learn about the Point Elliott Treaty, the history of the Coast Salish peoples who have lived here from Time Immemorial, and our shared heritage together.” – Mayor Greg Hansen
This video, produced by the Children of the Setting Sun Productions, is a great place to start:

Notice of Potential Quorum

In accordance with the Open Public Meetings Act (RCW 42.30), notice is hereby given that a quorum of Ferndale City Councilmembers may be in attendance at the following event:

State Auditor’s Entrance Conference

Wednesday, March 25, 2023 at 10:00 a.m.

Ferndale City Hall, 2095 Main Street

The purpose of this meeting is to allow state auditors to discuss the scope and objectives of the Financial and Accountability Audit of the City of Ferndale for the fiscal years 2020 – 2021. This is an open public meeting as outlined by the Open Public Meetings Act, and members of the public are invited to attend and observe.

City Offices Closed Monday, Jan. 16th in honor of MLK, Jr

City offices will be closed on Monday, January 16th in recognition of his life’s work to challenge violence and bigotry with grace and goodness.
As always, to reach emergency services, please dial 911. City Hall will reopen for normal business hours on Tuesday, Jan. 17th, and our city council meeting will be held that evening at 5PM at the City Annex.

Mayoral Proclamation for January 13th, 2023 as Korean American Day

Mayoral Proclamation for January 13th, 2023

WHEREAS, The City of Ferndale celebrates the contributions of Korean Americans to our nation, region, City and surrounding community, reaffirming our commitment to advance racial equity and representation of Korean Americans;

WHEREAS, January 13, 1903 commemorates and recognizes the first courageous Korean immigrants that arrived in Hawaii, initiating the first large wave of Korean immigration to the United States. These immigrants and their descendants planted roots and have continued to thrive in the United States through hard work, strong families, and community support;

WHEREAS, Achievements and contributions of Korean Americans, including recent immigrants, can be seen in economic strength, cultural diversity, and in all facets of American life including politics, industry, entrepreneurship, volunteerism, arts, education, and in various branches of the United States Armed Forces;

WHEREAS, 2023 will mark the 70th anniversary of the signing of the Mutual Defense Treaty between United States and the Republic of Korea in 1953;WHEREAS, Korean Americans have built and strengthened the Alliance between the United States and the Republic of Korea, fostering peace on the Korean Peninsula and promoting trade alliances as a crucial trading partner of Washington State;

WHEREAS, Washington State has the sixth highest concentration of Korean Americans in the country, and the United States is home to the largest Korean diaspora community in the world;

WHEREAS, the official recognition of Korean American Day is a significant way that we can celebrate the invaluable contributions of our Korean American community, and work in creating a culture of belonging and a more equitable and socially just City;

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, I, Greg Hansen, Mayor of the City of Ferndale, do hereby proclaim

January 13th 2023 to be Korean American Day in the City of Ferndale. 

So, you want to build an ADU— What is it and what is the process?

So, you want to build an ADU— What is it and what is the process?

An accessory dwelling unit (ADU) is a small, self-contained residential unit located on the same lot as an existing single-family home and subordinate to a single-family dwelling unit. An ADU has all the basic facilities needed for day-to-day living independent of the main home, such as a kitchen, sleeping area, and a bathroom.

ADUs can expand the range of housing choices for residents in the city, as well as helping residents age in place, adding space to house extended family, offering an avenue for rental income, and more. Developing an ADU can seem daunting, but you are not alone. We have outlined the process in four easy steps below.

Step 1: Check the map.                                                                       
ADUs are permitted in all residential single-family zones (Ferndale Municipal Code 18:33— RS low, RS medium, and RS high). These zones are highlighted on the City GIS maps (www.cityofferndale.org/maps) in three shades of yellow on the “Official Zoning” layer.

Step 2: Check the code.

Ferndale Municipal Code 18.34 outlines a number of criteria for the construction of an ADU. Each must be met before an ADU
application is approved. Most importantly:

  • Only one ADU is allowed per lot as an accessory use to a single-family home.
  • The ADU maximum size shall be no more than 50 percent of the square footage of the existing residence or 800 square feet, whichever is less.
  • The ADU may not be segregated in ownership from the principal dwelling unit.

Step 3: Apply for a permit.
Before any construction can commence, the property owner must obtain a building permit and indicate on the application form that the use is an ADU. All the City’s permits are applied for online through the permit portal, which is available here.

How much does it cost? The final permit cost will depend on the size of the ADU and the total project valuation. Typically, an ADU permit is $3,000-$8,000 including ALL relevant impact fees with the average permit ending up less than $5,000.

Step 4: Build it and Enjoy!
For more information about the ADU process, and online application forms, please explore the City website or contact the Community Development Department at 360-685-2379 or  ruthhohman@cityofferndale.org.


Public Works to Begin Water Line Flush Starting Next Week

City crews will be conducting their annual water main flush starting next week. Water main flushing cleans the mains of mineral deposits that build up naturally inside pipe walls. If the mains are not periodically flushed, the build-up can reduce the capacity and the efficiency of the City’s water distribution system. This is an important part of maintaining our water infrastructure and provides a cleaner, more reliable water supply to your home or business.

While the flush program is taking place, the City will do everything possible to minimize any negative influence on the water system. It is not uncommon for the flushing activity to cause temporary discoloration of the water. If the water in your residence is discolored, run a cold water tap in the bathtub for a few minutes and this should clear the lines in your house.  Water customers should not wash white clothes or use their hot water taps when crews are flushing in their area as mineral deposits may stain white laundry.

Please continue to check the City’s web page for notifications when we are planning to flush the water system in your area. The first section of town that will be impacted in the week of January 9th is the Northwest section of Ferndale, adjacent to Horizon Middle School. We will also have signs set out in the areas we intend to flush.

For more information or questions, please contact Ferndale Public Works at (360) 685-2379.

Notice of Traffic Revision: Monday, January 9th, 2023 7am to 7pm

Near 5127 LaBounty Drive, between Smith Road and Slater Road

Drivers should expect delays as traffic is reduced to single lane alternating traffic near 5127 LaBounty Drive between Smith Road and Slater Road. This traffic revision is scheduled for Monday, January 9th, 2023. The traffic revision is in effect from 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM. Flaggers will be onsite to direct traffic.

This one-day revision is for utility work associated with a private development project.

Lost or Missing Your Cell Phone, DVD Player or Ring?

Have you lost or misplaced an item recently? If one of these items fits the general description of your lost property, contact Michelle with the Ferndale Police Department at 360-483-5745 to describe and claim your lost property. Items turned into the Ferndale Police Department: cell phone, DVD player, ring.