Now Hiring – Water/Wastewater Treatment Plant Maintenance Worker/Operator in Training OR Operator

The City is now hiring a Water/Wastewater Treatment Plant Maintenance  Worker/Operator in Training (OIT) OR Operator.

The Water/Wastewater Treatment Plant Maintenance Worker & Operator-in-Training (OIT) performs a wide variety of water and wastewater treatment plant, water distribution and pump station, wastewater collection, pump and lift station, and reservoir operations, maintenance and repairs. The work includes computer operations, lab tests, process controls, and troubleshooting plant and/or systems to ensure proper operation; however, the emphasis is on maintenance, and the ideal candidate will have a strong background in maintenance.  The position works under Washington State regulations and procedures for water/wastewater treatment, serves as a utility worker as needed, and responds to complaints, questions, or other matters. Applicants who are Certified Operators in Water and Wastewater are eligible to apply for the Operator position, rather than Operator in Training.

For a complete job description and application instructions, click here.

Snow Preparation for City Roads – January 31st

With snow in the forecast, it’s time to start thinking of winter safety. When it comes to driving, that means: be prepared and slow down. The City of Ferndale Public Works Department, which is responsible for city street maintenance, prepares for snow and ice and monitors winter weather conditions around the clock. If there is a snow event this weekend, the city will follow standard procedure to keep our priority routes clear so emergency services can move throughout the city. Here’s how you can help:

🚫 Stay off the roads if you can.
⚠️ Go slow. If you must drive, give yourself plenty of space and take it slow. It will be slippery, especially as things freeze and refreeze overnight.
🚗 If you are parked on the street, please move your car so our snow plows (Golden Eagle, Plowtallica, SanderYacht, and Jam On) can safely navigate your street.

For more information about keeping safe during snowy weather and to view the City’s snow priority routes, visit:

City Launches New Public Records Request Portal

Public Records Requests will now be submitted through NextRequest! The City of Ferndale’s new public records portal, NextRequest, allows anyone to submit a request, correspond with public records staff, and track requests online. The portal also allows users to search for published public records requests and documents. Access the portal here.

2025 Comprehensive Plan Update – Envisioning Ferndale with the City and WWU Open House

The City of Ferndale, with the support of Western Washington University’s Urban Planning Studio, invite the Ferndale community to come share your ideas and insights for Ferndale’s future. Join us on Thursday, February 13th from 5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. at Pioneer Pavilion Community Center (2007 Cherry Street).
Visit for more information on the City’s partnership with WWU.
City of Ferndale and Western Washington University hosting an open house to discuss growth in Ferndale on Thursday, February 13 from 5-7 p.m. at Pioneer Pavilion Community Center.

Now Hiring – Chief of Police

The City of Ferndale is seeking an experienced law enforcement professional with outstanding leadership skills to serve as Chief of Police. The position is open until February 10, 2025. For further information and application instructions, click here.

Questions? Please contact Bryan Jeter, Washington Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs (WASPC).

Email:      Phone: 253-677-8576

Please do not contact City employees or elected officials. Direct all questions about this position to Bryan Jeter.

Now Hiring - Chief of Police

Water Main Flushing Starting January 15th

City crews will be conducting their annual water main flush starting this week and is anticipated to be completed by early April. Work will typically take place between 7:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. on weekdays. Water main flushing cleans the mains of mineral deposits that build up naturally inside pipe walls. This is an important part of maintaining our water infrastructure and provides a cleaner, more reliable water supply to your home or business.

While the flush program is taking place, the City will do everything possible to minimize any negative influence on the water system. It is not uncommon for the flushing activity to cause temporary discoloration of the water. If the water in your residence is discolored, run a cold water tap in the bathtub for a few minutes and this should clear the lines in your house. Water customers should not wash white clothes or use their hot water taps when crews are flushing in their area as mineral deposits may stain white laundry.

For more information or questions, please contact Ferndale Public Works at (360) 685-2379.water main flushing

City Offices Closed on January 20th

City Offices will be closed on Monday, January 20th, 2025 in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. City Offices will be open again for regular business hours on Tuesday, January 21st, 2025.

The regularly scheduled City Council Meeting will instead be held on Tuesday, January 21st, 2025.

As always, please dial 9-1-1 for emergencies.

City Offices Closed on January 20, 2025 in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.

Utility Billing Error Corrected and Bills Issued January 2nd

Updated January 2nd, 2025: The error has been corrected and bills have been issued. Thank you for your patience. 


The City’s utility billing software vendor is experiencing a technical difficulty and the City has identified inaccurate statements on residential bills that were due to be sent out today. The City is working diligently with our utility billing software provider and will be delaying the issuance of January’s water bills until the issue is resolved and all statements reflect accurate account information. The City apologizes for this inconvenience and thanks you for your patience. If you have any questions, please reach out to our utility billing department at (360) 384-4269.

Notice of Traffic Revision and Possible Delays: Tuesday, January 7th, 2025

Ferndale Terrace CLOSED between Shannon Ave and Sherry Pl

Drivers should plan to detour as a short section of Ferndale Terrace, between Shannon Ave and Sherry Pl, will be CLOSED for utility work. This traffic revision is in effect Tuesday, January 7th. The closure hours are from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Residents in the work zone will have access in and out of their homes. This project is expected to take one day.

This traffic revision is for work associated with a private development project.