Ferndale Police Seek Information on Star Park Shelter Arson


December 27, 2023

Contact: Megan Juenemann

(360) 685-2353


(Ferndale, WA) — At about 2:11 AM on 12/27/2023, the Ferndale Police Department and Whatcom County Sheriff’s Office responded to a fire at the Star Park picnic shelter in the 5400 block of Ferndale Road. Officers arrived to find a trash can attached to the shelter engulfed in flames and were able to utilize a fire extinguisher to smother the fire and prevent further damage.

Officers discovered additional damage to the bathroom structure nearby. As evidence suggested that the fire was started intentionally, a K-9 and unmanned aerial vehicle search for possible suspects was conducted with the assistance of the Whatcom County Sheriff’s Office and the Bellingham Police Department. No suspects were located.

Damage to the Star Park picnic shelter and bathroom structure is estimated in excess of $5,000. The picnic shelter remains closed and the case is currently under investigation.

If you have any information regarding this case, please contact the Ferndale Police Department at 360-384-3390 or contact@ferndalepd.org and reference Arson Case # 23F9950.


City Offices Closed for the Holidays

City Offices will be closed on Monday, December 25th and Tuesday, December 26th, 2023. For emergencies, please call 911. City Hall will be open for regular business hours on Wednesday, December 27th, 2023.

Happy Holidays from the City of Ferndale!

Happy Holidays from the City of Ferndale!
City Offices will be closed on Monday, December 25th and Tuesday, December 26th, 2023.

Lost and Found Property

The Ferndale Library just turned over their lost and found items. So, if you think you may have lost your wallet or your keys at the library, contact Michelle with the Ferndale Police Department at 360-483-5745 to describe and claim your property.

Request for Qualifications – Hearings Examiner




Purpose. The City of Ferndale (“City”) is issuing this Request for Qualifications (RFQ) in its normal course of business and is requesting proposals from individual, licensed attorneys and/or law firms for the purpose of selecting a Hearings Examiner experienced in the areas of land use law, real property law, city planning and development, and code enforcement.  Applicants may specialize in one or all areas and must be familiar, or have the ability to quickly familiarize themselves, with the City of Ferndale zoning, subdivision and building codes and all other applicable City codes, ordinances, regulations, and policies as well as applicable Washington State laws.  The City’s needs are outlined in the following RFQ.

Background.  The City of Ferndale, Washington, is located in the northwest corner of Washington State.  With a population of 16,300, Ferndale is proudly one of the fastest growing communities in the region, and one of the fastest-densifying cities in Washington State.  The City has emerged as a rural bedroom community to a small city that is experiencing a combination of light industrial, commercial, and residential growth.  Historically, the City’s residential growth has been in the form of detached single-family developments but within the last decade the City has experienced tremendous multifamily and “missing middle” residential growth.

Ferndale prides itself in remaining on the cutting edge in developing land use regulations that can support sustainable future growth in the mid 21st Century and beyond, and is recognized as a state leader in these efforts, many of which are new or novel in the area and in the state.  As a fully GMA-compliant community on complex topography (consisting of floodplain, wetlands, steep slopes, agricultural land, shoreline, and more), development in Ferndale is sometimes challenging and complex.

The Ferndale Hearings Examiner will be tasked with holding public hearings and making final decisions on the vast majority of non-legislative land use development applications requiring a public hearing.  The Ferndale City Council has determined that it is most appropriate to appoint a professional third party to evaluate such development proposals against adopted regulations, and to evaluate the proposal by utilizing staff-developed reports and considering the applicant’s proposals as well as public and agency comments.  The Hearings Examiner acts as the Board of Appeals for the City and hears administrative decisions and interpretations issued by the City Building Official and appeals of decisions related to construction standards.  The Hearings Examiner is also responsible for considering all civil code enforcement appeals that are made to the City, the majority of which relate to land use, and which typically involve the City’s Community Development or Public Works Department, or conditions established by third party agencies such as Whatcom County Fire District 7, Sanitary Service Company (SSC), and other reviewing bodies.

The nature and volume of Hearing Examiner responsibilities may vary significantly from month to month and year to year.  The City projects approximately 3-6 hearings per year, the majority of which are related to a combination of private development applications (subdivisions, conditional uses, etc.) and appeals.

The City of Ferndale Hearings Examiner operates independently of the City, and is not provided office space or support staff.  The City provides space for public hearings and a designated support staff person that  serves as a liaison to the Hearings Examiner, and who is responsible for a range of support services such as public noticing, preparation of the record and supporting documents, clerical support and record keeping, and more.  At the option of the Hearings Examiner, public hearings may be held remotely, in-person, or as hybrid meetings, and City facilities are equipped to support these functions.

The Hearings Examiner’s contact with the City shall be through the City Administrator for contractual matters, and the designated support staff person for permitting matters and administrative appeals.  Apart from communications about procedural matters, there shall be no ex parte communications between the Hearings Examiner and any City officer or employee on any substantive matter before the Hearings Examiner.


The City will follow the following timetable:

Issue RFP                                                                                        December 15, 2023

Deadline for Submittal of Qualifications                                January 19, 2024

Council Review and Approval                                                    February 5, 2024

Notify Individual/Firm Chosen                                                  February 6, 2024


 All proposals should be sent to:

Susan Duncan, Administrative Services Director

City of Ferndale

PO Box 936

Ferndale, WA 98248


  1. If submitted on paper, all proposals must be in a sealed envelope and clearly labeled in the lower left-hand corner. If submitted by email, all proposals must be clearly labeled in the subject line.  The label shall identify the contents as “RFP Hearings Examiner.”
  2. All proposals must be received by the Deadline for Submittal of Proposals detailed in Section II., Time Schedule, at which time they will be opened.  In-person or telephone proposals will not be accepted.  The City reserves the right to consider the Deadline as a first opening of proposals, and to extend the deadline without notice should the City determine that it is appropriate.
  3. Proposals should be prepared simply and economically, providing a straightforward, concise description of the provider’s capabilities to satisfy the requirements of the request. Special bindings, colored displays, promotional materials, etc. are not desired.  Emphasis should be on completeness and clarity of content.
  4. The City Administrator or representative will notify the firm or individual selected by the date stated in Section II., Time Schedule.
  5. All proposals must include the following information:
  • The name of the individual applicant or firm and contact information.
  • The names of individuals from those firms who will be working on the project and their areas of expertise and expected responsibility if selected.
  • Specific experience of the individuals relative to the proposed scope of work.
  • A proposed outline of tasks for a typical hearing, including the estimated number of hours by type of personnel required to complete each task.

A proposed fee for each type of hearing (see scope of services for types of hearings to be performed) based on the above outline of tasks and hours.  The City may consider different pricing structures for the proposal:  an hourly rate, a fixed-rate, per case rate, or a hybrid rate, such as a fixed rate with an hourly rate associated with certain hearing types.

  • References on all proposed services.
  • If the applicant has had prior Hearings Examiner or other judicial experience, examples of final written decisions issued by the applicant.
  • A proposed compensation structure, as specified in Section VII.A.


  1. Responsiveness of written proposal to the purpose and scope of service
  2. Price
  3. Ability and history of successfully completing contracts of this type, meeting projected deadlines, and experience in similar work.
  4. Interview

Each proposal will be independently evaluated on factors one through four.

  1. The City reserves the right to reject any and all proposals, and to waive minor irregularities in any proposal.
  2. The City reserves the right to request clarification of information submitted, and to request additional information from any proposer.
  3. The City reserves the right to award any contract to the next most qualified contractor, if the successful contractor does not execute a contract within thirty (30) days of the award of the proposal.
  4. The contract resulting from acceptance of a proposal by the City shall be in a form supplied or approved by the City, and shall reflect the specifications in this RFP. A copy of the existing contract shall be made available for review upon request and shall include requirements to comply with ADA, Civil Rights Act, and EEO requirements.  The City reserves the right to reject any proposed agreement or contract that does not conform to the specifications contained in this RFP, and which is not approved by the City Attorney.
  5. The City shall not be responsible for any costs incurred by the individual or firm in preparing, submitting, or presenting its response to the RFP.

The individual or firm with which the City contracts shall perform all duties of the Hearings Examiner described in and pursuant to the jurisdiction, power and authority established in Chapter 14.17 of the Ferndale Municipal Code (Procedural Rules for the City of Ferndale Hearings Examiner), as well as FMC Chapter 14.11 (Decisions and Appeals), FMC Chapter 1.12 (Enforcement), and FMC Chapter 2.25 (Board of Appeals) and to preside over topics as described by the Ferndale Municipal Code and the Ferndale Comprehensive Plan as it now exists or is hereafter amended including but not limited to:

  • Title 3 Revenue and Finance
  • Title 5 Business Taxes, Licenses, and Regulations
  • Title 6 Animals
  • Title 8 Health and Safety
  • Title 12 Streets, Sidewalks, and Public Places
  • Title 13 Public Services
  • Title 14 Development Review and Application Procedures
  • Title 15 Buildings and Construction
  • Title 16 Environment
  • Title 17 Subdivisions
  • Title 18 Zoning
  • Title 19 Ferndale Development Standards

Applicants shall be expected to hear all hearing types and all administrative appeals.

All duties shall be performed in accordance with all applicable federal, state and City laws, including but not limited to, Whatcom County and City of Ferndale development regulations and standards, the State Environmental Policy Act, the  State Shoreline Management Act, the State Open Public Meetings Act,  and all applicable City codes, ordinances, resolutions, standards or policies, as now existing or hereafter adopted or amended.  The Hearings Examiner shall not review proposed City legislation prior to enaction, nor shall  the Hearings Examiner have any authority to make any inquiries, recommendations, comments or decisions related to City  legislation in their role as Hearings Examiner.

The Hearings Examiner shall provide  the following clerical services and supplies: the preparation of  all decisions issued by the Hearings Examiner, research, office equipment and other office supplies, time keeping and invoicing, and office space (if necessary).  The City will provide the following clerical services and supplies:   mailing decisions to parties of record (including necessary copying and paper supplies), developing staff reports and exhibits, coordinating public hearing dates and venues, maintaining the public record, and marking exhibits.

All clerical duties shall be performed pursuant to the direction of the City Administrator, acting at the direction of the Mayor or their designee. However, under no circumstances will the City Administrator or Mayor have any involvement in substantive Hearings Examiner deliberations and decisions on applications and appeals, and the Hearings Examiner shall at all times remain an independent body in that regard.

All duties shall be performed in a manner consistent with accepted practices for other similar services, including but not limited to conducting orderly and impartial hearings, creating a professional and courteous environment for applicants, citizens, and staff, and the preparation of findings and conclusions which are understandable and based upon reasoning, all applicable laws, relevant precedents, and which are all received in a timely manner.


  1. As part of the application presented, please present detailed information on the individual or firm’s proposed fee structure for the services proposed. Please specify any additional fees, charges, expenses, etc. that are, or may be, billable to the City.  All rates quotes shall be full cost inclusive of sales tax and other government fees, taxes and charges and valid throughout the contract period unless otherwise amended and agreed to by both parties in writing.  Please provide both a per-case fixed rate fee structure and an hourly rate fee structure and include pricing structure for hearing services and clerical support.  If desirable, please also provide a hybrid fee structure which provides for a reduced fixed rate fee structure and an hourly rate fee structure associated with public hearings.
  2. Payment by the City for services rendered will only be made after the services have been performed, an itemized billing statement (invoice) is submitted in the form specified by the City and the invoice is approved by the appropriate City representative. The invoice shall specifically set forth the services performed, the name of the person performing such services, and the hourly labor charge rate for such person.  Payment shall be made on a monthly basis, within thirty (30) days after receipt of such billing statement.

City of Ferndale Seeks Applicants For AWC Center For Quality Communities Scholarship


December 7, 2023

Contact: Megan Juenemann

(360) 685-2353


The City of Ferndale is now accepting applications for the Association of Washington Cities (AWC) Center for Quality Communities (CQC) scholarship. The scholarship is available through a statewide competitive process for high school seniors who are active in leadership in their city government, community, or school and plan to pursue post-secondary education in fall 2024. The CQC is awarding three $3,000 scholarships in 2024. Scholarship recipients also receive a travel stipend to attend AWC’s Annual Conference in Vancouver, Washington, in June 2024.

To be eligible as a first-time applicant, a student must be:

  • A Washington resident;
  • Graduating from high school, completing homeschooling, or receiving a GED in spring/summer 2024;
  • Planning to continue their education at an accredited college or trade school in the 2024-2025 academic year on a half-time or more basis; and
  • Active in leadership in their city government, community, or school, either now or in the past.

Information and application materials can be found on the CQC website (https://wacities.org/cqc-home/scholarships). Completed applications are due to the City of Ferndale no later than Sunday, January 28, 2024.

Applications may be dropped off in person to Ferndale City Hall at 2095 Main St., or by email with the subject line “CQC Scholarship” to Communications and Community Relations Officer, Megan Juenemann, at meganjuenemann@cityofferndale.org.

The AWC Center for Quality Communities is a 501(c)(3) partner with the nonprofit Association of Washington Cities. The Center’s goal is to help residents understand the important role cities and towns play in Washington and to grow leaders and healthy, resilient quality communities. The Center promotes municipal leadership development and civic engagement and works to support students who demonstrate community leadership and commitment to their city.

For more information, please contact the City of Ferndale’s Communications and Community Relations Officer, Megan Juenemann at (360) 685-2353 or meganjuenemann@cityofferndale.org.


Found Ring

Have you misplaced your ring? If so, contact Michelle with the Ferndale Police Department at 360-483-5745 to describe and claim your property.

EXTENDED Notice of Traffic Revision and Possible Delays: Monday, October 30th – Friday, December 15th, 2023

EXTENDED W Smith Rd will be CLOSED to through traffic between Barrett Rd and Northwest Dr

October 30th – December 15th (estimated)

The closure of W Smith Rd has been extended. Much of the remaining work is weather dependent and the forecast for next week does not look promising. We are hoping to complete work during the next stretch of dry days.

Expect longer commute times and delays as W Smith Rd. will be CLOSED to through traffic between Barrett Rd. and Northwest Dr. beginning on Monday, October 30th. Barricades will be in place at four intersections as shown on the graphic. Through traffic will detour via Barrett Rd, Main St/Axton Rd, and Northwest Dr. Residents and businesses inside the closure zone will be able to access their homes and businesses. The closure is in effect 7 day per week, 24 hours a day for the duration of the project.

This closure is for work associated with the City of Ferndale’s Pump Station 15 Decommissioning Project.

If you have questions regarding this notice, please contact the Ferndale Public Works Department at 360-384-4006 or review the Pump Station 15 Decommissioning page on the City of Ferndale website.

Thornton Overpass Grand Opening Event December 2, 2023

Thornton Overpass Grand Opening Event – Connecting Ferndale

Please join the City of Ferndale and project partners on Saturday, December 2nd, 2023, to celebrate the Thornton Street Overpass with a Grand Opening Event.

The event will begin with an Open House on the Thornton Overpass Bridge at 12:00 PM where guests can chat with the project team, check out City and County transportation vehicles with a special public vehicle showcase, and take in the incredible views before the road opens to public traffic.

At 1:00 PM, there will be a short ribbon cutting celebration, followed by a motorcade of City and County vehicles led by Ferndale Mayor, Greg Hansen. The Overpass will open at 3:00 PM to public traffic.

Walk, bike, skateboard, or sled to join us for this family-friendly celebration in reconnecting our city!

Please note that the Thornton Overpass will be closed to traffic during the event. Event parking will be along Thornton on each end of the new bridge.  Please enter from either the Portal Way/Second Avenue roundabout or Malloy Avenue and park along the curb. The City will have staff members directing traffic to assist with parking.


12:00 PM – 1:00 PM     Open House and Public Vehicle Showcase

1:00 PM                            Speeches and Ribbon Cutting Celebration

1:20 PM                             Motorcade

3:00 PM                            Overpass opens to traffic!

Parking information:

For guests with limited mobility, we will have a section of parking on the West end of the bridge, as close to the bridge as possible, just past the Malloy intersection as you make your way to Samson Rope. We will have City Staff assisting with parking, please let them know if you need one of these spots. Please note, parking is limited. If you would like to reserve one of these spots, please email Communications and Community Relations Officer, Megan Juenemann or call 360-685-2353. Also, at each of end of the bridge, we will have a shuttle for guests with limited mobility. Please ask City Staff for assistance or look for the shuttle signs located at the barriers at each end of the bridge.


Ferndale Police Department Accredited for Highest Professional Standards of Policing

Pictured left to right:  Lt. John VanderYacht; Lt. Travis Card; Lt. Matt Huffman; Chief Kevin Turner; Sheriff Kevin Morris (WASPC President)

November 21, 2023
Contact: Megan Juenemann
(360) 685-2353


(Ferndale, WA) — The Ferndale Police Department has successfully completed a rigorous
accreditation program that certifies it is operating under best practices and standards for law
enforcement. The program is administered by the Washington Association of Sheriffs and Police
Chiefs (WASPC) and involves an eight-phase process over several months. It is a professional,
objective, and demanding audit that examines best practices, accountability, organizational
discipline, and performance.

“We are extremely proud to be accredited by WASPC,” said Ferndale Chief of Police, Kevin Turner.
“It means our department has achieved the highest professional standards for policing, to ensure
and improve upon public trust.”

Benefits of accreditation include administrative and operational effectiveness, fair recruitment and
employment practices, better records management, improved use of technology, health and safety,
training, codes of conduct and prisoner security, among other important law enforcement tasks.

“The Ferndale Police Department has worked hard to obtain this achievement,” said Steven
Strahan, WASPC Executive Director. “The community should be proud of local law enforcement for
taking direct and tangible steps to earn the public’s confidence in their operations.”

WASPC was founded in 1963 and represents executive and top management personnel from law
enforcement agencies statewide. With more than 900 members, it includes the 39 elected county
sheriffs, and 240 police chiefs, as well as the Washington State Patrol, the Washington Department
of Corrections, and representatives of several federal agencies.

For more information, please contact the City of Ferndale’s Communications and Community
Relations Officer, Megan Juenemann at (360) 685-2353 or meganjuenemann@cityofferndale.org.
