Parks, Recreation, & Trails Advisory Board (PRTAB) Vacancy

The City has a number of Boards and Commissions that work to advise the City Council on a broad array of subjects. These are volunteer positions but absolutely essential to providing quality input to the City’s decision-making process.

There is currently one vacancy on the Parks, Recreation, and Trails Advisory Board (PRTAB). This term expires August 31, 2025. The PRTAB assesses the community’s parks and recreational facilities, programs, needs and costs, and makes recommendations to the City Council for the care, management, supervision, and improvements to City parks. The PRTAB also provides input related to the updating of the City’s Parks Master Plan.

To apply for this position, please complete this application and email it to Administrative Services Director Susan Duncan at Applications will be accepted until 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday February 7, 2023.    

City Offices Closed to Public 1/19/24

Limited City operations for Friday, January 19, 2024

City Hall and other City offices including the Ferndale Police Department and Ferndale Municipal Court will be closed to the public today. All services remain available virtually or online, as the City focuses on priority snow removal and employee safety. Police Officers are on duty and for emergencies, dial 911.

Ferndale Municipal Court is cancelled today. All cases will be postponed for one week, to January 26, 2024. For questions, please contact 360-384-2827.

Motorists are encouraged to stay home and stay safe. Our Public Works crew continue to work around the clock to plow priority roadways. City parking lot plowing and maintenance will be performed as conditions allow. Please note, conditions may change and the City will monitor and update accordingly. Please stay safe and warm!

For more information on snow and ice control, including priority snow removal routes, please visit

City Offices closing at 11 a.m. on 1/17/24

Due to inclement weather, City Offices, including City Hall and the Ferndale Police Station, will be closed to the public effective 11 a.m. on Wednesday, January 17th, 2024. All services remain available virtually or online, as the City focuses on priority snow removal and employee safety. Police Officers are on duty and for emergencies, dial 911.

For more information on the City’s snow and ice control, including priority snow removal routes, please visit Snow and Ice Control in Ferndale | City of Ferndale.

Remote Meeting Notice: 1/18/24 PRTAB Meeting

Due to inclement weather, the PRTAB meeting scheduled for Thursday, January 18th, 2024 at 5:30 p.m.  at City Hall will be held remotely via Microsoft Teams. This is still an open public meeting under the Open Public Meetings Act, and members of the public are invited to attend and observe. To attend the meeting, please use the link below.

Microsoft Teams meeting

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Meeting ID: 221 712 425 500
Passcode: uzbFsG

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Preparation for Wintry Conditions

Snow is in the forecast, which means the City is working hard to prepare our public roads and facilities for wintery conditions. Our Public Works crew have begun spraying deicer on priority routes to help make sure they are kept clear so emergency services can move through the city.

Here’s how residents can help:

🚫 Stay off the roads if you can.

⚠️ Go slow. If you must drive, give yourself plenty of space and take it slow. It will be slippery, especially as things freeze and refreeze overnight.

🚗 If you are parked on the street, please move your car so our snowplows (Golden Eagle, Plowtallica, SanderYacht, and Jam On) can safely navigate your street. For drivers, please maintain a safe distance behind snowplows (100 feet plus) and never pass a snowplow, especially on the right.

❄️ Safety is a community effort. Please shovel the sidewalk outside of your property, your neighbors and fellow pedestrians will appreciate it, and remember to clear storm drains to prevent snowmelt flooding.

For priority snow removal routes and more information about keeping safe during snowy weather, please visit

Found Scooter

Have you misplaced your scooter recently? If so, contact Michelle with the Ferndale Police Department at 360-483-5745 to describe and claim your property.