Ferndale Police Recognize Officers, Volunteers at 2018 Awards Banquet

Sgt. Kevin Davis, Det. Justin Pike, Officers Eric Grant and Josh Scott, Chief Kevin Turner

Ferndale Police Recognize Officers, Volunteers at 2018 Awards Banquet

Last Friday, officers, employees and their families, volunteers and local elected officials gathered at the Pioneer Pavilion to honor the accomplishments of the Ferndale Police Department over the last year. This new tradition allows the department the opportunity to spotlight outstanding examples of leadership and service.

“This is an opportunity for our officers to connect with each other, and reinforce the values of public service that make our department a great place to work.” said Police Chief Kevin Turner. “We have some great people working for us, and with us. I’m proud to have this opportunity to appreciate their dedication to our community.”

The following awards were presented:

  • Volunteer of the Year:                    SCOPE Don Hubbard
  • Patrol Partner of the Year:            Officer Eric Grant
  • Medal of Merit:                                Detective Justin Pike
  • Chief’s Award of Excellence in Teamwork:      Officer Josh Scott & Officer Eric Grant
  • Employee of the Year:                    Kim Martin, Support Specialist
  • Officer of the Year:                          Detective Melanie Campos

This event was made possible without expending any public funds thanks to Haggen Market Street Catering who donated their catering services for the event. Donations were also made by the Ferndale American Legion and the Ferndale Heritage Society who provided the table settings. Roger Quiggle provided the music and atmosphere for the event.

SCOPE Don Hubbard

Officer Larrick Winslow accepting Officer of the Year award on behalf of Det. Melanie Campos

Chief Turner with the Haggen Market Street Catering team (Blair, Sean, Lydia, Jamie, Kieran, Kaily and Victoria)

Two Free Concerts Scheduled for Pioneer Park this Summer

Two Free Concerts Scheduled for Pioneer Park this Summer

Fans of live music will have plenty to enjoy this summer as City of Ferndale’s 2018 “Summer of Fun” hosts two “Music in the Park” concerts in Pioneer Park. These family-oriented concerts are a great way to spend a summer evening and see some local bands take the stage at our historic Pioneer Park.

On Saturday June 30th at 6pm, come enjoy “Penny Stinkers”, a high-energy jam band mixing Americana and classic rock with a healthy mix of the unexpected. Whether craving danceable covers or boot stomping original music, the Penny Stinkers put on a great show. You can listen to their music on their site here.

On Saturday July 14th at 6pm, groove with “The Sky Colony”, a Cascadian folk revival band that brings a fresh mix of the 60s psychedelia era with modern Pacific Northwest songwriting. Their driving melodies are a perfect match for the heat of summer. You can listen to their music on their site here.

Food trucks will be on hand to sell concessions. More information about the City of Ferndale’s 2018 “Summer of Fun” can be found by clicking here.

Summary of May 21st, 2018 Council Meeting

You can find all the related Agenda Documents here

City Council Agenda Follow-Up

May 21, 2018

STUDY SESSION: Capital Project Funding INFO ONLY

Councilmember Taylor moved, and Councilmember G. Hansen seconded, to approve the consent agenda. MOTION CARRIED 7-0.




PUBLIC HEARING: Washington Street Condemnation Ordinance

The Washington Street Improvement Project (Main Street to Vista Drive) is part of the City’s 6-Year Transportation Improvement Program. Funding for this project has been secured, and a contract has been awarded for the work. Although the City has made a good faith effort to acquire the necessary right-of-way interests for the subject parcel, a final agreement has not been reached. In order to construct the project and meet the City’s financial and contractual obligation for completion of the project, it is necessary to obtain clear property rights. Time is of the essence, and the only alternative available for acquisition of clear property rights needed for the construction of the project may be by eminent domain.

Councilmember Watson moved, and Councilmember K. Hansen seconded, to approve the agenda bill. MOTION CARRIED 6-1, Councilmember Taylor opposed.







ORDINANCE: Overnight Housing in Religious Facilities

Washington State has recognized that religious institutions have played an important role in assisting the homeless or near-homeless. In 1992 the state adopted RCW 19.27.042 allowing local jurisdictions to opt in to allow certain exemptions from building codes for deficiencies that would not be a threat to human life, health, or safety, in order to allow churches to temporarily house homeless persons. This ordinance modifies FMC 15.04 to reference RCW 35A.21.360 and RWC 19.27, allowing the City to authorize religious institutions to temporarily house the homeless or near-homeless, and places restrictions and requirements on the institutions. This item was referred back to the Planning & Land Use Committee at the last meeting. Changes have been made to the original ordinance to clarify that the City’s proposed code change is based upon the language of the applicable RCW and is intended to provide additional clarity for the City and church groups, where the City retains its responsibility to identify reasonable life-safety measures for the temporary housing of homeless and near-homeless people. Additionally, the 10-day limitation was removed.

Councilmember Watson moved, and Councilmember G. Hansen seconded, to approve the agenda bill. MOTION CARRIED 6-0, Councilmember Kennedy abstaining.









RESOLUTION: Gun Safety Awareness Day

A proposal was brought to the Finance & Administration Committee by Councilmember Kate Hansen to promote gun & firearms awareness during the weekend of June 1 -3, and to declare June 2nd “Wear Orange for Gun Safety Day.”

Councilmember K. Hansen moved, and Councilmember Watson seconded, to approve the agenda bill.

Councilmember Taylor moved, and Councilmember G. Hansen seconded, to amend the motion to add language to the first “Whereas,” citing the source of the information. On the amendment: MOTION CARRIED 5-2, Councilmembers Olson & Kennedy opposed.

On the main, amended motion:  MOTION CARRIED 5-2, Councilmembers Olson & Kennedy opposed.







Information only.


Information only.



ADJOURNMENT: Meeting was adjourned at 7:20 p.m.  

New Data Tools Lead to Traffic Change at Main Street and Labounty

New Data Tools Lead to Traffic Change at Main Street and Labounty

Starting the week of June 4th, the City will be modifying the channelization of Main Street, eliminating left turn movements between Main Street and the North Sound Center parking lot located between I-5 and Labounty. Public Works crews will be installing plastic traffic delineators along the centerline of Main Street in an effort to prevent drivers from making left turns into and out of the North Sound Center parking lot. Drivers wanting to access the North Sound Center parking lot from Main Street or westbound Main Street from the parking lot will need to utilize the intersection at Main and Labounty.

This change was motivated by the use of “Intelligence-Based Policing”, where the Ferndale Police Department works hand in hand with the City’s GIS mapping team to identify hot spots by layering crash data into the City’s GIS mapping database.  Utilizing this approach, the City is better able to identify changes in accident distribution and identify areas where increased patrols or modifications may be necessary.

“We are addressing this problem with both enforcement and road design,” said Police Chief Kevin Turner. “Together we can keep people safe as they travel through Ferndale.”

For more information, please call the Ferndale Public Works Department at (360) 384-4006.

Summary of May 7th, 2018 Council Meeting

You can find all the related Agenda Documents here


City Council Agenda Follow-Up

May 7, 2018


Councilmember Watson moved, and Councilmember G. Hansen seconded, to approve the consent agenda. MOTION CARRIED 7-0.




PROCLAMATION: Teacher Appreciation Week INFO ONLY
PUBLIC HEARING: Public Storage Uses Ordinance

In November of 2017, Council adopted a six-month moratorium on the acceptance of new storage use applications within the General Business Zone. The moratorium was established based on concerns that the proliferation of these uses could impact long-range employment projections in the General Business Zone and beyond. Adoption of the zoning text amendment removes the need for the moratorium, as it creates new definitions to better describe the variety of uses for the storage units, requires that life-safety measures be put in place based on the proposed range of uses when an application is submitted, and adopts regulations to push personal storage uses further from the right of way so that other uses such as businesses can be placed in closer proximity to the street.

Councilmember Watson moved, and Councilmember Xczar seconded, to approve the agenda bill. MOTION CARRIED 7-0.








ORDINANCE: Overnight Housing in Religious Facilities

Washington State has recognized that religious institutions have played an important role in assisting the homeless or near-homeless. In 1992 the state adopted RCW 19.27.042 allowing local jurisdictions to opt in to allow certain exemptions from building codes for deficiencies that would not be a threat to human life, health, or safety, in order to allow churches to temporarily house homeless persons. This ordinance modifies FMC 15.04 to reference RCW 35A.21.360 and RWC 19.27, allowing the City to authorize religious institutions to temporarily house the homeless or near-homeless, and places restrictions and requirements on the institutions.

Councilmember Kennedy moved, and Councilmember Watson seconded, to send the item back to the Planning & Land Use Committee. MOTION CARRIED 7-0.





ORDINANCE: Development Standards & Trails Standards Revisions

The Development Standards were updated in 2017, and since then staff have identified some minor areas that need clarification. These amendments implement revisions and also include Standard Detail drawings for curb, speed table, and trail construction.

Councilmember Watson moved, and Councilmember Olson seconded, to approve the agenda bill with the following amendment to Chapter 19:25.030(F):  “All required performance bond securities will remain IN THEIR ORIGINAL AMOUNT until final project approval and/or maintenance bond security acceptance.” MOTION CARRIED 7-0.







The City currently relies on two water production wells, the Douglas Well and the Shop Well. The design and capacity of the current well system is adequate for current City production needs; however, the system lacks necessary redundancy. The City’s comprehensive water planning documents identified an emergency intertie to address this deficiency. This interlocal agreement with the City of Bellingham sets the terms by which an emergency intertie would be implemented.

Councilmember Watson moved, and Councilmember Kennedy seconded, to approve the agenda bill. MOTION CARRIED 7-0.





ORDINANCE: FMC Modifications – Park Impact Fees

FMC 15.60 is the code chapter that provides a basis for park impact fees, dedication of land in lieu of paying impact fees, and other procedural steps related to those fees. The chapter was originally crafted in the early 2000’s and still reflects many of the park-related philosophies in place at that time, including the City’s policy of seeking land dedication as a first option. The modifications tie FMC 15.60 more closely to the Parks Plan, recreating the chapter as a vehicle to implement the Parks Plan rather than as an independent but related regulatory tool. Councilmember G. Hansen moved, and Councilmember Taylor seconded, to approve the agenda bill. MOTION CARRIED 7-0.





RESOLUTION: Residential Targeted Areas

The resolution sets the date for a Public Hearing regarding the potential to offer local developers tax incentives allowed by State law for the construction of multi-family housing in selected areas of the City. With recent changes to State law, this program that was previously only available to larger jurisdictions can now be offered in Ferndale. The hope is that due to these property tax deferrals, housing units will be constructed that would not otherwise be financially feasible. The Public Hearing date is June 18, 2018. Councilmember Kennedy moved, and Councilmember Taylor seconded, to approve the agenda bill with a modification to the map to include all residential property on Second Avenue. MOTION CARRIED 7-0.







Council adjourned to Executive Session at 7:09. Regular session resumed at 7:29


Information only.


Information only.



ADJOURNMENT: Meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m.  


Mayoral Proclamation: May 7th-11th is Teacher Appreciation Week

Mayoral Proclamation

WHEREAS, teachers inspire the next generation and make it possible for kids to realize their potential; and

WHEREAS, teachers open up the world for students and provide the tools for every student to achieve their best lives and futures; and

WHEREAS, teachers dedicate their lives to students and families by working long hours preparing lessons, correcting papers, and planning for growth opportunities; and

WHEREAS, in the City of Ferndale alone, there are approximately 300 teachers employed by the Ferndale School District; and

WHEREAS, it is an honor to recognize teachers and to observe their dedication.

NOW THEREFORE, I, Jon Mutchler, Mayor of the City of Ferndale, do hereby proclaim the May 7th-11th, 2018 as:


‘Teacher Appreciation Week’

in the City of Ferndale, Washington and I urge all people in our City to join me in this special observance.

Wee One Nature Hunt set for Sat. May 12th, 2pm at Hovander Park

Bring your little one out to Hovander Park on Saturday May 12th at 2pm for a Nature Hunt! Participants (and enthusiastic parents) will receive a scavenger hunt of simple natural objects (a tree, a leaf, something green, a bird) and the participants will be encouraged to find as many as they can. Enjoy the fresh air and an opportunity for healthy movement at Hovander Park.

This event is part of our 2018 “Summer of Fun”. You can find out about more free recreational events by clicking here.

For questions about Wee One Nature Hunt, please contact Recreation Coordinator Riley Sweeney at (360) 685-2353 or email him by clicking here.

Invitation to Bid for Portal Way/I-5 Compact Roundabout Project




City Project No. ST2016-03 


Sealed bid proposals will be received by the City of Ferndale at Ferndale City Hall, 2095 Main Street, Ferndale, Washington, 98248, (360) 384-4006, until May 24, 2018, 2 PM, for the Portal Way / I-5 Compact Roundabout Project.  This contract provides for the construction of a compact roundabout (RAB) at the intersection of Portal Way/I-5 north bound off ramp in the City of Ferndale.  Work will include removal of structures and obstructions; trench excavation; storm sewer pipe installation; pre-cast curb installation; modifications to existing illumination and ITS systems and other related work. To view the full invitation to bid, please go to: https://www.cityofferndale.org/public-works-department/capital-projects/portal-compact-rab-project/

Susan Duncan

City Clerk – City of Ferndale

Ferndale Record – Published May 2, 2018 and May 9, 2018

Glow in the Dark Croquet Saturday, May 5th at 8pm

We are kicking off our 2018 Summer of Fun with Glow in the Dark Croquet, scheduled for this Saturday, May 5th in Griffintown Park, starting at 8pm. Bring your friends, family and neighbors and enjoy an eerie night of fun playing Croquet with glowing everything. Free glowsticks, and hot chocolate provided, remember to dress warmly!

This event is part of our 2018 “Summer of Fun”. You can find out about more free recreational events by clicking here.

For questions about Glow in the Dark Croquet, please contact Recreation Coordinator Riley Sweeney at (360) 685-2353 or email him by clicking here.