Public Works Crews will be smoke testing in Ferndale Terrace from Hendrickson to Vista. For more details on this process, please click here.
Public Works Crews will be smoke testing in Ferndale Terrace from Hendrickson to Vista. For more details on this process, please click here.
City Council Agenda Follow-Up
November 19, 2018 |
5:00 STUDY SESSION: 2019 Budget Forecast | INFO ONLY |
Councilmember Watson moved, and Councilmember Taylor seconded, to approve the consent agenda. MOTION CARRIED 7-0.
City Lobbyist Brian Enslow presented a summary of the most recent legislative session. The 2019 Legislative Agenda includes: · Ensure transportation projects (Thornton Road Overpass and I-5/Slater Road Interchange) remain funded. · Pursue strategic opportunities for infrastructure funding, particularly the Water/Wastewater Treatment Plant expansion. · Secure funding for the Metalworks Skate Park. · Ensure adequate funding for new planning requirements. · Potential changes to the Growth Management Act.
Councilmember Watson moved, and Councilmember Kennedy seconded, to adopt the legislative agenda as presented. MOTION CARRIED 7-0.
Associate Planner Haylie Miller presented an overview of the subdivision review process and the following steps that are required: · Counter visit and/or phone call from potential applicant · Pre-Application Meeting, followed by the submittal of a complete application · Pre-technical review committee meeting among staff members, followed by a technical review committee meeting including the applicant, during which conditions are discussed · Conditions discussed at the meeting are incorporated into a staff report, which is included in the hearing examiner materials · Public hearing and environmental review are noticed · The public hearing is held, and the hearing examiner makes a decision · If approval is recommended by the hearing examiner, the next step is preliminary plat layout approval · Civil plan (infrastructure) review & issuance, followed by infrastructure installation · Final plat recording · Building permits application
PUBLIC HEARING: 2019 Property Tax Levy Ordinance
Sirke Salminen presented the ordinance and explained that the City is taking the annual allowed 1% increase and banking the $160,000 one-time payment which resulted from overpayment to Whatcom County Fire District #7 as part of the annexation of the City. A public hearing is required to adopt the ordinance. The public hearing was held, and no members of the public spoke. Councilmember Taylor moved, and Councilmember G. Hansen seconded, to approve the agenda bill. MOTION CARRIED 7-0. |
DISCUSSION: School Resource Officer Interlocal Agreement
The School District and the City believe that it is in the best interest of the Ferndale public school system to have a law enforcement presence in the schools, so they have established a “School Assigned Officer” (SAO) program. The SAO provides services on a rotating and random basis to all schools in the district during the ten-month school year. The proposed interlocal agreement extends the program for the 2018-2019 and 2019-2020 school years. The proposed annual payment from the School District to the City is $63,135 for the 2018-2019 school year, and $65,503 for the 2019 – 2020 school year. On Wednesday, November 14, the Finance & Administration Committee requested that staff re-negotiate the school resource officer agreement with the school district to increase the annual payment the District makes to the City. Chief of Police Kevin Turner presented information about the School Resource Officer position and salary. Councilmember Olson moved, and Councilmember K. Hansen seconded, to send the item back to the Finance & Administration Committee. Motion failed 2-5, Councilmembers Olson and Taylor in favor.
Councilmember G. Hansen moved, and Councilmember Watson seconded, to direct staff to ask the School District to increase the compensation to the City to $87,000 for each year of the two-year contract. MOTION CARRIED 6-1, Councilmember Kennedy opposed. |
Councilmember Kennedy moved, and Councilmember Taylor seconded, to approve the contracts as presented.
Councilmember G. Hansen moved, and Councilmember Taylor seconded, to amend the motion to decrease the term of the contracts from three years to two years.
ON THE AMENDMENT: MOTION CARRIED 6-1, Councilmember Olson opposed.
ON THE MAIN, AMENDED MOTION: MOTION CARRIED 4-3, Councilmembers Olson, Xczar, and Watson opposed. |
ADJOURNMENT: Meeting was adjourned at 8:12 p.m. |
Public Works crew will be at the intersection of Main Street and Barrett Road Nov. 8th from 9am-11am, doing road maintenance. This will cause temporary delays as flaggers direct traffic through the affected area. Please use alternative routes if possible.
For more information, please contact Ferndale Public Works Department at (360) 384-4301.
City Council Agenda Follow-Up
November 5, 2018 |
5:00 STUDY SESSION: 2019 Budget Forecast | INFO ONLY |
The PRTAB Appointment was removed from the consent agenda at the request of Mayor Mutchler. Councilmember Taylor moved, and Councilmember G. Hansen seconded, to approve the consent agenda as amended. MOTION CARRIED 7-0. |
Councilmember G. Hansen moved, and Councilmember Kennedy seconded, to approve the appointment of Ellie Margulies to the PRTAB. MOTION CARRIED 7-0. |
Public Works Project Manager Katy Radder presented an update on the following capital projects: · Washington Street, Main to Vista – Paving, speed table installation, restoration/landscaping, and striping have all been completed. The road is open. · Cherry Street & Pioneer Park Sidewalks – Both projects are complete and within the budgeted amount. · Upcoming Projects: TIB Grant applications have been submitted for Main Street to Barret Road, Portal Way Sidewalks & Thornton Street Overcrossing. · Early 2019 anticipated projects include: Ferndale Terrace Reconstruction Design, Stormwater Decant Facility, Waterline Extension (Nordic Way to Scout Place), and First Avenue/Main Street Intersection Construction. |
PRESENTATION: County-Wide Wayfinding Analysis
PUBLIC HEARING: 2019 Preliminary Budget
Two public hearings are required prior to adoption of the 2019 operating budget. The second public hearing will be held at the December 3, 2018 meeting. |
ORDINANCE: Park Facilities Rental Fees
Rental fees for park facilities, including athletic fields and park shelters have not been updated in over five years. Looking at comparative facilities and rentals, it is clear that the City of Ferndale has some room to be more competitive while still offering facilities at an affordable rate. This increase will help cover staff time involved in managing rentals and maintaining city facilities. Currently there are several variables used in calculating rental fees, such as Public Works call out fees, fees for turning lights on/off, and different rates for tournaments and practices. The proposed changes streamline the charges into one flat rate fee to eliminate the confusion in calculating the rental fee. A charge for non-athletic use of the fields has been added, as well as a key rental fee to allow renters to avoid additional call out fees for closing facilities. Councilmember Watson moved, and Councilmember Kennedy seconded, to approve the agenda bill. MOTION CARRIED 7-0. |
ADJOURNMENT: Meeting was adjourned at 7:02 p.m. |
The Ferndale Arts Commission is calling for artists from across the Pacific Northwest to install murals in downtown Ferndale. Artists are invited to submit designs, that they would then install in downtown Ferndale in the summer of 2019. Mural sizes will vary depending on location but all designs will be vetted by the Ferndale Arts Commission and the appropriate property owner.
“Our goal is to bring new art styles that will complement the area and inspire our community,” said Councilmember Rebecca Xczar, council liaison to the Ferndale Arts Commission.
Interested artists should submit at least one sketch in color, with height and size preferences, along with any relevant previous experience (pictures of prior murals completed or other art projects).
Deadline is November 30th, 2018. Send all submissions to Rebecca Xczar at For more information, please call (360) 319-2677.
Ferndale Police, School District to Hold Emergency Communication Exercise “CRIMSON RAM”
The Ferndale School District is readying to join partners for an exercise in Emergency Communication. The exercise, deemed “Crimson Ram” by participating agencies will be conducted cooperatively by the Ferndale School District Safety Advisory Committee, Whatcom Country Sheriffs’ Office Division of Emergency Management, Whatcom Fire District 7, Ferndale Auxiliary Communication Service, and the Ferndale Police Department.
Community members can expect to see a large communication van and several additional emergency response vehicles:
Date: Tuesday, November 6, 2018
Time: 9:00 AM – 11:30 AM
Location: Ferndale High School
According to organizers, the exercise has three primary objectives:
The American Legion Kulshan Post 154 and the City of Ferndale are hosting a Veterans Day ceremony at the Pioneer Pavilion Community Center (2007 Cherry Street) on November 11th at 2pm. The ceremony will pay tribute to those who have served, including a reading of Flanders Field and remarks by Mark Aamot. The ceremony will commemorate the end of World War I and the 100th anniversary of the formation of the American Legion. Whatcom Gold Star families will be in attendance. After the ceremony, refreshments will be provided courtesy of Haggen and the Veterans museum in Pioneer Park will be open for visitors.
For more information, please contact Mayor Jon Mutchler at (360) 685-2350 or
Thank you to all of our City of Frightdale participants this year – and big congrats to our winners! You can find all the pictures on our facebook page here. Thank you to our judges, Faye Britt, Rebecca Xczar and Jake Locker. Hope everyone had a wonderful Halloween!
There are numerous ways residents of the City of Ferndale can participate to help enhance the community they live in. One such way is volunteering to serve on city advisory bodies that help forum public policy and make Ferndale a prosperous place to be.
We currently have an opening on the Parks, Recreation and Trails Advisory Board (PRTAB), the Arts Commission and there is anticipated to be an opening on the Planning Commission. If you are interested in serving on one of these bodies, please fill out the Boards and Commissions application and submit it to City Clerk Susan Duncan. You can find the application here.
All these meetings are open to the public. Appointments to these advisory bodies are made by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council.
For more information contact the City Clerk Susan Duncan
Phone: (360) 685-2354
Fax: (360) 384-1163
From the Ferndale Police Department
On 10/26/2018 at approximately 1520 hours, Officers were dispatched to an AM/PM convenience store at 6890 Grandview Road for a report of a male masturbating in his vehicle in the parking lot. The reported license plate did not match the described vehicle.
Officers arrived and located the vehicle described and observed the man still exposing himself. Officers contacted the suspect who refused to open the door and exit the vehicle. The suspect then started his vehicle and attempted to flee from the officers, ignoring commands to stop. Officers began to pursue the vehicle as it traveled east bound on Grandview Road, turning southbound onto I-5.
Additional officers attempted to use spike strips at Ferndale Main Street on I-5 however, the subject slowed and drove onto the median to avoid the spike strips. As the subject continued south on I-5, an Officer behind the subject used a PIT maneuver to try and stop the subject.
The subject’s truck spun however, and the subject used his truck to ram multiple police vehicles while trying to get away. The subject rammed and pushed police vehicles with his truck until he was able to continue to flee, continuing south on I-5 continuing to endanger the public and Officers.
Another Officer used a PIT maneuver again in an attempt to stop the subject. The subject again rammed and pushed police vehicles until he was able to continue to flee, this time disabling a police vehicle by pushing it into a ditch with his truck.
The subject then drove north in the southbound lanes, fortunately traffic had been stopped. The subject drove the wrong way on the Ferndale Main Street I-5 on-ramp, against traffic, and traveled East on Main Street. Officers were then able to make another PIT attempt, the subject’s truck spun around and he was then blocked in with three police vehicles. The subject continued to try and ram through the police vehicles as officers broke out his window and were able to secure the subject and take him into custody.
The subject was identified as Ronald A. Worthen (08/13/1965). No officers were injured in the pursuit or arrest.
Mr. Worthen was later booked into the Whatcom County Jail on the following charges:
And three unrelated warrants from other jurisdictions.
This case is still under investigation, additional information and/or charges may follow.