Ferndale Bans Recreational Fires

Effective immediately, the City of Ferndale is following the recommendation of Whatcom County Fire District #7 and moving to a Level 2 Fire Ban that prohibits all outdoor burning within Ferndale city limits, including yard debris fires, land clearing, and recreational fires. This has been deemed a necessary safety precaution due to continued high temperatures and dry vegetation within the city.


The Northwest Clean Air Agency has also issued a Stage 2 Air Quality Burn Ban due to the presence of persistent wildfire smoke in our region.

Propane and natural gas fire pits and barbecues and charcoal barbecues are still allowed to be used for cooking, provided solid wood is not being burned. However, care should be exercised in the disposal of charcoal and ashes. Charcoal and ash should be discarded in a metal container and dowsed with water. The container must be kept 10 feet from any structures, trees, or other combustible materials.

Violations of these burn restrictions can result in criminal charges and a minimum fine of $250.

Countywide Partnership Secures over $230,000 for Ferndale Businesses Impacted by COVID-19

city hall sign

The City of Ferndale, in collaboration with Whatcom County, other local cities and the Port of Bellingham has secured over $230,000 for 29 businesses in Ferndale. These resources are part of the Whatcom REstart grants, where local jurisidictions pooled their federal funds from the CARES act passed in the initial outbreak of COVID-19.

Grant applications were received from every city and town in Whatcom County, and an intentional effort was made to ensure that the recipients were also representative of the county by geography and industry.

Approximately $440,000 was allocated to businesses in unincorporated Whatcom County. A full list of the recipients and the amounts awarded will be made available on the Whatcom ReStart webpage.

“We are a resilient community. When we get knocked down, we don’t complain, we get back up and try again,” said Ferndale Mayor Greg Hansen. “With these resources, I believe our businesses can come back after this crisis better and stronger than before.”

The grants are only eligible to cover specific expenses. The list of eligible expenses is limited by conditions under which CARES Act funds are distributed. Eligible expenses include but are not limited to: rent, ordinary loan payments, employee wages and benefits, typical operating costs and COVID-19-related public health measures.

“We’ve only been able to fund about 40%of the applicants, and that’s frustrating, because we see so many businesses and their employees impacted by this crisis,” said Gina Stark, Economic Development Project Manager at the Regional Economic Partnership. “We hope that those of you who we were not able to assist at this time will continue to adapt and to make things work.”

In addition to these business and economic response efforts, CARES Act funding has also been dedicated to support the public emergency response, food and housing security, childcare services, and services and facilities to those living unsheltered.

Ferndale Street Striping Scheduled for Sept. 11th-12th

City of Ferndale and Whatcom County Public Works will be striping the streets in the Ferndale area Friday Sept. 11th and Saturday Sept. 12th from 6:30am to 3:00pm. Signs and cones will be utilized to keep drivers out of the wet paint and No Parking signs will be going up in various locations in order to maintain access to paint areas.

The fresh coats of paint that crews apply during spring, summer and fall months will make it easier for drivers to see the road when the winter rains return.

What can drivers do to avoid the wet paint?

Drivers can protect their car from damage by keeping an eye out for striping crews and avoiding lane changes on freshly painted lines.

  • Watch for “wet paint” warning signs and warning trucks, and avoid following too closely.
  • Avoid crossing or driving on freshly painted lines.
  • Do not go around cones or weave in and out of your lane of travel.

What can I do if I get striping paint on my vehicle?

The paint is engineered to last however, it is water-based, drivers may have about one hour to wash it off with soap, water and a high-pressure hose. The sooner it is scrubbed, the easier it will be to remove.

For more information, call Ferndale Public Works at 360-384-4006.

City Statement on the passing of former Mayor Gerald “Jerry” Landcastle

The City is deeply saddened to learn that former Ferndale mayor Jerry Landcastle has passed away earlier this week. Mr. Landcastle served as Ferndale’s mayor from 2003 to 2007. He oversaw the completion of the Centennial Riverwalk park and while Mayor, he did the detailed work updating our city code and financial processes to help us transition from a small rural community to the growing city we are today. He cared deeply about Ferndale and brought that passion to city hall. Never one to mince words, he was a straight shooter and we deeply appreciate his service to our community and as a veteran, his service to our nation.


Councilmember Herb Porter Receives Certificate of Municipal Leadership

Councilmember Herb Porter

Congratulations to Councilmember Herb Porter for completing his Association of Washington Cities Certificate of Municipal Leadership! This course of study provides city elected officials with the knowledge they need to effectively operate within the law, plan for the future, secure and manage funds, and foster community and staff relationships. Bravo! https://wacities.org/events-edu…/cml-program/cml-recognition

Utility Shutoffs Suspended Due to Governor’s Action

Utility Shutoffs Suspended Due to Governor’s Action

In July, the City announced that they were providing increased flexibility for utility customers as shutoffs resumed for the June 30th billing cycle (set to take place on August 19th). Yesterday, Governor Inslee extended a moratorium on utility shutoffs. The City will comply with the Governor’s order and will not proceed with utility shutoffs for the June 30th cycle.

The City strongly encourages utility customers to pay all or some of their utility bill to avoid accumulating a large balance. For utility customers impacted by the pandemic in need of assistance, the Ferndale Community Service Cooperative has established a fund to help with utility bills. For more information on this program, visit their website here: http://ferndalecsc.org/.

Request for Qualifications for Malloy Avenue/Whiskey Creek Culvert Replacement Project



Civil and Structural Engineering Services

The City of Ferndale, Washington solicits interest from consulting firms with expertise in Civil and Structural design for the Malloy Avenue/Whiskey Creek Culvert Replacement Project. Other phases of work may be added to the contract as funding becomes available.

The project will replace a failing culvert located within the 6300 block of Malloy Avenue with a fish passage structure and upgrade the existing roadway to full City roadway standards, including curb, gutter, sidewalk, lighting and accommodation for bicycle facilities within the project limits. Other improvements include extending the City’s existing 12” water main to the northern most project limits, as well as the incorporation of a PSE provided street light system. The City of Ferndale is seeking qualification statements from Professional Engineering firms with experience providing design services, up to and possibly including: pre-design alternatives analysis; roadway, box culvert and/or bridge and structure design; surveying; geotechnical investigation, studies and services; permitting; right of way needs analysis and acquisition services; as well as the creation of plans, specifications and estimates; and construction management, construction engineering and inspection services for the Malloy Avenue/Whiskey Creek Culvert Replacement Project. Design and permitting is expected to be completed in 2021, with construction tentatively planned for summer 2022.

Interested parties are responsible for monitoring the website for information concerning the RFQ and any addenda issued on the project page here.

Questions regarding this Request for Qualifications should be directed to Katy Radder, Public Works Project Manager, (360) 685-2377 or via email at KatyRadder@cityofferndale.org.

The City of Ferndale reserves the sole right to terminate this process, to not award a contract, and to cancel or modify this solicitation process at any time. In no event will the City or any of their respective agents, representatives, consultants, directors, officers, or employees be liable for, or otherwise obligated to reimburse, the costs incurred in preparation of this RFQ, or any related costs. The prospective consultant teams shall wholly absorb all costs incurred in the preparation and presentation of the submittals. The RFQ Submittals will become the property of the City of Ferndale.

Interested firms shall submit a Statement of Qualification that contains the following:

1. Cover Letter.

2. Qualifications:

Outline the qualifications of the firm to perform this work.

Project management, provide an organizational chart of the proposed consulting team and a short resume of all key people listed on the chart.

3. References:

Provide a list of projects that were similar in scope. Project list should include year completed, budget, scope and reference contact.

The Statement of Qualification submittal shall be a maximum of 10 single-sided pages (not including the cover page) and one original and four copies shall be submitted.


All responses shall be made in writing. Responses by FAX will not be accepted. Sealed responses will be received by the Project Manager of the City of Ferndale, Washington up to the hour of 5:00 p.m., Friday, August 21, 2020. Responses delivered later will not be accepted. The City of Ferndale is not responsible for delays in delivery.

All responses to this request that are mailed through the United States Postal Service shall be addressed to the Public Works Project Manager, City of Ferndale, P.O. Box 936, Ferndale, WA 98248. Hand-delivered responses will not be accepted due to ongoing restrictions due to COVID-19. All responses shall be placed in a sealed envelope clearly marked “MALLOY AVENUE/WHISKEY CREEK CULVERT REPLACEMENT PROJECT RFQ”.

The selection process for this project will involve the following three steps:

1. Request for Qualifications.

2. After the City reviews the Statement of Qualifications received, up to three firms will be invited to interview.

3. After the City considers content and material provided as part of the interview process, the City will solicit a request for proposal from the most qualified firm.

This portion of the project does not contain federal funding however future portions of the project may be funded utilizing federal funds. Therefore the project in its entirety will be held to Federal EEO requirements.

The City of Ferndale in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 78 Stat. 252, 42 U.S.C. 2000d to 2000d-4 and Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, Department of Transportation, subtitle A, Office of the Secretary, Part 21, nondiscrimination in federally assisted programs of the Department of Transportation issued pursuant to such Act, hereby notifies all bidders that it will affirmatively ensure that in any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, disadvantaged business enterprises as defined at 49 CFR Part 26 will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, national origin or sex in consideration for an award.

The City of Ferndale reserves the right to cancel this request or reject any and all responses submitted or to waive any minor formalities of this call if the best interest of the City would be served.


July 29 and August 5, 2020

City Statement about Upcoming Black Lives Matter Rally on July 31st

city hall sign

The City is aware of the upcoming youth-led Black Lives Matters rally scheduled for July 31st. The City has not issued a permit for the event as Whatcom County is still in Phase 2 and gatherings over five people are not allowed, however the City has been in communication with the organizers.

For all who choose to participate, whether in support or opposition, the City strongly urges residents to practice social distancing, wear masks, obey all laws and most importantly, peacefully assemble.

“Our students have a civic right, and in my opinion, a responsibility to peacefully raise their voices and advocate for what they believe. As do all of our residents, no matter their beliefs or concerns. Wherever you stand, we are a community of neighbors. Ferndale can all agree to a respectful discourse without ugliness, intimidation or threats,” said Mayor Greg Hansen.

Ferndale Police will be on site to monitor the situation and will take action as necessary to protect the safety of the community and our residents.