Thornton Street Overpass Grand Opening
On Saturday, December 2, 2023, the Thornton Overpass Grand Opening event began with an Open House for guests to have the opportunity to walk the bridge before it opened to traffic, learn about the project from city staff and project partners, and take in the incredible views. Following the ribbon cutting ceremony, a motorcade of city and public transportation vehicles led a motorcade across the bridge, officially opening the overpass to public traffic.
This project will improve and connect Thornton Street, from Malloy Avenue to the roundabout at Portal Way/Second Avenue, via an elevated crossing at the Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF) Railway right of way and tracks.
The new bridge will provide access between Malloy Avenue and the Portal Way roundabout which is anticipated to become a principal route for the majority of Ferndale residents living on the west side of the City.
In addition to the elevated crossing, Thornton Street will be upgraded to full city standards, including curb, gutter, shoulder, sidewalk and new street lighting within the project limits. Plans also include construction of a new stormwater treatment and detention facility, along with various utility upgrades to the water and stormwater systems.
Construction of the project began in April 2020. This includes earthen wall embankments leading up to the overpass needed to clear BNSF’s tracks, roadway and utility improvements, and the bridge structure. Because of the large pre-loading needed to stabilize and compress the soils beneath the embankments leading up to the bridge, the construction phase of the project will stretch across multiple construction seasons to allow sufficient time for the soils to settle and compact. After the settlement period, construction on the bridge structure can begin. The City is anticipating a 3 year construction phase, with completion estimated in 2023. Photos of the project’s progress can be viewed on the City’s facebook page, and by using the links below under “News & Information”.
In 2016, the City was awarded $19,167,000 in grant funding provided through the Connecting Washington (CWA) Program. The State Legislature has earmarked $19,167,000 for this project, spread over multiple biennia as part of the Transportation Budget.
In 2018, the City was selected to receive $2,500,000 from the Washington State Transportation Improvement Board’s Urban Arterial Program. This program is funded from the State’s Motor Vehicle Tax.
Additional funding will be made available via the City’s utility (water, sewer, storm) funds, transportation impact fees, and Transportation Benefit District, as needed.
News & Information
- Project Photo Slideshow
- Thornton Overpass Project Rendering — Created by KPFF
- Project Site Aerial Video Footage — October 14, 2019
- Pre-Design Type, Size & Location Report (Recommends preferred design) — Presented to City Council on March 2, 2015
- Shearer Design Presentation on Design Options– Presented to Council March 21st, 2016
- Reichhardt & Ebe 60% Design Completion – Presented to Council July 17th, 2018
- Thornton Street Overpass Wall Finishes – Presented to Council Feb. 19th, 2019. By general consensus, the City Council asked that the project be put forward as an alternate bid for each of the available options. The summary of the meeting can be found by clicking here. Sculpted shotcrete walls (granite finish) were chosen to be incorporated into the project.
Construction Information
Strider Construction of Bellingham was awarded the construction contract for this project. Work on the project is anticipated to begin in April 2020.
- Construction Plans
- Preliminary Schedule of Work (Excerpt from a power point given at the February 18, 2020, Ferndale City Council Meeting – audio file of the meeting)
Bid Information
- Engineer’s Estimate Range — $16M to $21M
- Pre-Bid Meeting — 1:00PM, Thursday, November 7, 2019
- Bid Opening — 3:30PM, Thursday, December 5, 2019
- Record of Bid Opening (unofficial bid results)
- Bid Tabulation
- Invitation to Bid
- Plan Holder List (updated daily unless no change from previous version)
- Project Specifications
- Project Plans