Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade Project
The City’s National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit requires a facility plan when flows or waste loads entering the WWTP exceed 85% of design criteria. The existing wastewater treatment plant has exceeded 85% of permit loading limits on multiple occasions over the last two years.
With the projected population growth and subsequent increase in influent flows the existing wastewater treatment process will require significant upgrades to meet anticipated water quality standards. Six treatment processes and configurations were evaluated as potential solutions for the Ferndale WWTP.
These process alternatives include:
- Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR)
- Oxidation Ditch
- Extended Aeration
- Conventional Activated Sludge, Bioreactor
- Expansion of Existing DPAL Lagoons
- MBR Treatment
Extended Aeration was determined to be the best solution for the City of Ferndale based on its ability to treat the expected flows and loadings to the anticipated level of treatment necessary for discharge to the Nooksack River, as well as its low capital and operations costs and the layout of existing facilities.
News & Information
- Ferndale Wastewater Treatment Plant Facilities Plan (Updated August 2016)
- Presentation by Wilson Engineering at July 17th, 2017 Council Meeting
Bid Information
Note to bidders: Bids will only be accepted from Bidders who are listed on the plan holder list. If you download plans and specifications from this website, please email Public-Works@cityofferndale.org to be added to the plan holder list. Plans and specifications are also available for purchase at Ferndale City Hall, located at 2095 Main Street for $50 per set, non-refundable. Please call Ferndale Public Works at (360) 384-4006 with questions regarding plan downloads.
- Engineer’s Estimate Range — $27,353,000
- Pre-Bid Meeting — 1:00PM, Monday, December 9th, 2019
- Invitation to Bid
- Bid Opening Scheduled for Wednesday, January 8th, 2020 at 11:00am at Ferndale City Hall.
- Certified Bid Tabulation
- Plan Holder List
- ADDENDA (failure to acknowledge receipt of addenda at time of bid may result in bid rejection)
- Project Specifications
- Project Plans