Washington Street, Main Street to Vista Drive Project
This project will widen and improve Washington Street from Main Street to Vista Drive to include new 5’ wide sidewalks, curbs, gutters, shoulders for bicycle use, an improved bus pullout, and 11’ wide travel lanes for vehicles.
As part of the project, the City’s existing and aging utilities, including water, sewer and stormwater, will be replaced or improved.
Construction of this project is possible thanks to a $733,933 grant award from the Washington State Transportation Improvement Board’s Urban Arterial Program, as well as the City’s Transportation Benefit District and utility funds. Construction will get underway in Spring 2018.
News and Information
- Advertisement for Bids – Washington Street Improvement Project
- Washington Street (Main Street to Vista Drive) Closed to Through Traffic Starting Monday, April 30th
Bid Process
Note to bidders: Bids will only be accepted from Bidders who are listed on the planholders’ list. If you download plans and specifications from this website, please email Public-Works@cityofferndale.org to be added to the planholders’ list. Plans and specifications are also available for purchase ($50 per set, non-refundable).
File Size note: Plans and specifications files are very large. Save a copy to your computer by right clicking the file and choose “Save As”.
- Engineer’s Estimate Range: $1.5 to $1.9M
- Pre-Bid Meeting:
- 2:00PM, Wednesday, February 28, 2018
- Bid Opening:
- 2:00PM Wednesday, March 7, 2018, in the City’s Conference Room, located at 2095 Main St., Ferndale, WA 98248
- Invitation to Bid
- Planholders’ List (Updated daily unless no change from previous version)
- Project Specifications
- Project Plans:
- ADDENDUM No. 1 – Issued 2/23/18
- Pre-bid Sign In Sheet
- ADDENDUM No. 2 – Issued 3/02/18
- Record of Bid Opening – These are bid results only, and the bid tabulation will be posted separately once available.
- Certified Bid Tabulation