City Council Agenda Follow-Up
March 4, 2019
Councilmember G. Hansen moved, and
Councilmember Taylor seconded, to approve the consent agenda. MOTION CARRIED 7-0.
ORDINANCE: Development Standards
Modification/Land Disturbance
currently written, Chapter 19.65 of the Ferndale Municipal Code requires a
permit for the removal of vegetation greater than six inches in diameter that
cannot be completed exclusively with hand tools. The proposed revisions
remove this language and allow an exemption for the removal of up to four
trees per year on private, residential lots. Removal of trees and/or
vegetation in or near probable critical areas will still require permitting.
proposed changes include updating the definitions of “clearing” and “land
disturbing activities”, updating activity thresholds, amending fill placement
and testing requirements, and updating setbacks language.
Councilmember Kennedy moved, and
Councilmember Watson seconded, to approve the agenda bill. MOTION CARRIED
APPROVAL: Shop Well #2 Pilot Study
2013 a Reverse Osmosis (RO) Pilot test was completed at the City’s Water
Treatment Plant to obtain approval from the Washington Department of Health
for the City’s current treatment system. The City’s current well water
treatment system provides a blended mix of about 40% water treated to removed
manganese and 60% treated by RO to remove hardness. The new treatment system
will be revised to 100% RO treatment. Because the treated product is far too
soft to be usable, a remineralization step will be added. This consists of
injecting carbon dioxide to temporarily acidify the water. The RO finished
water is then percolated through a calcite filter to dissolve calcium and
carbonate to achieve a proper balance between softness and hardness.
pilot study will be at the Shop Well #2 location. The primary objective of
the pilot study is to evaluate the performance of the treatment system for
removing TDS, optimizing the RO system recovery rate, re-mineralizing
finished water and to refine full scale treatment design criteria.
Councilmember Watson moved, and
Councilmember Taylor seconded, to approve the agenda bill. MOTION CARRIED 7-0.
RESOLUTION: Department of Ecology
State Revolving Fund Loan/WWTP
City is required to expand the capacity of the Wastewater Treatment Plant,
(WWTP) and construction is anticipated to begin in 2019. The total cost of
the project is currently estimated at $25 million. The $14,542,784 State
Revolving Fund Loan with the Washington State Department of Ecology would partially
fund the project. It provides a very low interest rate of 2%. Approval of the
authorizing resolution will formalize the loan. Project design,
administration, and management work that has occurred thus far can be billed
against the loan. The loan has a funding expiration date of April 30, 2023,
and repayment is not required to begin until one year after project
completion or initiation of operation.
Councilmember Taylor moved, and
Councilmember Kennedy seconded, to approve the agenda bill. MOTION CARRIED
DISCUSSION: Public Notification
recent zoning text amendment included a proposed change to the Mixed-Use
Commercial zone, proposing a density limit of twenty dwelling units per gross
acre. A property owner with a pending application in that zone expressed
concern about not having received a mailed notice related to the Public
Hearing held by the Planning Commission on this matter. The Planning
Commission recommended approval of the text change and forwarded it to the
City Council for consideration. Because the property owner was concerned with
the noticing procedure that took place, staff brought the proposed text
amendment to the Planning and Land Use committee as a discussion item only.
The committee placed the Mixed-Use Commercial text amendment on hold and
directed staff to bring forward a summary of noticing procedures for review.
After discussion with the full Council about the different types of
notifications, the item was referred back to the Planning & Land Use
Committee. The committee recommended that direct mailings be provided to
property owners if the text change is considered substantial or material.
Examples of substantial or material changes are included related to changes
in uses and/or densities. The committee also recommended property owners
within 300 feet be notified for rezones or substantial text amendments during
the Notice of Application phase only.
Councilmember Taylor moved, and
Councilmember G. Hansen seconded, to approve the agenda bill. MOTION CARRIED
RESOLUTION: Council Rules of Procedure
review and/or revision to the Council Rules of Procedure provides an
opportunity for Council and staff to become more familiar with the rules to
ensure that the established procedures are being followed, and also to ensure
compliance with state law. Careful review and revision of the rules has
eliminated the areas in which there were contradictions as well as
eliminating out-of-date language. The rules as proposed rely heavily on the
Revised Code of Washington, Roberts Rules of Order, and best practices as
recommended by registered Parliamentarian Ann MacFarlane.
Councilmember K. Hansen moved, and
Councilmember Kennedy seconded, to approve the agenda bill. MOTION CARRIED
meeting was adjourned at 6:55 p.m.