Senior Citizens on Patrol Enhancement (SCOPE)
It’s been nearly 20 years since the inception of the Ferndale Police Department’s Senior Citizens on Patrol Enhancement (SCOPE) program, and we still have one of the dedicated, original volunteers working with us! These men and women are valuable members of the Department, patrolling parking lots for disabled parking violators, performing security checks on vacant homes, operating the radar reader board, and assisting with traffic control and community outreach during special events.
SCOPE volunteers must be between the ages of 55 to 70 and able to volunteer for one shift per week for at least nine months of the year. They must have a valid driver’s license, be willing to be involved in training (initially 12 to 16 hours), have the abilities to perform assigned duties, and pass a fingerprint background check. They are supplied with uniforms, badges and ID cards, but must supply their own black belt and shoes.
If you’re interested in becoming a SCOPE officer, contact the Ferndale Police Department at contact@ferndalepd.org or 360-384-3390.

Auxiliary Communications Service
Ferndale’s Auxiliary Communications Service is a group of amateur radio operators who provide communication support to the Ferndale Emergency Operations Center and the Ferndale Police Department Communications Van.
ACS is part of the Ferndale Emergency Resource Network (FERN) which is a consortium of emergency response volunteers who meet monthly to ensure Ferndale is prepared for any emergency or natural disaster. Also included in the FERN group is the Ferndale Community Emergency Response Team (CERT), Ferndale School District, Northwest Washington American Red Cross, the Whatcom County Volunteer Mobilization Center, and the Whatcom Unified Emergency Coordination Center.
If you hold an FCC Amateur Radio License (Technician, General, or Extra) and are interested in becoming an ACS volunteer, please email ferndaleacs@cityofferndale.org to request an application.
The Ferndale ACS meets the first Saturday of every month at 9 AM in the Emergency Operations Center at the Ferndale Police Department, 2200 Main St. You can follow their activity on their facebook page by clicking here, and you can download the volunteer application by clicking here.

Support Services
At times, during staffing shortages or special projects, we use volunteers in the office. If this interests you, and you have a clerical background, are over 18 years of age and can pass a fingerprint background check, stop by for an application or contact Support Services Department for more information at 360-384-3390 ext. 0.