Every five (5) years, Whatcom County submits a Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan (NHMP) for review and approval by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). It is time to update the plan and submit it to FEMA once again. We are using the 2016 plan as the basis to create the 2021 plan.
The purpose of an NHMP is to identify the types of natural hazards that impact a jurisdiction, assess each jurisdiction’s vulnerability to those hazards, and formulate mitigation strategies that will lessen the severity of natural disasters by protecting human life and property. Plans must be reviewed and updated to remain active. This process is very important and allows Whatcom County to receive Federal funding for mitigation and pre-disaster projects to lessen the impact of disasters when they do happen.
FEMA reviews Whatcom County’s plan for accuracy and mitigation measures being considered, underway, or already completed. An updated Whatcom County plan is due to be submitted to FEMA in 2021.
Click here to access the County plan and provide feedback.