City Hall Open to the Public Tuesday/Thursday 10AM-2PM

City Hall is reopening to the public! We will be open from 10:00AM-2:00PM on Tuesdays and Thursdays going forward, with the goal of being fully reopen for business hours by the end of June.

If you haven’t been fully vaccinated, please wear a face mask for your safety and the safety of our employees. Thank you!

Malloy Avenue at Thornton Street to close starting Tuesday, April 6th

Malloy Avenue will be closed to all traffic at Thornton Street starting Tuesday, April 6, 2021.  The intersection of Malloy and Thornton will be closed to north and south bound traffic for a period up to 6 weeks.  During the closure, northbound traffic will be detoured from Malloy Avenue at Seamount Drive and directed onto Vista Drive (truck traffic will be detoured onto Vista Drive at the roundabout).  Southbound traffic will be detoured from Malloy Avenue at Aldergrove Road and onto Vista Drive.  East and westbound traffic on Thornton Street will be flagged through the work area, but will not be permitted to turn onto Malloy Avenue during the closure.  Details are shown on the attached.

This closure is necessary to allow construction crews to complete utility replacement and upgrades for the Thornton Overpass project.  For more information about this project, visit our website at

If you have questions regarding the closure, please contact the Ferndale Public Works Department at (360) 384-4006 or

County Seeks Feedback on Hazards Mitigation Plan

Every five (5) years, Whatcom County submits a Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan (NHMP) for review and approval by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). It is time to update the plan and submit it to FEMA once again. We are using the 2016 plan as the basis to create the 2021 plan.

The purpose of an NHMP is to identify the types of natural hazards that impact a jurisdiction, assess each jurisdiction’s vulnerability to those hazards, and formulate mitigation strategies that will lessen the severity of natural disasters by protecting human life and property. Plans must be reviewed and updated to remain active. This process is very important and allows Whatcom County to receive Federal funding for mitigation and pre-disaster projects to lessen the impact of disasters when they do happen.

FEMA reviews Whatcom County’s plan for accuracy and mitigation measures being considered, underway, or already completed. An updated Whatcom County plan is due to be submitted to FEMA in 2021.

Click here to access the County plan and provide feedback.