Ferndale Police Seek Public’s Help Identifying Burglary Suspects

Burglary Suspects (more pictures below)

Ferndale Police Seek Public’s Help Identifying Burglary Suspects

On 10/27/2020, Officers from the Ferndale Police Department, Deputies from the Whatcom County Sheriff’s Office and Officers from Bellingham Police Department responded to two attempted burglaries of a marijuana retail store in the 6100 block of Portal Way.

During both events, two males who appear to be Caucasian attempted to kick in the door of the marijuana retail store. The first incident occurred at approximately 00:51 hours on 10/27/2020.  WCSO deputies responded with a K-9 but a track was unsuccessful.  The suspects were not able to make entry but caused significant damage to the door and door frame.  The store owner responded and repaired the door.

At approximately 04:55 hours the two subjects returned and again attempted to kick down the door to make entry. They were unsuccessful for a second time and fled on foot out of camera view.  Bellingham officers responded with a K-9 but a track was again unsuccessful.

Ferndale Police Department is seeking help from citizens in identifying the two would-be burglars. 

Still shots from video surveillance of the two subjects have been provided by the store owner.  One suspect was wearing what is believed to be a muted Chicago Bulls hat and a Seattle Seahawks drawstring backpack.  He is also wearing a hooded sweatshirt with a unique logo on the front. The second suspect is wearing a red drawstring backpack and a Nike Air fanny pack.

If you have any information to assist in identifying either of these suspects, please contact Officer Brown at (360) 483-5731 or via email at sbrown@ferndalepd.org.

Ferndale Police Set to Begin Processing Concealed Pistol Licenses

SIG Pro with ammo

The Ferndale Police Department will begin processing and issuing concealed pistol licenses starting Oct. 26th, 2020. Due to the pandemic limiting the ability to take fingerprints, applications had been suspended however thanks to a local private fingerprint processer, the department is once again able to process and issue licenses.

Full details, including instructions, fees and the application are available on our website here. For questions, please call the Ferndale Police Department at (360) 384-3390.

Ferndale Robbery Suspects Arrested

Ferndale Robbery Suspects Arrested

Ramadmi Rashid (04/29/1989) and Jeana Hall (08/07/1992) were arrested in the early hours of October 20, 2020 on charges of robbery in the first degree. A third, unknown suspect is still at large.  Ramadmi Rashid is also suspected to be involved in a separate robbery which occurred earlier on October 19, 2020 in the City of Bellingham. 

Witness accounts and video evidence show Ramandi Rashid and an unknown male suspect arrived at a commercial business located in the 6000 block of Portal Way at approximately 10 pm on October 19, 2020. The two suspects made small purchases, came in-and-out of the business several times, and stayed in the parking lot area until almost 11 pm. That is the normal closing time for the business.

The unknown suspect reentered the business and pointed a handgun at an employee. The employee gave the suspect the money from the cash drawer.  Witness accounts and video evidence show the unknown suspect and Ramadmi Rashid fleeing from the business on foot. 

A short time later, a Whatcom County Deputy Sheriff located a subject driving a vehicle in the area of this robbery. The driver of the vehicle matched the descriptions of the unknown suspect from this incident. That driver failed to yield when the Deputy tried to stop the car which led to a vehicle pursuit.  Deputies were able to get the vehicle stopped, at which time three subjects fled from the car.

Bellingham Police Department K-9 Officers assisted with tracking and apprehending Ramadmi Rashid and Jeana Hall.  When contacted Jenna Hall had a significant amount of money stuffed into her clothing and had dropped money as she fled from the suspect vehicle. 

Based on the fact that Ramadmi Rashid participated in the robbery by acting as a distraction and a lookout, as well as fleeing with the unknown suspect, probable cause existed to arrest him for robbery in the first degree. 

Based on the fact that Jeana Hall fled with the suspects of this incident that she attempted to flee from a vehicle stopped by law enforcement with large amounts of money hidden in her clothing, believed to be stolen from this incident, probable cause existed to arrest her for robbery in the first degree.

Both subjects were booked into Whatcom County Jail.  

Drug Take Back Day Scheduled with Ferndale Police Oct. 24th, 10am-2pm

Too often, unused prescription drugs find their way into the wrong hands. That’s dangerous and often tragic. That’s why the DEA and the Ferndale Police Department are asking residents to clean out their medicine cabinets and turn in – safely and anonymously – their unused prescription drugs.

Stop by the Ferndale Police Department (2220 Main Street) on Saturday Oct. 24th from 10am-2pm to dispose of any leftover prescription or over-the-counter medication.

COVID-19 safety protocols will be in place so please observe social distancing and wear a mask. Medication is welcome however we will not be accepting IV solutions, injectibles, syringes, inhalers, vape devices (with batteries that cannot be removed), or medical waste.

Please remove any identifying information from the label or use a permanent marker to black out that information prior to disposal.

Participation helps prevent a tragedy – for more information, please call the Ferndale Police Station at 360-384-3390.

City Statement about Upcoming Black Lives Matter Rally on July 31st

city hall sign

The City is aware of the upcoming youth-led Black Lives Matters rally scheduled for July 31st. The City has not issued a permit for the event as Whatcom County is still in Phase 2 and gatherings over five people are not allowed, however the City has been in communication with the organizers.

For all who choose to participate, whether in support or opposition, the City strongly urges residents to practice social distancing, wear masks, obey all laws and most importantly, peacefully assemble.

“Our students have a civic right, and in my opinion, a responsibility to peacefully raise their voices and advocate for what they believe. As do all of our residents, no matter their beliefs or concerns. Wherever you stand, we are a community of neighbors. Ferndale can all agree to a respectful discourse without ugliness, intimidation or threats,” said Mayor Greg Hansen.

Ferndale Police will be on site to monitor the situation and will take action as necessary to protect the safety of the community and our residents.

Phone Scam Targets Whatcom Residents

SCAM ALERT: Someone is calling Whatcom residents and posing as the Ferndale Police Department. They insist the victim has a warrant out for their arrest and require that the victim send in gift cards in large amounts to resolve the issue.

If you receive one of these calls, please hang up and call 911 to report it. Never give out personal or financial information over the phone to an unknown caller, even if they claim that they are the Ferndale Police.

Ferndale Municipal Court to Resume May 29th

Ferndale Municipal Court to Resume May 29th

Starting May 29th, the Ferndale Municipal Court will hold court for the first time since Gov. Inslee’s “Stay Home, Stay Healthy” order went into effect. New sanitization and social distancing protocols will be in effect and participants will be required to wear a face covering. Those who arrive without face coverings will be provided one by the court.

“Justice is an essential function and I am relieved to be able to resume this important work,” said Judge Mark Kaiman. “We will be taking the steps necessary to move forward in a safe and responsible way.” Ferndale Municipal Court deals with cases relating to non-traffic and traffic infractions, criminal misdemeanors and gross misdemeanors.

Ferndale Municipal Court is held on Friday mornings at the City Annex, located at 5694 Second Ave, Ferndale.

Hearings that were scheduled for March 20th through April 24th are being rescheduled in the order they were originally received. For questions about a specific hearing, please contact the Court Clerk at 360.384.2827, or by email at info@ferndalecourts.org.

New Ferndale Police Officer Sworn in

Even during a pandemic, there is plenty to celebrate. Today. the City swore in our newest Ferndale Police officer, Jeremy Freeman. He joins us from the Lynden Police Department and we are proud to have him on the team.

Ferndale Police’s Role in “Stay Home, Stay Healthy” Order

In response to the Governor’s recent Stay Home, Stay Healthy order, the role of the Ferndale Police Department is to help educate people.  We are not being asked to detain, arrest, ticket or establish checkpoints for compliance.  Rumors of strict law enforcement or “martial law” are not true.

Instead, our role is educating residents on how to keep themselves safe, how to keep their families safe and most importantly, to keep the rest of the community safe, especially our vulnerable populations.

We understand some people need to carry out essential services, especially those working in health care, transportation, communications, energy, safety and security and providing food, water and shelter.

We know that Ferndale understands the severity of the situation and everyone is doing all they can already to keep themselves, their families and neighbors safe and healthy.

When officers encounter people not complying with an order, we will remind them, as appropriate, of the recommendation and restrictions. No law enforcement agencies have any desire to make any arrests or take anybody to jail for violations of the stay at home order. Rumors of individuals or businesses needing “passes” or “licenses” to conduct essential services are not true.

Rest assured we will continue to serve you every minute of every day and we will always enforce the laws that keep people safe.

– Ferndale Police Department

“Stronger Community Together”