Basic Emergency Preparedness Workshop Jan. 17th, 6pm

Basic Emergency Preparedness Workshop

Empower yourself and your family. Join us to learn more about what supplies and resources to have on hand when a natural or human-made disaster occurs. All are welcome. Light refreshments provided.

Ferndale Community Emergency Response Team (CERT)

Date: Thursday, January 17, 2019

Time: 6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.

Location: Meeting Room, 

                 Ferndale Library

                 2125 Main Street

Hosted by Ferndale Community Emergency Response Team (CERT). Ferndale CERT is one of the member organizations of the FERN and working with the Ferndale Police Department. For more information, please email Gayland Gump by clicking here

Auxillary Communications Service to Visit Ferndale Schools

In 2019, the Ferndale Auxiliary Communications Service (ACS) will be bringing the communications van out to Ferndale Schools.

The purpose of these stops will be to conduct a radio net designed by the Ferndale ACS (FACS) for the District’s radio operators. An added bonus of visiting will be to get to know the staff and offer small tours of the communications to staff as well as students. For more on this, FACS events, exercises and information please follow their Facebook page.

December 2018
18th – Maintenance, Transportation & Dispatch

January 2019
8th – Ferndale High School
22nd – Horizon Middle School

February 2019
5th – Vista Middle School
19th – Cascadia Elementary School

March 2019
5th – Central Elementary School
19th – Custer Elementary School

April 2019
9th – Eagleridge Elementary School
23rd – Skyline Elementary School

May 2019
7th – FSD Main Office
21st – North Bellingham Learning Center

Ferndale’s Auxiliary Communications Service is a group of amateur radio operators who provide communication support to the Ferndale Emergency Operations Center and the Ferndale Police Department Communications Van.

ACS is part of the Ferndale Emergency Resource Network (FERN) which is a consortium of emergency response volunteers who meet monthly to ensure Ferndale is prepared for any emergency or natural disaster. Also included in the FERN group is the Ferndale Community Emergency Response Team (CERT), Ferndale School District, Northwest Washington American Red Cross, the Whatcom County Volunteer Mobilization Center, and the Whatcom Unified Emergency Coordination Center.

If you hold an FCC Amateur Radio License (Technician, General, or Extra) and are interested in becoming an ACS volunteer, please email to request an application.

The Ferndale ACS meets the third Sunday of every month at 3 PM in the Emergency Operations Center at the Ferndale Police Department, 2200 Main St.

Police Urge Witnesses to Come Forward in McDonalds Robbery

Police Urge Witnesses to Come Forward in McDonalds Robbery

Ferndale Police are releasing video footage of a suspect (see above) in the Dec. 9th robbery at the Ferndale McDonalds location. The video shows the suspect entering and exiting the restaurant.

The suspect is reported to be a light skinned male, approximately 6 ft 2 inches to 6 ft 4 inches, wearing a dark colored jacket over a dark colored hoodie, dark colored pants and brown boots.

At this time, there are persons of interest with this case, including a potential driver and passenger in the suspect’s car during the time of the robbery.

“Whether they were aware of what was going on or not, we urge the other witnesses in this case to come forward and speak to us,” said Detective Pike. “Beyond those persons of interest, we also encourage anyone who can identify the suspect to get in touch.”

Ferndale Police is also requesting customers who utilized the drive through between 5:00 am and 5:30 am on the day of the incident to call Ferndale Police Department.

Detective Pike can be reached at 360-483-5725 or .

Ferndale Police Seek Suspect in Propane Tank Theft

In the early morning hours of Dec. 10th, a propane tank was stolen from a resident on the 5600 block of Second Avenue. The Ferndale Police are asking the public to help identify the suspect captured on the victim’s security camera. If you have any information about this theft or can shed some light as to the suspect’s identity, please call Detective Pike at (360) 483-5725. Thank you!

Ferndale Police Seek Suspect in McDonalds Robbery

On 12/09/2018 at about 5:19 AM, Ferndale Police responded to a robbery at the Ferndale McDonalds, 1688 Main Street.  Employee’s reported that a younger looking white male, about 6’ 4” tall, 250 lbs, wearing a black jacket over a black or dark blue hoody, dark blue jeans and brown boots, came in to the restaurant just after opening.  The suspect implied that he had a gun and made his way to the back of the restaurant.

The suspect took cash from the tills before fleeing on foot westbound towards the Ferndale Events Center.

Deputies from the Whatcom County Sheriff’s Office, along with Troopers from the Washington State Patrol, assisted with a K-9 track for the suspect, however the suspect was not located.

Ferndale Police are continuing to investigate and ask the public to contact Detective Pike at 360-483-5725 or with any information.

Mark Kaiman Sworn In as new Ferndale Municipal Court Judge

Last night, attorney Mark Kaiman was sworn in as Ferndale’s new Municipal Court Judge. Kaiman served as a Judge Pro Tempore in Whatcom County District Court for the last four years. In addition to his judicial experience, Kaiman has been a deputy prosecutor in, and is currently in private practice as a military and criminal defense attorney.
“Sitting in judgment of others is a great responsibility. I am honored that the city of Ferndale has entrusted me with this task and allowed me to answer the call to public service,” said Kaiman.

Ferndale Police, School District to Hold Emergency Communication Exercise “CRIMSON RAM”

Ferndale Police, School District to Hold Emergency Communication Exercise “CRIMSON RAM”

Graphic - image of Crimson Ram

Ferndale Police, School District to Hold Emergency Communication Exercise “CRIMSON RAM”

The Ferndale School District is readying to join partners for an exercise in Emergency Communication. The exercise, deemed “Crimson Ram” by participating agencies will be conducted cooperatively by the Ferndale School District Safety Advisory Committee, Whatcom Country Sheriffs’ Office Division of Emergency Management, Whatcom Fire District 7, Ferndale Auxiliary Communication Service, and the Ferndale Police Department.


Community members can expect to see a large communication van and several additional emergency response vehicles:


Date: Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Time: 9:00 AM – 11:30 AM

Location: Ferndale High School

According to organizers, the exercise has three primary objectives:

  1. Build relationships and communication capacity between partner agencies so that if an actual emergency event occurs we can work together efficiently and effectively
  2. Test the effectiveness and capacity of the Ferndale School District’s Incident Command System.
  3. Practice activating the Public Information Officers response team that is part of Whatcom County Emergency Management        

Felony Suspect Arrested on Main Street after Vehicle Pursuit

From the Ferndale Police Department

On 10/26/2018 at approximately 1520 hours, Officers were dispatched to an AM/PM convenience store at 6890 Grandview Road for a report of a male masturbating in his vehicle in the parking lot. The reported license plate did not match the described vehicle.

Officers arrived and located the vehicle described and observed the man still exposing himself. Officers contacted the suspect who refused to open the door and exit the vehicle. The suspect then started his vehicle and attempted to flee from the officers, ignoring commands to stop. Officers began to pursue the vehicle as it traveled east bound on Grandview Road, turning southbound onto I-5.

Additional officers attempted to use spike strips at Ferndale Main Street on I-5 however, the subject slowed and drove onto the median to avoid the spike strips. As the subject continued south on I-5, an Officer behind the subject used a PIT maneuver to try and stop the subject.

The subject’s truck spun however, and the subject used his truck to ram multiple police vehicles while trying to get away. The subject rammed and pushed police vehicles with his truck until he was able to continue to flee, continuing south on I-5 continuing to endanger the public and Officers.

Another Officer used a PIT maneuver again in an attempt to stop the subject. The subject again rammed and pushed police vehicles until he was able to continue to flee, this time disabling a police vehicle by pushing it into a ditch with his truck.

The subject then drove north in the southbound lanes, fortunately traffic had been stopped. The subject drove the wrong way on the Ferndale Main Street I-5 on-ramp, against traffic, and traveled East on Main Street. Officers were then able to make another PIT attempt, the subject’s truck spun around and he was then blocked in with three police vehicles. The subject continued to try and ram through the police vehicles as officers broke out his window and were able to secure the subject and take him into custody.

The subject was identified as Ronald A. Worthen (08/13/1965). No officers were injured in the pursuit or arrest.

Mr. Worthen was later booked into the Whatcom County Jail on the following charges:

  • Attempting to Elude a Police vehicle
  • Assault 3rd x4
  • Hit and run x4
  • Driving while license suspended 3rd
  • Indecent exposure

And three unrelated warrants from other jurisdictions.

This case is still under investigation, additional information and/or charges may follow.

Update on Alleged Threat to Ferndale High School (10/24/18)

From the Ferndale Police Department

Working with the school district, we have learned that the origin of the alleged threat was an overheard conversation in a local store. With the help of the store manager, we identified the two students who were having the conversation. They were subsequently questioned by our officers. The two students independently verified that they had been in the store talking about the threat that surfaced at FHS on Monday of this week. Their conversation was not about a new threat.

The good news is that our community is working together to report anything they believe is suspicious in order to ensure the safety of students, staff, and families.

Thank you for your patience. We take every threat seriously and always take every precaution. This morning we worked hand-in-hand with our Ferndale Schools and the incident has been successfully resolved.